I don't know what I'm watching at this point
and people wonder why I have switched to soccer
for the UFC fight tonight....
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I got Jones big Mogo
Cm punk in there?
Just busting balls don't get all fired up
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how many flags has their been on this drive?
UM not takin adv of uva sloppyness will cost them
Minnesota has?we played against a team that the guy kicked it into the wind for 7 yards from their end zone. the DB covering the gunner just stood there and caught it and walked in for a TD.
Just hope the fight lives up to the hype for once
4:23 left... um down 5..... bad had opp to take lead missed both front end of 1-1
we ran a 1 back with 4 WR. Mind you, I graduated in '95. We threw the ball all over the place.Minnesota has?
Let me bet,u guys ran the power I
ya saw that as wellIowa State second half a play for me. They started poor but now got it figured out
97 herewe ran a 1 back with 4 WR. Mind you, I graduated in '95. We threw the ball all over the place.
My new room is so much bigger than my old one, now my TV is further away which makes it smaller. Got to buy a new tv