Playoff Hockey...1st Round


CTG Partner
Had quite a bit of extra time today/tonight, so i jumped ahead and got my initial plays in for all 8 game ones.
Playing somewhat sporadically this season, i left off at this record...
YTD: 94-98-1, +1.235 units...Parlays: 7-9, +.4936 of a unit.
Not my best season, by any stretch...but it is what it is. In any case, i'll be keeping a separate record for the it's a different season.

But like i said, i've played each of the game 1's for weds and thurs. Might add some more to my favorite plays. But it's also important to note that none of these plays are stand alone wagers. Meaning that what happens in game one, and with my game one wager, will dictate what i play/wager in game two...and so forth down the line. For example...two of my favorite dogs are Pitt and TB...even though i think NJ will win the series. But what i also think is that both Pitt and TB, as an example, will get a split in the first two on the road. So if Pitt loses on Wed, i'll be back on them for the same amount in game if they do get a split on the road to open the series, as i expect, than i'll still be on top.
Anyways, don't wanna get too detailed on this. Just wanted to point out that the results of game one will go very far in dictacting what i play in game two...and it'll proceed that way thru the various series.

So enough of that, and onto the plays...

Wednesday 4/11

PIT ML (+150) over OTT for 3/4 unit

SJ ML (+120) over NAS for 3/4 unit

VAN ML (-140) over DAL for 1 unit

ANA ML (-160) over MIN for 1 unit

I like the Pens to win the series over Ottawa. I also think they at least get a split of the first two games in Ottawa. Lastly, the Pens have won all three '07 meetings with the Sens...and the momentum is all theirs.

I also like the Sharks to get a split, in the first two games played at Nashville. Nashville went 3-1 TY against SJ, and the home team dominates this matchup...but i do like SJ to move on to the next round, nevertheless.

The home team always seems to win in the Dallas/Vancouver matchup...and always in low-scoring, one goal games. Wouldn't be surprised to see the home team win all 7 in this series.

Exact same thing w/ the Ducks against Minny. Home team has taken each game this year. But if a road team were to get a win in this series, my bet is that it would be the Ducks...the most talented team in the west.

Thursday, 4/12

DET -1.5 over CAL (+155) for 1/2 unit

NYR ML (+120) over ATL for 3/4 unit

TB ML (+155) over NJ for 3/4 unit

BUF -1.5 over NYI (-105) for 1 unit

I like the Wings to win this series. Again, the home team has won whenever they've met up this year. You got one of the best home teams going against a very poor road team in the first two games. Like w/ others, it would not surprise me to see the home team take all 7 of these games. Also think the Flames are getting a bit too much credit in this series, considering their road play...and a somewhat lackluster finish, allowing the Avs to stay in it for so long.

I hate this next series...and could care less about it. But i do think it'll be evenly contested, jsut the same. So this is another of those plays i tried to describe at the beginning. I think the Rangers will get a split in if that happens, and i play them at the same amount both nights, i'll be on the plus side. Of course, if they take game one...and i switch to ATL for game could turn out to be even more profitable.

I like the Devils to win this series...but TB has had their number, and so i do expect them to get a split in NJ. Think TB has gone 9-3 in their L12 against NJ, or something like that. So a split here would be very nice...though this one, like Pitt, might be tempting to play twice...providing the game one upset does indeed materialize.

Then there's the Sabres and the Isles. I really don't give the Isles much of a shot win more than one or two games in the series, that is. And i don't think that 1 or 2 wins could/will come on the road. Buffalo won 3 of 4 games versus the Isles this year, as well.

Well, that's enough for tonight. I'll be around tomorrow to discuss these further. But the main thing to rememebr with these plays is that it's jsut game one...and that the series, and how they actually develop, will dictate how i play the remaining that i'll be adapting to the series/situation as it develops.

In any case...thank gawd the playoffs are finally here. :cheers:
thx, satyr. can't wait for tomorrow to begin.

PL...thx, and no worries. As a Sharks fan, you gotta hope for But for now, the Sharks are gonna have to find a way to win on the road. Actually, that's the one that worries me the most...that they may not get a split in Nashville.

As far as my thread...
Sorry for explaining myself so much...but it never fails, every year i get asked (called out) why i flip-flop on teams w/in a series. Meaning, why i'll take Pitt one night, and Ottawa the next.

