Pick-- ravens huge-

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
I am selecting the Ravens to win because I know that Ray Lewis and Ed reed will not let them lose.

There is no way that Ravens lose, ed reed and ray lewis wont let it happen.

Miami is not great, and I dont care about Flacco---

Its gonna go something like this

Ravens get in the pre game huddle and ray lewis says this---

"aint no motherfucking sissy pennington gonna beat us today, aint no motherfucking one win team last year gonna beat us- aint no way a weak ass armed qb gonna beat us, aint no way no mothafucking wildcat gonna beat us, ain't no way no pot smoking running back gonna run on us today, aint no mothafucking running back gonna line up at qb and run on us.

I cant see lewis letting balty lose to miami. Ravens will outwill miami tomorrow, ravens are for real folks.

Think about this people--

ravens crush miami tomorrow-- your first road playoff winnner tomorrow-
Sammy...I know your post is somewhat tongue in cheek, but Lewis can't single handedly win the game.

Case in point - Peyton Manning today.
Sammy I completely agree with everything you said.

You sold me, now I just have to decide whether I should take -3.5 or wait til the morning

About to grab a unit on -10.5 @ +220 I think though
I actually envision the huddle going like that,

2 minutes into the game Flacco breaks his collarbone.

Troy Smith comes in, those boys love Troy Smith...defense gives up ZERO points....Troy Smith leads the team to 24 points

24-0 Final.

Ravens march on to Pittsburgh with Troy Smith at the helm. A Heisman winner. :eek:
Sammy I completely agree with everything you said.

You sold me, now I just have to decide whether I should take -3.5 or wait til the morning

About to grab a unit on -10.5 @ +220 I think though

I feel like a dumbass. Can't tell if my boy Slap is joking or serious.

If i learned one thing today sammy, it's don't underestimate Home Field Advantage. Good luck though sammy, if the Ravens do win, I don't think it will be a blowout. Don't forget Joe Flacco is another rookie qb going on the road into a hostlie environment. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he turned the ball over a few times.
If i learned one thing today sammy, it's don't underestimate Home Field Advantage. Good luck though sammy, if the Ravens do win, I don't think it will be a blowout. Don't forget Joe Flacco is another rookie qb going on the road into a hostlie environment. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he turned the ball over a few times.

Agree with everything you said cogen!

Sammy I completely agree with everything you said.

You sold me, now I just have to decide whether I should take -3.5 or wait til the morning

About to grab a unit on -10.5 @ +220 I think though

grab that one, ravens win this one 27- 10 ish--

peyton manning lost today yeah for indy but lets be honet about that--

Colts were close to winning and did not though not making key plays--

Peyton manning lost last 2 seasons to chargers-
lost to pats every year before that
lost to gators in every college game-

Manning is a born choker, he won one super bowl vs a bad bears team, he got lucky that year

with the ravens you have guys on DEFENSE that want to win-- that is the difference- you never rely on offensive guys to win a playoff game on the road--

case in point today both atlanta and colts defense let them down--

TOMORROW folks growl loud ahhhhhhhhh we have the ravens D and the eagles D which are money--

RAVENS dont lose wildcard games- i think they knock out pennington out of this game- They will do the torpedoe move where they launch at him head first and give him a concussion--

RAY LEWIS does not lose to ROMO--

the only teams to beat BALTY are teams that are as physical as them- MIAMI offense is not physical, they are going to get punched and scored on by FLACCO and the run O-
If i learned one thing today sammy, it's don't underestimate Home Field Advantage. Good luck though sammy, if the Ravens do win, I don't think it will be a blowout. Don't forget Joe Flacco is another rookie qb going on the road into a hostlie environment. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he turned the ball over a few times.

IF i learned one thing is erase your memory when you go to sleep- todays game has nothing to do with the ravens game- I dont think Ray Lewis is running around the hotel and waking players up and coaches and telling them shit home field advantage is huge, road teams lost on saturday, we are in trouble--

today had 2 good home teams--

miami is 5-3 at home- wins over 9'ers oakland, seattle, bills, come on think about this--

Ray lewis owns penningotn, he will sack him, those floaters he throws will be blocked down- chad p is not big enough to beat the ravens--

to beat the ravens you need to be 6 foot 5 inches like big ben or have an O LINE like the giants do or tenny.
Damn Sammy.....at first when I read this I thought 'oh hell Sammy's on Tilt'....but the more I think about this you're making sense....right now.
Miami does have the home field which proved to be huge today...
or did it? If Sproles was in Indy I think he still runs his sawed off muchkin ass all over the fucking field and if the dick-weed refs were in Indy, they'd still be self centered assholes there as well....so.......size, speed, etc....
yeah Sammy....I might join you here....but first, gotta get some shut-eye and we'll pick this up in the morning.....maybe number moves in our favor by then huh?

