PICKS from a newbie!!!!!

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aw, golly, BAR...no need to be nice to him on my account.


Not trying to be nice. If this guy wants to use this name...I'll be nice and merge the accounts. Thats the being nice part. He is more than welcome to be a contributing member. We don't have to do that. We coulda just banned him immediatly for signing up with an alias. Seeing as he had one career post with his other name though Imma willing to negotiate ;)
I like this site the mods actually showing tits in avatars lol. Haven't read the manifesto yet, but looks like tits and ass are a good thing. I see he shows one tit though, might not be able to get away with two tits and legs skyed high huh.
nudity is pretty well accepted here as long as it's not spread wide open.

....and it goes without saying, I hope, that the nudity had better be female nudity....
nudity is pretty well accepted here as long as it's not spread wide open.

....and it goes without saying, I hope, that the nudity had better be female nudity....

It's funny hoopstar post after this. If this is the same hoopstar with the homo in his avatar, geez la weez I am glad I see a gun in his avatar here.:seeya:
I thought it was originally one of marlo's 25 to one doggs.

I dont think it was any of the regulars he listed, except POSSIBLY one of them.

Now with his new picture. Im going to lean hard towards cubsin08

Will be watching this system closely!!
Oh really?

Your name slope24 won the Pig NFL contest in week one...

I won't post your email address you signed up under today but it certainly has the name slope in there....pretty easy to figure out who you are at covers as well from there....

The IP's are a direct match as well.

So, no, don't need to try again.

Pick one name and I'll merge the accounts. Easy enough? Thats being nice for an alias name. Giving you a break because you can't spell "Jamaica" correctly and using Reds Covers avatar is priceless.
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