Players Declaring Early for the NFL

Absolute mistake on his part.
I disagree. This kid just finds ways to get the's doubtful he leads the Big Ten in sacks again, esp with Evans on the same line. getting to the QB is a saught after commodity in the NFL.

He can surely add some more size but I think it's a good move on his part.
Still no word from the UF guys.

I can't see Harvin staying but if Spikes/Tebow come back, forget about it.
I'm pretty sure Spikes said he's returning.

I know for tOSU we have three that look like they are leaning towards leaving:

WR Brian Hartline
WR Ray Small
CB Donald Washington

I think Small and Washington would be making awful decisions. Hartline was a third rounder last year. A third rounder this year. A third rounder next year. He has a degree. He's getting married. So I think if he wants to go than go with your class. He 's a redshirt guy.
I dont see why Spikes would return. Hes a for sure 1st rounder and would he not be the 3rd LB taken behind Curry and Maulaluga?
Doesnt Small have loads of talent Jump but just has trouble catching the ball? I thought I remember hearing that last year. Maybe somebody takes a flier on him in the 3rd after he tests out this world at the combine
This is a strong LB class with Ray Ray, Laurinitis, Curry, Cushing.

I can see why he would wait. He could very well be the first taken next year along with Sean Lee.
I also see a reason for Spikes to wait. He is for sure 1st round money next yr, he isn't for sure 1st round money this yr. If he went back to school, he would be doing what smart underclassmen do, don't elect to go pro early, if they could be a 1st round draft pick after their senior yr and not in their junior yr.
Just wondering what you guys think of PJ Hill? 3rd rounder at best is my assumption.
Sergio Kindle has announced he is staying at Texas.

I think they bulk him up this off-season to give him that NFL DE body. That's where I see him filling a need at the next level and with Orakpo gone, he's going to be the pass rush threat. We have a number of other good DEs but he'll be the one everyone looks to.

Unless we move Houston back outside. He's more effective at DE anyway.
As much as he loves playing for the University of Utah, sophomore defensive end Paul Kruger couldn't wait to see how he'd fare at the next level and has decided to declare for the NFL Draft.

Kruger, a 6-5, 265-pound All-MWC pick, said he made the decision after discussing his future with his family and praying about it. While it was a difficult decision, he is eager to test himself against the best.

"I can't wait to get the whole training and everything going," Kruger said.

Sources say that junior corner Sean Smith is expected to announce he'll go pro as well.
Both players have been projected as first-round/early second-round picks.
^^^ after what he did to Bama, his exposure can't get any better.

He had a crazy good season. 22 year old sophmore also because of a Mission. Heard his parents couldn't afford to go and watch him in the Sugar Bowl so I'm speculating that it had something to do with his decision.

Sean Smith of Utah is also declaring.
He had a crazy good season. 22 year old sophmore also because of a Mission. Heard his parents couldn't afford to go and watch him in the Sugar Bowl so I'm speculating that it had something to do with his decision.

Sean Smith of Utah is also declaring.

You guys need better, shadier boosters. I suggest you look at OU.
You guys need better, shadier boosters. I suggest you look at OU.

lmao. I told one my buddies almost that exact same thing that included Oklahoma. Real surprised that nobody dropped off some plane tickets in their mailbox honestly though.
Gerald Mccoy is reportedly staying and their is a rumor Bradford will announce at halftime of the OU/TX game in Norman that he is coming back.

OU must be getting some nice bank loans.

You have to be an idiot to pass up top 10 money.
Texas Tech:

Tomorrow Sophomore Mike Crabtree will declare for the draft. In a surprising move, Junior DE Brandon Williams will also declare.

2 best playmakers leaving the for the big leagues. Williams was a surprise IMO, but he did really well this year and frankly, there's no reason to stay for the 2010 season.
Nevermind that was a dumb rumor. He's still leaving.

And even if he came back he'd have to bring Adrian Peterson, Tommie Harris, and Marc Clayton to beat Texas next year.

OU will not finish in the top 15 next year.
Nevermind that was a dumb rumor. He's still leaving.

And even if he came back he'd have to bring Adrian Peterson, Tommie Harris, and Marc Clayton to beat Texas next year.