Pissed off, half-drunk, and tired g'night
Damn Sammy.....at first when I read this I thought 'oh hell Sammy's on Tilt'....but the more I think about this you're making sense....right now.
Miami does have the home field which proved to be huge today...
or did it? If Sproles was in Indy I think he still runs his sawed off muchkin ass all over the fucking field and if the dick-weed refs were in Indy, they'd still be self centered assholes there as well....so.......size, speed, etc....
yeah Sammy....I might join you here....but first, gotta get some shut-eye and we'll pick this up in the morning.....maybe number moves in our favor by then huh?

Pissed off, half-drunk, and tired g'night

I will never be on TILT my friend i could lose 1000 in a row and that would be perfectly normal to me. I lost on the Colts as many others did, I have been taking care of business in a calculated manner. Sometimes you lose , it happens, I learned a few lesssons, MANNING is not a playoff performer, and that a team coasting after 9 straight wins gets surprised a lot-

Every game is independent, I could lose the biggest wager of my life and it does not matter anymore, nothing matter, my mind is blank and when you are like that you can clean up, i dont add up ever what i am up or down-

You want to win, you have to learn how to mentally win----

Please i want to lose, i need to lose, i need some losers, havent had many in the last few months at all, but I would love some losers so I can learn- THe colts loss was excellent, it made me learn a lot-

Ravens in my eyes are a trusted team, and team that will win the game-

IF you can run on a team and then throw on them- and have a wimpy qb like pennington who does not do welll vs pressure its game over-
THIs game is over in the pregame warmups-- RAY LEWIS will get the team amped and this D will shut down the ravens--

RAVENS will run the ball and stop the run-- enough said they win easy--

MIAMI is not a good football squad.
Damn Sammy.....sorry brutha....I was lit last night and pissed off too.
I'm awake, sober, have been fed already and back to me senses.
I just noticed how strong you are relying on Ray Lewis.
That killed it for me.

Good Health Sammy........gotta go with the Phins.
Health Sammy.. Watch Lewis' last 3 or 4 games.... Something is not right with that guy.. He isn't getting back in coverage, he is getting fatter by the week and has easily lost 2 or 3 steps... In fact he has almost become a caricature of himself... Ravens may win and they have the defense to do it, but Ray Lewis is currently at the top of my overrated list... Bad time to become a free agent Ray Ray..

JUst saying Sammy--- Ray Lewis is not the reason to take the Ravens IMO.... GL on your day bro and try to be a little more enrgetic..
ray is not the ray of old i agree.

however what you must remember is that pennington could never beat the pats. GOOD defensive coordinators blitz him and make him look small.

This is amazing the love for miami. Miami is not a good team, they will be exposed badly today as a fraud.

THe reason to take the ravens is DEFENSE--
Miami beat all bad teams--

Ravens are battle tested, better running, better stopping run, better special teams-

Certain qb's cant beat ravens and certain styles cant beat ravens--

I can guarantee you no one is running on the ravens--

wanna test the 2nd ranked pass defense with a weak armed small qb-- Pennington is going to get run over. Ravens do that to small qb's-- They run right over the little qb's like pennington.
Remember 2/3 of earth is covered by water-

the other 1/3 is covered by ED REED--

This revenge nonsense and home field and rookie qb's are all bullshit. Did Matt RYAN not play good yesterday? HIS DEFENSE SUCKED-

I can say that the vet qb's both were shit yesterday, warner and manning--

Ravens are never a sexy pick cause they win-- FLACCO is smart and cam cameron knows how to beat the old team- its huge huge edge to the guy who leaves the old team, ask JOhn gruden when he beat oakland in the super bowl-

I would be shocked if Miami is even in this game in the 3rd qtr---

Ravens will hit close to 30 points and Miami will get 10 or under.
Hey Sammy, come here....closer....now bend down a little..there you go....just a little closer...THERE :36_11_2:

Miami boys put on the strap ons and give it to Flacco and Lewis in a shark orgy.

:cheers::cheers: ;)
this mighty defense of thee ravens you speak of gives up a dickload through the air...

pts on the road:

23 to pitt
31 to indy -- wow did that defense look amazing that game
13 to mia -- i think we'd all agree miami is a different team right now, but miami OUTGAINED the ravens in this game, and pennington -- that weak ass qb, threw for 295 yards

27 to cle -- hahaha read that again
13 to houst -- houst had sage at the helm and turned it over several times when driving, but SAGE ROSENFELS threw for 294 yards

30 to nyg
3 to cinci --- wow pop the champagne
24 to dallas

not your baltimore ravens defense from previous years imo---theyve done a great job stopping the run and a great job at home as always. they have been relying heavily on their offense and their rookie qb to make plays to win road games. both receivers and heap are banged up and they got the rook starting his first playoff game. dolphins will force the ravens to pass with a top ten rated run defense, and they'll come after flacco with their lbs lined up all over the place. if you think it was hard on ryan yesterday, it will be even harder on flacco today.

