***Pre NYD Bowl All Football In-Game***

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I don't like the coordinator du jour hires. I like the coach poach hires. Florida stepped up.
Really. Like the insider info

He never really gives me "inside" info, but he's usually pretty honest with me about the team's chances. He's on the defensive side of the ball, so his opinion usually is based on how he feels about them stopping the opposing offense.
Yea I'm in a weird one. In 2 fantasy superbowls, maclin on one team and going against in the other
Downtown Josh Brown@ReformedBroker <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 2m2 minutes ago</small>
RT @EsotericCD: Welp, assuming this instagram not fake, things are about to get nuts in NYC. Thanks, crazy asshole.

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Just cosmetically (nothing to do with the story above), doesn't twitter look cluttered to you? I see all the symbols, and @ and # and I'm always wondering how hard I want to think about who posted what and why and in response to whom, in shorthand gangsta. I think it's a baby step in social media.
Jeff B@AoSHQ@EsotericCD <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 3m3 minutes ago</small>
@jbarro @ReformedBroker BTW, check this out. Note shoes and pants. Suggests it's the real deal:

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