OU will not finish in the top 15 next year.

That's a stupid statement and you know that. OU is not a Tenn, or Auburn, or UCLA. They are OU. Just like Texas, they reload, they do not rebuild.
Yeah, they will be the underdog against UT, and will probably lose the game. But if he's back next year, you're just a homer if you think they're out of the Top 15...

He said if he doesnt come back they will finish out of the Top 15. You should read the thing a little more carefull before you attack someone man. Hes a realist. You an OU fan??
He said if he doesnt come back they will finish out of the Top 15. You should read the thing a little more carefull before you attack someone man. Hes a realist. You an OU fan??

How am I attacking him? By calling him a homer? That's not attacking someone...
He said, "even if he does come back, he still has to bring beat Texas next year" "OU will not finish in the Top 15 next year."
So SC, you tell me...I didn't misread it. If anything, he didn't write it well enough.

Again, to attack him, would be name calling and such. I don't think SHSU is that offended by my post. If so, let me know why...
That's a stupid statement and you know that. OU is not a Tenn, or Auburn, or UCLA. They are OU. Just like Texas, they reload, they do not rebuild.
Yeah, they will be the underdog against UT, and will probably lose the game. But if he's back next year, you're just a homer if you think they're out of the Top 15...


Please name the last time OU lost this much talent in one year under Stoops? If Bradford doesn't return they are going to have big time issues.

Sure its easy to reload when you only have to at certain spots here and there but your entire offense except your RB and RT?

It'll probably be the same as 05-06 when Bomar was the QB and they loss 4 games.

The only thing that may save them is the rest of the Big 12 is going to suck ass next year.

I'm not being a homer at all when I say Texas is going to blow them out the water next year. My biggest play of the year next year will be the opening Sportsbook future line that comes out of Texas vs OU. That game is going to be a beat down.

Landry Jones has not been picking up the OU offense as well as they like and there is some serious concern since they don't have anything else after him.

And my top 15 comment was based on if Bradford leaves BTW.

I also picked OU to win the national title on this board before the season started against USC.
I agree with Horn here (not surprisingly).

Teams like Texas, OU, Ohio State, Florida, USC can reload year after year...when kids depart at their planned graduation dates. When that happens, you get kids who are just as talented, but not as experienced or polished, coming in to replace them after 1, 2, or maybe 3 years of being a backup. They know the system but they weren't good enough to replace the starter until he's gone.

These teams fill certain needs every two years or so in a cycle because you can't recruit a whole new team every year under the new schollie rules. Teams usually get 2-3 DL each year and 2-3 OL each year but maybe 1-2 linebackers and DBs each year. Quarterback and RB is usually an annual commitment since these positions are so important.

But, then if you've "reloaded" too well, players who aren't going to get playing time start looking to transfer. That creates other problems trying to fill positions when starters leave.

When teams lose players early to graduation, you have to be concerned about who is really behind the player leaving and whether they have enough experience for there not to be a drop off depending on whom you've recruited recently and who has left the program (transfers, grades, kicked off the team, arrested, etc.).

In other words, you might not have someone ready yet to step in without seeing a significant drop off in production.

These top programs recruit top talent but don't always "reload" (see OU 2005).
Please name the last time OU lost this much talent in one year under Stoops? If Bradford doesn't return they are going to have big time issues.

Sure its easy to reload when you only have to at certain spots here and there but your entire offense except your RB and RT?

It'll probably be the same as 05-06 when Bomar was the QB and they loss 4 games.

The only thing that may save them is the rest of the Big 12 is going to suck ass next year.

I'm not being a homer at all when I say Texas is going to blow them out the water next year. My biggest play of the year next year will be the opening Sportsbook future line that comes out of Texas vs OU. That game is going to be a beat down.

Landry Jones has not been picking up the OU offense as well as they like and there is some serious concern since they don't have anything else after him.

And my top 15 comment was based on if Bradford leaves BTW.

I also picked OU to win the national title on this board before the season started against USC.

