Players You Hate in Baseball (past/present)

Whoever Oakland put in instead of houston street(cant think) last year to blow a 2 run lead in the 9th against texas,causing me my biggest loss I ever had on 1 game
some of you got quite a few you don't like, lol.

#1 = schilling. biggest mouth.

and that's as far as i can think tonight...
what, whats wrong with Cal

agree with steed..

I have formalized my list..

1)Carl Pavano - spineless vagina who owes the yankees a lot of money
2)Carl Pavano - spineless vagina who owes the yankees a lot of money
3)Carl Pavano - spineless vagina who owes the yankees a lot of money
4)Curt Schilling - he talks way toooooooooooooooo much
5)Johnny Damon - i didn't like him as a redsox with that "castaway" look, i certainly don't like him as a $13million bum outfielder past his prime.
6)Kevin Youkilis - man everything about this guy makes me hate him. He is slowly working his way up to the silver medal behind Pavano.