question for dual posters

  • Thread starter Thread starter Billivy
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to those of you guys that post in the nba forum at covers...

i think this forum is already 10 times better (better discussion, more mature, better cappers)...

who here would stop posting all together @ covers with me to try and get all the stronger cappers left from that site (wildcatmatt, brewers, tightwad, etc etc...) over here for good?
Well I hardly post anymore son. Cant help but see all the unnecessary drama. Some people bet games to make the games more fun (i do for the money), Some people bash cappers to make posting fun for them. Well fuck that. Its true this site is very good now the way the discussions are about the games and not about some petty shit of someone bashing somebody. And no threads saying I dont like shit on the card or threads saying Im the best capper and won this much congratulate me. But covers was like that for a long time too. After a while as more and more people got on it, more and more of the immature shit came in.
do what you will, but the whole blaze of glory exit from covers is getting kind of tired, and I think it reflects somewhat poorly on ctg.

I pretty much only post in the pbox because at least in there I can react to jackassery semi-apporpriately...

my opinion...put ctg in your profile, post your record and plays in the nba forum, and then ignore your thread. don't respond to questions, don't get into pissing matches, and let anyone say whatever they want.....

then when folk wonder why you're ignoring them, perhaps they check your profile........

but don't go post about how much better ctg is over's been done many many times, and it'll be one less popular poster over that could have otherwise passively advertized for ctg.

...........that's just my opinion.

agree with that redbearde. Now when I visit forums usually im just in and out. i dont post often no more. Just check for opinions and shit and try to contribute if I can give my 2 cents with some value. I think we should not try and connect CTG with covers.
I was pissed at all the drama because it fucks up the productivity of cappers. But maybe entertaining that shit just adds fuel to the fire. Just ignore them haters and let the fire burn itself out.

I can tell you that anyone will be banned immediately if they bash or anything of that nature, we don't have a penalty box, nor do we want one. If people are here to cause trouble they get a warning then they do it again they are prety much gone.

good thoughts RB and I agree.
Thats good brother. But right now there are only so many of us at CTG when it gets to covers-like numbers then it'll be a bit harder. But I guess thats why people can PM yall for shit starters.
I like that i dea huntdog, I like this forum and i don't want to see it go down or get conaminated. lets just stay focused on what we do and make these bookmakers hate us.
I would have to agree with redbearde on this.

Btw, Are the members of this site screened first?
Members are not screened DUY

Everyone starts with a clean slate no matter what they have done at other sites
i havent made mention to ctg once on's my posted url...however i was considering leavin for good to try to get some of the better posters over guys think it's a better idea to stay @ covers, post plays..and simply passivly advertise for ctg? interesting...i will probably just do that then
..........why do you think I post in the pbox.?...well, other than for kicks, of course.

Here's the thing if you 'recruit' from Covers you make them say or feel like they have something you need. All solid cappers are welcome and to a degree needed. By asking them for something it allows them to believe they have something you dont and cant create. Most of us got started at covers and despite what people believe its never been so childish IMO...

As I said in the other General Discussion thread there is a reason why the posters migrate here......let them decide when to do it....

By opening your mouth you just make yourself a target for criticism. Its amazing how I went nearly 3 years at covers w/o any hiccups and I now have a basher....still only 1 is pretty solid......

My feeling is do your thing. If your true goal is to get your opinion out there cause you have conviction on your plays continue to post. People find you helpful they will read . If your gonna just post over there to draw attention for people to come here......AWFUL seems you should just either post your plays with thoughts and not particpate or leave all together. Even by posting there I think at this point it may seem fake...

I decided it wasnt for me and walked away with no problems...

Just make a decision on your own ....

By doing what you are thinking about you put CTG in the middle for no reason and in a situation they dont care to be in......
SportsNut said:
Here's the thing if you 'recruit' from Covers you make them say or feel like they have something you need. All solid cappers are welcome and to a degree needed. By asking them for something it allows them to believe they have something you dont and cant create. Most of us got started at covers and despite what people believe its never been so childish IMO...

As I said in the other General Discussion thread there is a reason why the posters migrate here......let them decide when to do it....

By opening your mouth you just make yourself a target for criticism. Its amazing how I went nearly 3 years at covers w/o any hiccups and I now have a basher....still only 1 is pretty solid......

My feeling is do your thing. If your true goal is to get your opinion out there cause you have conviction on your plays continue to post. People find you helpful they will read . If your gonna just post over there to draw attention for people to come here......AWFUL seems you should just either post your plays with thoughts and not particpate or leave all together. Even by posting there I think at this point it may seem fake...

I decided it wasnt for me and walked away with no problems...

Just make a decision on your own ....

By doing what you are thinking about you put CTG in the middle for no reason and in a situation they dont care to be in......

Very good point.:shake:

we have enough solid cappers at CTG to exchange ideas, angles, and trends to kick the book's ass. I really like this Web at this point. Things turn to shit once many immature people joined the site. I am very curious about covers because it seems like Vegas had some sort of involvement with that Web site. "They" shoosshh all the the solid cappers from that site because those solid cappers make a killing of the book. Case and point, MR.Bator is a solid capper got chased away! If anyone who was paging for him his thread get deleted. C-gold, another solid capper, also got kicked out for undisclosed reasons! iampeterose, a solid and controversal capper for the last 3/4 yr, disappeared all of the sudden this past couple months. I am monitoring the hottest capper at covers right now is robertofiori. I want to see how long he's gonna be there before getting kicked out of covers. Now that is the guy that I would like to recruite to CTG, hands down, a solid capper!

anyone know story about those cappers?