But, considering this forum and the quality here, i prolly shouldn't have worried much about it. Becasue we all realize it's a 4 to 7 game series...and unless you think a team would sweep, why wouldn't you bet the series as the situation dictates.

In any case...i view the series as a a would a single game during the regular season. So in a way, each game for me is like betting a quarter or a half...because there are anywhere from 4 to 7 portions to this game...which is the series.

but knowing our forum, like i said, i shouldn't have worried about getting all the questions when we get to the game two wagers.
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playoff hockey:cheers:

BOL, guys.
Here's to each and every game going to OT...unless i bet the PL of course...and at least one per night reaching multiple OTs.

:drink: :drink: :drink:

A couple stories for your entertainment...

Will never forget that Isles game in the late 80s, with Hrudey in net. Liquidnoose was at my house. We were playing poker with some buddies, and watched the first 3 periods. We then went to the Angel game. After the baseball game, we all came back to my place...and the fucking thing was still going. Clement had his tie around his head, and was speaking swedish or something. the exact details are lost...but it'll never be completely forgetten.

Second best playoff OT game was up in nothern cali...the year before the Devils went on their run. Liquidnoose, me, and another couple college buddies were exceedingly drunk at some bar watching the whole thing. Just remember sending a bar stool flying at the big screen when Step-on-my-toe scored the wrap around on Marty to finally end it.

I'm sure Liquidnoose might have a better memory than I do, in regards to these stories. But anyways...nothing better than playoff hockey. Enjoy it!!!

and biggest playoff high...the Kings beating the Leafs and Felix the Cat to move onto the Finals for the first time ever.

bigesst playoff low...the Kings losing to Roy and the Habs in the finals, obviously the same year...thanks to Marty McFly and his illegal fucking stick.

can you tell i'm getting all nostalgic with the playoffs finally here???
GL Yanks, like Vancouver a whole bunch to get through this round, so I like that play. On the Preds myself in game1
Yanks me and a friend were up in Santa ROSA, CA at his local bar...NYR beat Devils in OT when Stepphane (Step On) Mateau (My Toe) scored a wrap around goal....chairs went flying! Great time.

The Angels game memory is true...unbelievable! Isles win Isles win...puck went by Bob Mason of Caps.

My Kings memory is Game 6 vs Flames when in 2 OT I think....puck goes over Vernon's head...and we all saw it in slow motion at the Forum Vernie just waving at the puck and not getting it...fucking Forum stopped erving beer after 2nd pd.

My personal faves are Sharks beating Red Wings in first ever playoff series in Game 7...and Sharks taking out Flames the next year in 2 OT after Flaherty makes around 60 saves.

At least Kerry Fraser isnt reffing in this years playoffs
He didn't make it? Damn! As a former Habaholic...Fraser in the Forum was money in the bak for the Canadiens year after year. Guess he didn't need to ref if his beloved Habs wereout as well.
He didn't make it? Damn! As a former Habaholic...Fraser in the Forum was money in the bak for the Canadiens year after year. Guess he didn't need to ref if his beloved Habs wereout as well.

The NHL has selected the 20 referees and 20 linesmen who will work the 2007 Stanley Cup playoffs, with one veteran referee surprisingly left off the list.
54 year-old Kerry Fraser, the longest serving referee in NHL history, did not make the cut this year.
Fraser missed the first three months of the season due to a knee injury, but was also used sparingly in last year's playoffs, when he worked only four games. Injury did not play a part in the decision.
Fraser's 257 playoff games worked is more than any active official.
Among the referees who were selected to work in 2006, four did not get the call this year. In addition to Fraser, Brad Meier, Greg Kimmerly and Dean Warren were not selected for the 2007 playoffs
Yanks me and a friend were up in Santa ROSA, CA at his local bar...NYR beat Devils in OT when Stepphane (Step On) Mateau (My Toe) scored a wrap around goal....chairs went flying! Great time.

The Angels game memory is true...unbelievable! Isles win Isles win...puck went by Bob Mason of Caps.

My Kings memory is Game 6 vs Flames when in 2 OT I think....puck goes over Vernon's head...and we all saw it in slow motion at the Forum Vernie just waving at the puck and not getting it...fucking Forum stopped erving beer after 2nd pd.

