Playoff Hockey...3rd Round


CTG Partner
First the preliminaries. Was sittin around even, until the 2nd round.

NHL YTD: 94-98-1, +1.235 units...Parlays: 7-9, +.4936 of a unit.
Playoffs, Round 1: 22-22, +.775 of a unit
Playoffs, Round 2: 10-16, -3.125 units

Anyways, played both conference final game ones. Taking both road dogs, as i think they both will get a split of the first two on the road.
Of course i know how the home teams have dominated these matchups. But as the playoffs have shown quite often this year, that doesn't mean a whole helluva lot. (Just see the 1st or 2nd rounds for numerous examples.) BTW, these are the teams i got meeting in the Cup Final.

Thursday, 5/10

OTT ML (+125) over BUF for 1 unit

Friday, 5/11

ANA ML (+140) over DET for 1 unit

Like i said...definitely see both the Sens and the Ducks earning splits on the road. Expecting the Sens/Sabres to be a helluva series, which will hopefully go all 7 games. Wings should take two in their series, but (as a kings fan) i really can't see anyone beating the Ducks.

I agree on ducks getting at least 1...Idon't know too much about the eastern conference to comment .

gl bro.
lol, jump and hunt. so whatchya trying to say?

let's get em, Joe.
i'm praying for ott/buf to get nasty, and the goalies go at it again.
On the Ducks with you...and hurts my San Jose Shark Soul. Like Buffy in Game one as I think they have now anaswered the bell via the NYR series scare.
Totally agree with you yanks, we often see games the same way...Ottawa winning game 1 and losing game 2 when starting on the road has happened so much that its now almost a tradition. Good luck!
Totally agree with you yanks, we often see games the same way...Ottawa winning game 1 and losing game 2 when starting on the road has happened so much that its now almost a tradition. Good luck!

thx, cat:shake:
totally agree.

hey...anyone else a bit intrigued by the plus odds on the Duck/Wing over 5 tomorrow? Of course this will be a series dominated by unders...but sometimes Game 1 can be a bit different, before they settle down into their defensive postures.

debating this? but again, only on the chance that Game 1 is a bit more open...before the series really gets tightly played.

thought it would be a bit pricier, but...

Saturday, 5/12

BUF ML (-145) over OTT for 1 unit

Yep, switching originally planned. A lot of us seem to be on that same page...where OTT and BUF split the first sets of 2, at each other's rink, and we end up at 2 games apiece after 4. Hopefully it'll play out that only the first step is complete.

Let's go Ducks!!!
yet another addition

yes sir, cat :shake:

well, i couldn't resist going with my gut here...
another one for tomorrow, to go along with my play on the Ducks.

Friday, 5/11

ANA/DET over 5 (+135) for 1/2 unit

Just can't shake the feeling that Game 1 will be the one over we see in this series. I couldn't resist the odds, or the 5 here.
One down, one to go.

I like that total as well, I may look into taking a piece of it myself, thanks for pointing it out.
yeah, that was kinda a joke guys...the way it turned out. don't get me wrong...the wings played real good. but the ducks had 2 own goals...they came out sluggish, prolly from the layoff...and hasek played the best he has since leaving buffalo.

basically, yes...i'm saying detroit actually stole a win at home, lol.
and, as planned, gonna pound the ducks in game get that road split. bad nite tonight though...
quick Mother's Day additions...


ANA ML (+115) over DET for 2 units

Big play for me, as the Ducks pull even in this series.


BUF ML (+140) over OTT for 1 unit

Shocked the Sens took game 2 here. But this is Buffalo's last chance to keep this a series.

Back to Mother's Day festivities. :cheers:
nice hit brotha.

thx, hunt:shake:
i must admit...your Wings have played WAY better than i thought they would (or could) in these first two games.

well...let's see if Buffalo can make this a series on Monday...or if they're gonna disappoint, and let the Sens breeze into the finals in 4.
had very high hopes for this series...but it's gonna take a win or two outta the Sabres to kepe it interesting.
2-4 so far in the 3rd round, down .40 of a unit. Not having much success willing Buffalo to make a series outta it.

Anyways, onto the next game...

Tuesday, 5/15

ANA -1 over DET (+105) for 1 unit

Willing to risk the push here. Don't think the Wings have that great of shot on the road...but i'm also not willing to lay such a steep price on the ML. Just no value doing so.
Yet, with all the 1 goal games, not much value on the PL either. Thus, the minus one.

