***playoff Lex***

thanks P-unit & Brain!

added over wagers in Seattle...

I have a hard time seeing the Packers defense shutting down Seattle, as I said in another thread Murray ran on them and I suspect Lynch will too. Problem is I do think the Hawks defense will take more chances than most trying to jump routes and if a wr can win an outside battle for GB, there are big plays to be had. Trust me my biggest concern is how Rodgers will take the hits he is about to endure, but I don't think GB wants to make this a game where Lacy takes over offensively- it would play right into Seattle's hands imo. I think Rodgers throws the ball a ton and doesn't shy away from the Hawks secondary. Could be completely wrong, but I think in order to have a shot at the win, Aaron will have to play out of his mind. Will check back and see if there is any opportunity 2ndh for a solid wager.... but I think a 14-13 game at half is very much attainable.

I don't think I can get better lines there.... still deciding on Lynch prop, o89.5-145 best line I could find and I hate laying chalk on props. I like Nicks o32.5 yds/+240 to score not sure I'll play though. GL on your wagers everyone hope these games are exciting.
Well I crushed the Hawks game and then lost every colts related wager I made. 8-10 +4.43 still a profit and a solid postseason if I do say so myself

playoffs 32-29 +36.76:money:

I think the Seahawks win the game. Line says it all to me... was -3 but because of the way NE won the line flips. Now perception is the Hawks got lucky while the Pats stomped the Colts and now the Patriots are unstoppable again. Give me the original line with the better defense @ plus odds thank you very much. I am looking to play the hawks tt o23 which is currently -135 would love -125. It is evident that even when Seattle gets down, they do not panic and play to their strengths. Everyone saw the Ravens run all over the Patriots, I think Lynch can do the same. Biggest concern for me is the Hawks wrs ability to win in 1 on 1 coverage if the Patriots start stacking the box. I think the patriots have the hardest time with the most physical teams, and Seattle is as physical as they come.

SB wagers


Seahawks+7/ o41-128 (ties win)

4 units


2 units
a couple and that should be it until half...

Lynch rushing yds o82.5-155

Brady throws an int-165


2 units each

Baldwin scores 1st td +1500

half unit