My personal faves are Sharks beating Red Wings in first ever playoff series in Game 7...and Sharks taking out Flames the next year in 2 OT after Flaherty makes around 60 saves.


ahh, yes...

Kruser scoring that floater over Vernon was an excellent game. Either that, or the one Granato won (i think same series) was definitely the best OT seen in person...and not on TV.
After the 93 debacle and a few mixed in here and there including this season vs the Islanders Im part of the force reitrement on Kerry Fraser fanclub:smiley_acbe:

fuck frasor...

ya notice the boatload of penalties they're calling in each game? never seen so many 5 on 3's in my life.

for fuck's sake...let them play the game.
Well, 1-1 so far...but it's all good. Plus money for one. The Canucks are winning for two. And the Ducks are also gonna win for three.

But seriously...these are jsut the game ones. Considering the two finals, you can be assured my game two wagers will include hitting the Pens again, as well as switching over to Nashville.

Reason is simple...i still expect both of these road teams (PIT and SJ) to go home for game 3 having earned a split in the first two on the road.

Pens are getting their initial playoff experience force-fed to them...but they'll rebound, and settle down as they learn the second season.
And the Preds, especially considering CheeChoo as well as home ice, should be able to even things up as well.

So far jsut 1-1...but it's also just the begiinning of the series..and like i keep saying...because i expected splits in the first far...the Pens and the Preds will definitely be Game Two plays for me.

BTW...all this playoff hockey has me fucking giddy. I'm getting absolutely nothing done at the office, cuz the tv has my focus.
Fucking love OT:cheers:
I always thought Kerry Fraser had to be the illegitimate bastard child of someone important to still have a job...I agree about the 5 on 3s Yanks, too many of them, its like refs trying to get the team thats out of the game back into it, like the leafs vs the habs, as soon as the habs were up two goals, they were in the penalty box until Toronto came back in it. Its dirty cause at any time, the ref can find someone on the ice guilty of some sort of penalty.
DAL/VAN goes goes well into the 4th OT that was an OT game to get the playoffs off to an excellent start. Actually, it was somewhat reminiscent of that Isles/Caps game we But that's exactly what makes this all so special...sudden fucking death, multiple OTs.

Well, 3-1 on day one...up 2.15 units. Good beginning, for sure.

I'm gonna let the 4 thursday game 1's finish, before i go looking for the game 2 lines for Friday and Saturday.
But here's what i plan to do so far, based on the 4 game 1's from tonight...

I'm taking them as a road dog again, same wagered amount. Still think the Pens will get the split of the first two in Ottawa. And i believe the Pens will only improve this series. Just look at how many Penguins were experiencing their first playoff game. Once they get their playoff feet under them, and relax a bit, they'll be jsut fine imo. This is gonna be a great team for years to come...and game one was just a part of their learning curve.

I'm gonna switch from SJ to NAS for game 2. The best i coulda hoped for outta the Sharks was a split on the road. now that i got that, i cannot ignore how the home team has simply dominated this matchup. The Preds will pull even in game 2, and then have to worry about getting back home alive...after the next set of games in SJ.

Staying with the home team go up 2-0 in the series. Two reasons. First, the home team dominates this matchup as well. But second, and prolly more importantly, was that 4OT game one. To come out of a game like that (over 2 games long) completely empty-handed, as Dallas now has, it's brutal to come back from the next game. So i won't be switching over to Dallas until they get home...if at all.

This one's a tough one. Part of me wants to double up on the Ducks. This is how i'm leaning, to be honest. Part of me thinks the only games Minny will win (prolly 2) will b at home. But another part of me is thinking a split is fairly possible. Minny played pretty damn good tonight. So anyways, this one's up in the least until the lines come out, lol.

As for the rest...the 4 thursday game 1's will go a long way in dictating the remaining 4 game 2 plays i make. Gotta see it all play out first.

In any case...hope you all enjoyed the playoff hockey. I was giddy all freakin night, with so much to watch on the boob tube.
Good luck tomorrow too. :cheers:
game 1's are done...onto the game 2's

Excellent, Santa. Two very nice wins tonight. :shake:

Gracias, BAR :cheers:

Well, that was a very successful set of 8 opening games.
3-1 on day one, 2.15 units to the good...then another 3-1 on day two, 1.925 more units to the good.