The last time they lost a bunch of talent, was in 04, when they went 8 - 4 in 05 (as you stated) with the Holiday Bowl win against Oregon. They are not losing that type of talent this year. They lose their over-hyped WR's in Iglesias and Johnson on Offense and 4 of 5 O linemen. USC lost 4 of 5 Olinemen the year before they beat the shit out of OU in the NC game.
Bradford is returning next year. If he doesn't return, I'll be the first to say I was wrong.
***OU returns the entire front 7 on Defense and both cornerbacks. Q Carter, their starting SS next year, started the last 3 games there this year. This is huge for a team like OU. I think this gets overlooked by just about everyone...
We can agree to disagree, but no team has "blown the other out of the water" since that 65 - 13 game in 03 ;).
The last time they lost a bunch of talent, was in 04, when they went 8 - 4 in 05 (as you stated) with the Holiday Bowl win against Oregon. They are not losing that type of talent this year. They lose their over-hyped WR's in Iglesias and Johnson on Offense and 4 of 5 O linemen. USC lost 4 of 5 Olinemen the year before they beat the shit out of OU in the NC game.
Bradford is returning next year. If he doesn't return, I'll be the first to say I was wrong.
***OU returns the entire front 7 on Defense and both cornerbacks. Q Carter, their starting SS next year, started the last 3 games there this year. This is huge for a team like OU. I think this gets overlooked by just about everyone...
We can agree to disagree, but no team has "blown the other out of the water" since that 65 - 13 game in 03 ;).

1. Losing ALL 5 linemen will be huge for OU and Bradford or whoever is back there is going to get buried. See Bomar in 2005.

2. Are you forgetting 2005?

OU will have at least 2 losses with Bradford back there and will have 3 or more if he goes (I think he's going--QB depth this year is weak).
rj, Trent Williams is returning. He's only a JR, and probably first team All-Big 12 next year.

But after that they are in trouble.
The last time they lost a bunch of talent, was in 04, when they went 8 - 4 in 05 (as you stated) with the Holiday Bowl win against Oregon. They are not losing that type of talent this year. They lose their over-hyped WR's in Iglesias and Johnson on Offense and 4 of 5 O linemen. USC lost 4 of 5 Olinemen the year before they beat the shit out of OU in the NC game.
Bradford is returning next year. If he doesn't return, I'll be the first to say I was wrong.
***OU returns the entire front 7 on Defense and both cornerbacks. Q Carter, their starting SS next year, started the last 3 games there this year. This is huge for a team like OU. I think this gets overlooked by just about everyone...
We can agree to disagree, but no team has "blown the other out of the water" since that 65 - 13 game in 03 ;).

Overhyped Manuel Johnson and Julio Iglesias? Both these guys have pretty much been starting since their freshman/sophomore year. They've put up huge numbers in their career combined.

Just cause Broyles has shown some wiggle as the slot guy in his freshman season doesn't mean he's going to be all world next year because now he will be the #1 focus of the WRs not the #3. Adron Tennel hasn't lived up to the hype and I don't see much after those two on the depth chart or incoming recruits.

A new QB, with a new OL, with an offense that relies on 3-4 WR sets and an offense that has success by running the hurry up is going to be in trouble next year with this many new faces.
Is it Mustain or Corp next yr? Early favorite? Barkley isn't going to come in as a true frosh is he? Doubt it.

Whats the O/U on underclassmen who declared early but are going to go in the 5th or later rounds
Is it Mustain or Corp next yr? Early favorite? Barkley isn't going to come in as a true frosh is he? Doubt it.

Whats the O/U on underclassmen who declared early but are going to go in the 5th or later rounds

I have a feeling Mustain is going to transfer again.

He's sitting behind Corp.
I thought Mustain dropped behind Corp for only a bit and reclaimed the backup spot?

Last I heard it was Corp then Mustain. Corp had a better grasp of the system.

Bottom line is they need to lose at least one QB amongst Sanchez-Corp-Mustain-Barkley. There will always be some 5 Star sitting in the third string seeing no playing time. Better to transfer and get some PT.
Losing Sanchez is huge for them. He hasn't lived up to his HS all world hype but he is still a pretty damn good QB.

If he goes now he is the #3 QB chosen behind Bradford, and Stafford. If he stays he is probably the #1 QB next year.