***Pre NYD Bowl All Football In-Game***

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:rofl: that was hilarious. Saying he should get 5 mins to get better. He didnt agree, he just nodded not understanding a word the ref was saying
Thing is I saw several occasions where BGSU offense looked a lot faster than the USA defense, not just once or twice

I'm not sure how much faster one team is than the other
USA is the faster and more athletic team, but QB has been an issue all season. The problem is Matt Floyd really isn't much better and Hunter Vaughn really isn't ready IMO. I think the other problem is working in a new offensive coordinator with the last 10 days. I seriously doubt they've had time to get any of the backups ready. I think they'll go all in on Bridge.

I see what you are saying. They better try more zone read 2h then
Dont know just got a Score Update. I guess there was a collision. Hopefully Teed shows up and he can tell us

wasnt a big hit, it was weird, he went to the bench, looked like air was out of him, bent over and then went down

he was right back up though and walked back to room

hallway is locked down and ambo is right outside the room, so no update yet
Some Bowling Green fan pelted the side judge with an object apparently and got him in the leg

Stay classy you fucks
I hope South Alabama gets taken to the woodshed, they are fucking stupid, awful, slow and absolutely mesmerized

BY A MAC team
worst zone read ever

Either way would have gained at least 5 yards but alas the QB fucking sucks

And yes JimmyFreak...USA does suck. A team is only as good as the sum of their parts and their QB is one fucking shitty big ass part
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