Playoff YTD: 6-2, +4.075 units

So, that's the eight game 1's in the books. And now it's time to move onto the eight game 2's.

The first 4 lines are out, and i've already played them all. The second set of 4 lines (all from games played tonight) are not out yet...but i'll hopefully be playing all those sometime tomorrow.

But based on what happened tonight, and how i've capped these series, these are what i'll be playing...when this 2nd set of 4 lines comes out tomorrow...

I'm switching over to Atlanta for game i think they'll salvage the split at home. I got the Ranger win i was looking for on the road, so since i capped them splitting the first two, i'm changing sides.

TB was my one loss on Thurs...just like PIT was on Weds. But that's ok. Still capped them to get a split on the if they do that, it'll still be plus money in this particular series. TB got the shots tonight...they were jsut completely let down by their goalie. So, if they get some decent goalie play, i still believe they manage the split in NJ.

I'll be staying with Buffalo too. Just don't see the Isles being able to take one, until they get home...and until i see Ricky D back, and performing up to par. They're jsut outclassed right now.

Staying with Detroit as well. Tonight's game shoulda been 10-1, if Kip wasn't standing tall most of the nite. Wings are too good at home...and Flames are too poor on the road. Still see the home team winning each game of this series.

So those are the four game 2 plays that will be coming, when the lines show up. The first set of four game 2 plays i'll post up in a bit...even though you know the sides i'm on from last nite.

Lastly, some more BS on that DAL/VAN 4OT game last night...
Turns out that game was exactly 1 week shy of the 20th anniversary of that Isles/Caps OT marathon we mentioned before. 4/18/87...which shows how fucking old liquidnoose and myself are, lol.
Anyways, i went looking around youtube but couldn't find anything. Does anyone have a video link to any of that game? Bill Clement, who was either working with Gary Thorne or Tom Mees that night, took off his tie...wrapped it around his head...and started saying some swedish jibberish, or something. Just remember laughing my ass off...and would love to be able to watch it again...if anyone knows where i cna find it.

Oh well...bout the only thing missing from the thursday games was another OT or two. Hopefully Friday will bring us something...
the first set of game 2's's what will be half of my game two plays...

Friday, 4/13

NAS ML (-140) over SJ for 1 unit

VAN ML (-135) over DAL for 1 unit

ANA ML (-160) over MIN for 1 unit

Saturday, 4/14

PIT ML (+170) over OTT for 3/4 unit

All the home favs for Friday. Gave the reasonings somewhere above, yesterday...but here's a quick synopsis...

Switched over to Nashville. Got the SJ road win i was looking for, so it's time to go over to the Preds to salvage the split at home. Home team completely dominates this matchup, as you all know.

Staying w/ the Canucks. First, the home team dominates this matchup as well. Second, that OT loss is brutal to try to rebound i don't think the Stars can get on the board with a win until they get home.

Staying w/ the Ducks. Yet again, the home team jsut flat out dominates this series. In fact, this is jsut as much of a factor as it was with the SJ/NAS series...heading into the playoffs. Ducks were built to succeed in the playoffs. And like the CAL/DET series, though not quite as drastic, we got an excellent home team against a very average road team. Don't see Minny getting any wins until they get home...or being able to win this series.

Lastly, staying w/ the Pens. Same reasoning i jsut wrote about staying with TB. I capped both these doggies to earn a split in the first two on the road...and i'm sticking with that. If they do, it's still plus money for the series so far. Besides, if they get a bit better play outta their goalie, the Pens will be much improved. Each playoff game brings that much more experience for this very young, very talented team. Pens will bounce back.

Well...BOL on Friday...and moving onto the weekend.
more jumping ahead

Well, 3 of the 4 remaining game 2 lines are yes, i took them all. Only the final game 2...coming back on Detroit on Sunday...will have to wait for later.

So 3 more for Saturday to add...

Saturday, 4/14

ATL ML (-135) over NYR for 1 unit

TB ML (+170) over NJ for 3/4 unit

BUF -1.5 over NYI (-110) for 1 unit

Everything's been said above on these 3 plays. ATL and TB to get the splits in their respective first two games...and BUF to take a 2-0 lead in their series. But if the Ricky D news continues to improve, ya better believe i'll be giving them a shot at home in game 3.