i don't think you're giving pennington nearly enough credit...the fact that he didn't win the mvp this year is an absolute joke. 3650 yards to receivers that most people have never even heard of with the exception of ginn who everyone thought was a huge bust. ginn will get behind that secondary and make the ravens defend the whole field, and pennington will spread the wealth like he has all season.

baltimore thrives off of turnovers and i'm not sure if they can win games without winning the turnover battle. the dolphins just don't turn it over -- record setting in fewest turnovers.

on the over and miami myself, but good luck fellas
and i haven't seen many people at all on miami---every person i see is giving baltimore all of the credit, and most of the people i talk to about it (not on here) can't even name 3 miami receivers and are taking baltimore because of their "dominant defense"---those people are in for a surprise---if baltimore wins it will have to be in a shootout
i don't think you're giving pennington nearly enough credit...the fact that he didn't win the mvp this year is an absolute joke. 3650 yards to receivers that most people have never even heard of with the exception of ginn who everyone thought was a huge bust. ginn will get behind that secondary and make the ravens defend the whole field, and pennington will spread the wealth like he has all season.
Amen brotha
Sammy you obviously don't like " That weak ass QB " of Miamis....
I think we'd all agree that one of the best in history came from this same team....Pennington has thrown for more yards (3,653) than any Dolphins quarterback since Marino in 1997. Pennington finished the regular season with a 67.4 completion percentage, a team record, 4 consecutive games with a passer rating over 100!!!!!!! which matched Marino from his record-setting 1984 season!!!!!
dolphins will turn it over at least 3 times today--

Can someone please explain to me how pennington is going to stop the TORPEDOE MOVE?

WHen Ravens play a smaller qb, they intimidate them- just like ROMO was scrared shitless, he wanted to run to the locker room.

Ravens are not looking to sack PENNINGTON today, they are looking to give him a concussion bigtime. I expect a defender will launch himself vertically in the air like a missile and hit Pennington in the head. Pennington being about 6 feet and on the slender side cannot beat the ravens. THe ravens dont lose to small qb's and qb's who hang on to the ball for ever like pennington.

WHen you have a skinny qb he will throw it fast and throw a PICK 6 easily. ANyone notice how ROMO threw those 2 terrible interceptions vs ravens. That was because he saw the ravens yelling and grunting like pigs coming for him, he probably said fuck this shit i am getting paid millions, i dont need to have a major head injury, i am just going to throw this ball away-

The tall qb's stand in the pocket and can make the throws vs the ravens-

THe Ravens overpower the small qb's--

small qb's vs the RAVENS D== HELP HELP HELP HELP get me outta here
Sammy you obviously don't like " That weak ass QB " of Miamis....
I think we'd all agree that one of the best in history came from this same team....Pennington has thrown for more yards (3,653) than any Dolphins quarterback since Marino in 1997. Pennington finished the regular season with a 67.4 completion percentage, a team record, 4 consecutive games with a passer rating over 100!!!!!!! which matched Marino from his record-setting 1984 season!!!!!
And is the #1 most accurate passer in NFL with old man Kurt Warner behind him and look what that panzie did yesterday.
Only time will tell but I bet you know Ray Lewis is grabbing players pumping them up, probably has a Pennington blow up doll in the locker room and is walking with it squeezing the neck of it..

You see no one really knows how banged up a player is. Believe nothing the NFL tells you and the media. MIAMI is the darlings but should be out in 3 hours anyway.
dolphins will turn it over at least 3 times today--

Can someone please explain to me how pennington is going to stop the TORPEDOE MOVE?

WHen Ravens play a smaller qb, they intimidate them- just like ROMO was scrared shitless, he wanted to run to the locker room.

Ravens are not looking to sack PENNINGTON today, they are looking to give him a concussion bigtime. I expect a defender will launch himself vertically in the air like a missile and hit Pennington in the head. Pennington being about 6 feet and on the slender side cannot beat the ravens. THe ravens dont lose to small qb's and qb's who hang on to the ball for ever like pennington.

WHen you have a skinny qb he will throw it fast and throw a PICK 6 easily. ANyone notice how ROMO threw those 2 terrible interceptions vs ravens. That was because he saw the ravens yelling and grunting like pigs coming for him, he probably said fuck this shit i am getting paid millions, i dont need to have a major head injury, i am just going to throw this ball away-

The tall qb's stand in the pocket and can make the throws vs the ravens-

THe Ravens overpower the small qb's--

small qb's vs the RAVENS D== HELP HELP HELP HELP get me outta here

I am a Cowboy fan. Not fair to compare Phins to ROMO!!!
I don't think all that went thru Romos mind.....seriously.
The Cowboys suck ass.....period. The entire team, as a team, SUCK!
Phins are an entirely different type of team with an entirely different type of chemistry RIGHT NOW who are EXECUTING a PLAN to ACCOMPLISH a GOAL......thats what a team does.......Dallas did none of the above.

