***Pre NYD Bowl All Football In-Game***

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I really hope this is not true

  • The_Real_Fly@The_Real_Fly <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 20s21 seconds ago</small>
    I have family in NYPD. They just sent me this from an officers Facebook page

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The_Real_Fly@The_Real_Fly <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 2m2 minutes ago</small>
Cops are posting this on Facebook

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Anyone around for thoughts on the Miami Beach Bowl. Ironic name seeing how Marlins park isn't on the beach, but whatever.

Lean memphis amd maybe under
The official Memphis hotel is the Fountaineblu , which is a huge party spot. Don't know if team is staying there or not.
[TABLE="class: rgMasterTable MasterTable"]
<tbody>[TR="class: rgRow"]
[TD="align: right"] 12/22

02:00 PM
[TD] 211 - BYU

212 - Memphis (N)
[TD="align: center"]
[TD="align: right"] +1 -110
-1 -102 [/TD]
[TD="align: right"] -1 -102
+1 -110[/TD]

That's the SI numbers fyi, I like under I think, might wait til halftime.
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