BOL tonight. Go favs. :cheers:
On Nashville and Van with you Yanks... on Minny though.

GL tonight and this weekend man

thx, bud. let's be sure to get these 2 then. worries me to take all 3 big favs a bit, as a doggie can always show up...but those home #'s were too powerful to ignore.

game 3's will have me really switching over to some more doggies though.
last game 2 addition

Well, 2-1 on Friday's three games...up some change.

Playoff YTD: 8-3, +4.725 units

Four more game 2's on tap for Saturday. And the line came up late today for the final game 2, to be played on i added it.

DET -1.5 over CAL (+115) for 1 unit

I'll hit the Flames when they get home...but for now, kinda see a similar result to the game one score.

Think i'll make a new thread for Games 3 & 4, since we're changing venues after these.
But for Saturday...would absolutely love to see PIT, ATL, and TB even up their respective series 1-1. That would be a beautiful thing.

Enjoy the games later today.:cheers:
saturday recap and sunday stuff

Well, 2-2 on Saturday...up a couple packs of cigarettes. Money-wise...the worst day of the playoffs for me so far. However, i couldn't be happier...because both the Pens and the Lightning got their road splits.

So, playing each and every playoff game so far...
Playoff YTD: 10-5, +4.825 units.

At least each day's still been on the plus side of things...knock on wood.

Anyhow, there's one Game 2 left to go on Sunday. That's listed somewhere above...but i'm on the Wings PL...again.


Now we change venues for games 3 and 4...

Can't believe these mother-f's don't have a line up yet for the Sens/Pens game 3. Depending on what i see's 95%+ sure that i'll be on the Pens yet again. Heading home...and they got that first playoff win under their belt. Anyways, the Sens should be a bit worried.

I haven't jumped yet to that Monday game 3 line that's out already...but i did add the other two Sunday games...the first two Game 3's of the 1st round.

Sunday 4/15

MIN ML (-145) over ANA for 1 unit

DAL ML (-150) over VAN for 1 unit

This may just be the one and only time i take Minny in this year's playoffs. If they lose, they're done. And if they win, i still think the Ducks take the next two...and close this fucker out. But for now, though i think the odds are way steep, i'm banking on the home team to come out desperate and try to climb back into this series...and hopefully make it a 2-1 Ducks lead after today.

I hate to lay so much on the Stars here as well. One of my least favorite teams in the league. But i couldn't help myself, after watching game two. i was surprised how the Stars controlled game two...after that demoralizing game one, 4OT loss...and jsut took it to Vancouver. Now that they're home, i think they only keep things long as Turco doesn't melt down, that is.

Anyways, this jsut about does it for Sunday. After the CAL/DET morning game, the game two's will all be in the books...and it's on to 3 & 4s.
But i'll still get back sometime tomorrow, to add a play (PITT ML) on that Sens/Pens game 3 at 6PM eastern.

All road teams on Saturday. So hopefully it'll be all home teams on Sunday.
Good luck JF....been on a good plays for me today.

thx, bud:shake:
SJ is gonna whollop Nash in Game 3. I love it when it gets all nasty like this.

Well, Detroit got the home sweep. Nice win to complete the game two's.

Playing each game...

Game 1s: 6-2, +4.075 units
Game 2's: 5-3, +1.9 units
Playoff YTD: 11-5, +5.975 units

last sunday addition...

can't forget about this one...the best series of the first round...

Sunday, 4/15

PIT ML (+100) over OTT for 3/4 unit

Was very glad to see anything on the plus side here, since i've been having to overpay (imo) for some of these favs.
In any case...the Sens are gonna wish they wouldn't have allowed the Pens to get that 1st playoff win under their belt. The Pens are only gonna get better and stronger, with each and every game, as their playoff experience grows. In fact, if the Pens get quality goaltending the rest of this series...well, nothin would surprise me outta this team.