Should be a good one...
Looks good. I think the Ducks superiority is without question and win the next 3, the only worry now is really hasek stealing a game and he is playing like hes on a mission. Under 4.5 (2.05) looks tempting to me.
Looks good. I think the Ducks superiority is without question and win the next 3, the only worry now is really hasek stealing a game and he is playing like hes on a mission. Under 4.5 (2.05) looks tempting to me.

definitely. game two was the high scoring game of this series...where i thought it would be game one. but now it should definitely settle down into the defensive battle everyone anticipated.
Might not make a play in this round, tonight will be the first game of this series I have seen, and the Sens last night was the first one of that series. Sens looked dominant no doubt....

GL Yanks
Gotta like Detroit losing 3 straight game 3's to boot though...

Ducks have been pretty good following OT games
3rd round not going so good...2-5, -1.4...yet i couldn't help myself...

Wednesday, 5/16

BUF ML (+150) over OTT for 3/4 unit

Both these conf final series are pretty much going exactly the opposite as i expected. Sides, totals, everything.
Hoping it's not too late to see a correction...betting this series doesn't end tonight...and betting this intense rivalry keeps the Sabres motivated enough to wanna play one more.

Interested to see how Ottawa comes out having never been in this position before.

Sabres historically played well in game 4 down 3-0 (5-2)
And now 6-2, Santa :shake: least for a day...:wacka wacka:

With that Sabre 3-5, -.275 of a unit in the 3rd round. Getting closer...

That said, had to lay some chalk for tomorrow's game four...

Thursday, 5/17

ANA ML (-155) over DET for 1 unit

Again, i couldnt' resist. Still part disbelief in what i'm seeing...still part sticking to my guns...and still backing the Ducks. Not until the end, per se...but definitely for tonight.

BOL :cheers:

And even tho i picked Ottawa to win the series...ya better believe i'll be giving the Sabres another shot in the 5th.
thx, joe :shake:

it was a win tonight...but i didn't enjoy it. i even was bitching at BARtholamew via text messages about it.
but as much as i'm growing to dislike the wings...and as much as i think the refs are a complete's still the ducks own fault, because they're way too undisciplined.

still...i was just pissed and turned off with all the calls. but in hindsight, there were only two bullshit calls...which isn't all that abnormal, considering how mistake-prone refs/umps of all sports truly are. least favorite win this entire playoffs...and i'm not sure which way i'm gonna go in game five.
actually thankful there's not a game on friday. hoping the off day will get the hockey juices flowing again...
of, forgot this though...

Saturday, 5/19

BUF ML (-130) over OTT for 3/4 unit

Taking them once more...than back to the Sens to win game six at home, and finally end the series.
But for this one...betting the Sabres got one more in them, with the extra day off and what'll be an incredibly pumped crowd...inside and out.

Anyhow, winning the last 2 games has got me up to 4-5, +.725 of a unit in the 3rd Round.

and the other one

not supremely confident...but what can i say...

Sunday, 5/20

ANA ML (+120) over DET for 3/4 unit

I jumped ahead...and stuck with the Ducks. Though i must admit...this was the closest i've come to backign the Wings yet. This series has become an enigma to me, in a way...

quack, quack, quack, quack...cock-a-doodle-doo

and if ya got pre-school aged kids, you won't jsut think i'm drunk tonight...which i am, btw.
3rd round winding down

5-6, +.65 of a unit in the 3rd round. Just fartin' around .500 for the entire damn playoffs...

Just a token play for tomorrow, as i really got no idea how this Game 6 is gonna go. (See that 'hey yanks' thread for my thoughts on how the ducks are playing this series. Just can't figure it out...i wanna give the Wings credit...but on the other side, i haven't seen the Ducks play so poorly...and so seemingly quite some time.)

Tuesday, 5/22

ANA -1.5 over DET (+180) for a 1/2 unit

Just a small flyer on the PL, with an empty netter to seal the deal. But the way the Ducks have been playing, relying completely on Giguere to bail them out, there's no way i can justify laying the kinda juice the ML requires here.

Ottawa's gotta be just wet over the upcoming finals...

Enjoy the game. :cheers:
BOL Yanks. IMHO if the Ducks fail here, they arent winning game 7. Can't expect to steal 3 straight in Detroit.

thx, BC. i hear ya. and in a way, it's almost like they've already stolen three games...jsut not consecutive, or all in detroit.
i'm truly at a loss as to how the Ducks are playing this series. so it was either this PL, or i jump ship and back the Wings at that nice plus money.