So...for the first 3 game 3's...PIT to go up 2-1, MIN to climb back in at 1-2, and DAL to go up 2-1.
I'll add my Monday plays sometime late tonight. Lines are is one Tuesday game already. LOL at sad are they?

well, today sucked. or more appropriately, the first three Game 3's sucked for me. 1-3 today overall...won the final game 2 in the morning, dropped all 3 game 3's on sunday evening. first losing day of the playoffs so far...and i wish it could/would be the last. PIT doesn't bother me...Minny going down 0-3 kinda does. I know the Ducks are the more talented team that'll move on...but i thought Minny would have enough heart to grab at least one at home. the DAL loss in OT is jsut the way it goes...
in any case...hopefully the game 3's will turn around on Monday and (the last two) on Tuesday.

Playoff YTD: 11-8, +2.275 units (playing every game)

We got 3 on tap for Monday...and 5 for Tuesday, the final two game 3s and the first 3 game 4s, even though only one line is already out for tues. So here's what i'm on...

Monday 4/16

NJ ML (+100) over TB for 1 unit

BUF -1.5 over NYI (+145) for 3/4 unit

SJ ML (-160) over NAS for 1 unit

Tuesday 4/17

ATL ML (+140) over NYR for 3/4 unit

I'm assuming the remainder of the tuesday lines will come out sometime tomorrow. I'll jump on them then. But this is my last shot on Atlanta. Hopefully they come out with some heart and try to get back into this series. Hopefully, they don't go the way of Minnesota, and just prolong the inevitable. But getting the Rangers at home isn't all that bad a thing.

As far as the 3 Monday (game 3) plays...
Getting Marty and NJ as a dog is never a bad thing, come playoff time. But i do expect these two teams to keep trading wins. I look for a big game outta NJ, to take a 2-1 lead.
Buffalo got their wake up call in game two. Was planning on taking the Isles in this one, down 0-2...but after they earned the split, i think BUF pretty much follows Ottawa's path and gets the game 3 win on the road.
Lastly, i love SJ to kick Nashville's ass in game 3. All the Preds and their coach are doing is whining and crying...and kinda spinning reality in doing so. In any case, the Sharks should destroy them physically tonight. The only reason i paid the juice, and didn't take the PL, is because i don't trust the refereeing not to hose me. This playoffs, the refs seem to be keeping people in the games...and seemingly callign the game to bring it back to the middle, depending on the situation. So, enough bitching about the refs and all the calls...jsut saying that was the main reason in not taking the PL here...cuz i do expect this to be a dirty, physical contest.

As always, enjoy the games...and BOL on Monday. :cheers:
Least Sj hit for ya...and ATL must win or it is 0-4 and outties.

yep...these game 3's are killin my start. went 11-5 thru all game 1s and 2s...and so far i'm fucking 1-5 in the game 3s. so much for the home ice trends.

1-2 today, down .75 of a unit
Playoff YTD: 12-10, +1.525 units

thankfully, there's only 2 game 3s left....then we're into the Game 4's, and hopefulyl back on track.

Anyways, as posted above, got ATL to bounce back and attempt to climb back into the series. Odds have really dropped tho...

Will post the other 4 tuesday games in a bit...
Anyway, glad i took ATL (+140) when i did...and didn't wait.
Now onto the final game 3.

Tuesday 4/17

CAL ML (+125) over DET for 1 unit

Completely different team at home. I was on the Wings PL the first two...but this should be a completely different game, up in Calgary.

And the first three game 4s...also on tues 4/17.

DAL -1.5 over VAN (+180) for 1/2 unit

Like Dallas to even up this series...and for this series to get back to the home team dominating it. No value at all on the inflated jsut a small floater on the PL...and an emty netter at the end, if necessary.

PIT ML (+105) over OTT for 1 unit

Also like the Pens to even up this series today/at home. Hopefully they can hold it together in the 2nd period for a change.

MIN ML (-105) over ANA for 3/4 unit

Can't believe i'm doing this...but i'm taking a flyer on Minny not getting swept outta the series at home.

Well, BOL on Tuesday. Outta all 5 games...i got 4 at home, and of course ATL on the road. Let's see if ATL and MIN can show any heart tonight.
WIthyou on Calgary... I think Minny gets swept, I have been impressed with the way the Ducks have come out in this series way better than last year.

GL all the same Yanks.
Four game 4's for Wednesday

2-3 on tuesday, -.25 of a unit. Bad last couple of days, ruining such a great start to the playoffs. But there's plenty of time left to get it moving back in the right direction...hopefully.
Playing each game...Playoff YTD: 14-13, +1.275 units.

Well, there's no line out yet on the ATL/NYR game, so i'll add a token play tomorrow...for the sweep. Thrashers win the trophy for the biggest playoff flop this year...and simply should be embarrased. are the three (so far) for wednesday...ALL to bring their respective series back to even, at 2-2, as we change venues again.

NJ ML (-125) over TB for 1 unit

NYI ML (+165) over BUF for 3/4 unit

NAS ML (+135) over SJ for 3/4 unit

If NJ loses this game...the owner should fire Crazy Lou mid series, and give the old fuck a taste of his own medicine. But seriously...Marty had a poor game in game 3, and it would surprise the hell outta me to see a repeat performance. More likely, the Devils buckle down...and head home all even. Too much playoff experience to not make a run at it.

Basically do or die for Ricky D and the Isles. At times, they've played quite a bit better than i i'm switching over to their side at home, as i expect them to play a very solid/high energy game...trying everything to not fall down 1-3, heading back to Buffalo.

Also switching over to Nashville, for this particular game. Time for them to counter-punch...and just see this heated series flip-flopping back and forth all the way to game 7.

So, hopefully there are 3 series all tied up at 2 games apiece after tonight. And once that AL/NYE line comes up, i'll put a token 1/2 unit on the Ranger PL...because ATL is dead in the water, and flat out gave up. (Stayed on them one game too long, unfortunately.)

final weds play

thx guys :shake:

added that token play on NYR to sweep the Thrashers tonight...

NYR -1.5 over ATL (+140) for 1/2 unit

i see all four 4/19 lines are out...the final game 4, and three game 5s.
i'll definitely be on the Flames to tie that series up. i'll definitely be on the Ducks to finish their series. but i'm still debating the other two...part of me says they'll come to an end, part of me hopes they'll continue.

anyhow, good luck tonight:drink:
2-2, +.2 on Wednesday. Isles gave a valiant effort...they're just overmatched, and lacking the overall talent to come back. Preds, despite the score, were basically dominated by the Sharks.

Playoff YTD: 16-15, +1.475 units

Of course i played all four Thursday games. We have the final game 4 in calgary, and the first three game 5s, all on tap for tonight.
Mostly like the home teams again...and i like two of the series out west to come to a conclusion tonight as well.

CAL ML (+110) over DET for 1 unit

PIT ML (+195) over OTT for 1/2 unit

VAN ML (-145) over DAL for 1 unit

ANA -1.5 over MIN (+170) for 1/2 unit

As i've said the whole way, i like the home team to win each of the 7 games in the Calgary/Detroit series. Flames need to tie this up 2-2, before heading back to Detroit, or the fat lady will be singing the entire plane trip east.

Taking yet another small flyer on the Pens. And i'll's more of a play from the heart, than the mind. Only because i had tremendously high hopes for this series...but up to now, it surely hasn't been a classic. As a fan, i hold out hope though.

Switching over to the Canucks to close this series out tonight...and for the home ice to start mattering in this series again. Seems to me that Luongo might be the Star's head a bit...or his presence in net is, to be more exact. But also, outta the last 4 or 5 times the Stars have been down 1-3 in a series, they've only won game 5 once...back in '03.

Got my Minny win in game four...but the Ducks are gonna close this series out tonight as well. They are so superior, imo, that it's basically a foregone conclusion. I also don't mind playing the PL here...cuz like with ATL, if the Ducks have the lead, there'll be plenty of empty net time at the end of the game...providing it's even close.

Enjoy the games, and good luck. :cheers:
Playing teh Ducks with ya Yanks. Already have the Canucks winning the series, so Im just going to sit on that one.

GL man
Only taking Minny as plus money..don't like anything else tonight...Boogard should hurt some knees tonight...and I hope Jiggy plays and shows some rust...GL!
"And i'll's more of a play from the heart, than the mind. Only because i had tremendously high hopes for this series...but up to now, it surely hasn't been a classic. As a fan, i hold out hope though."

i have the same feelings about this game tonight.... u gotta keep the faith when it counts the most and your team's back is against the wall....

good luck with the rest of the games!