So......let's have your next comparison......or, not.

Another thing to keep in mind. This has always given Miami an edge. Miami practices and plays in 80+ degrees day in and day out. The weather today is sunny, in the low 80's and humid.

Baltimore is coming from what? 30 degrees? Trust me, half way through this game the heat and humidity takes it's toll. :4_12_13:
Another thing to keep in mind. This has always given Miami an edge. Miami practices and plays in 80+ degrees day in and day out. The weather today is sunny, in the low 80's and humid.

Baltimore is coming from what? 30 degrees? Trust me, half way through this game the heat and humidity takes it's toll. :4_12_13:
Shark, most of these guys are from the south (FL, TX, AL, MS). The heat isn't that big of a factor. Having home field advantage has a whole lot more to do with it.

I'l be curious to see how experience plays a role in this game. Balty has a lot of playoff games on their roster while the fins have very little.
Shark, most of these guys are from the south (FL, TX, AL, MS). The heat isn't that big of a factor. Having home field advantage has a whole lot more to do with it.

I'l be curious to see how experience plays a role in this game. Balty has a lot of playoff games on their roster while the fins have very little.

It doesn't matter where they came from, it's what they are acclimated to. Big difference. ;)
Sammy great confidence in Baltimore bro and i'm feeling the same way as you are. Now i'm playing devil's advocate. Look at the dolphins awesome season comp[ared to last year. Parcells also knows how to motvate a team and be really a hard ass as we have seen. They don't have losing in their mind right now. 1st game in miami as Sportsnut has mentioned was more miami coming into it's own. Now they are thier own and revenge at home vs Balty. Pennington has to be high as a kite after taking out his old team. Phins seems like the correct side after analyzing what each teams motivation is IMO. BOL though :cheers:
Sammy.... I am with you on this one.....good defenses win games & I really think they take the rookie QB to the next round.....GL2US!!!!!!!:cheers:
Oh, and dont forget the 2 backs that are over 300 pounds that will be sitting on Lewis' ass all day. hehe
motivation is more baltimore---

ravens own certain qb's and a QB like pennington will look like he is 5 foot 4 inches tall today--

Trust me you cant run on the ravens and little qb's dont beat them with weak arms-

the only team to beat us bad passing is peyton manning and our starting corners were out that game-

pennington can throw prob max 40 yards, so he does have the big arm-- HE hangs onto the ball, he is dead today--

Throw out all the miami bullshit stats you want--

beating JETS- BILLS- OAKLand-9"ers- Seattle- does not impress me--

playing good teams they got beat good--

allowed 48 to pats-- 27 to ravens-- 31 to zona---

this team is not great, ravens win and cover
Sammy.... I am with you on this one.....good defenses win games & I really think they take the rookie QB to the next round.....GL2US!!!!!!!:cheers:
this mighty defense of thee ravens you speak of gives up a dickload through the air...

pts on the road:

23 to pitt
31 to indy -- wow did that defense look amazing that game
13 to mia -- i think we'd all agree miami is a different team right now, but miami OUTGAINED the ravens in this game, and pennington -- that weak ass qb, threw for 295 yards

27 to cle -- hahaha read that again
13 to houst -- houst had sage at the helm and turned it over several times when driving, but SAGE ROSENFELS threw for 294 yards

30 to nyg
3 to cinci --- wow pop the champagne
24 to dallas

not your baltimore ravens defense from previous years imo---theyve done a great job stopping the run and a great job at home as always. they have been relying heavily on their offense and their rookie qb to make plays to win road games. both receivers and heap are banged up and they got the rook starting his first playoff game. dolphins will force the ravens to pass with a top ten rated run defense, and they'll come after flacco with their lbs lined up all over the place. if you think it was hard on ryan yesterday, it will be even harder on flacco today.

i don't think you're giving pennington nearly enough credit...the fact that he didn't win the mvp this year is an absolute joke. 3650 yards to receivers that most people have never even heard of with the exception of ginn who everyone thought was a huge bust. ginn will get behind that secondary and make the ravens defend the whole field, and pennington will spread the wealth like he has all season.

baltimore thrives off of turnovers and i'm not sure if they can win games without winning the turnover battle. the dolphins just don't turn it over -- record setting in fewest turnovers.

on the over and miami myself, but good luck fellas
<!-- / message -->Let me re-post broadway Joe's post
motivation is more baltimore---

ravens own certain qb's and a QB like pennington will look like he is 5 foot 4 inches tall today--

Trust me you cant run on the ravens and little qb's dont beat them with weak arms-

the only team to beat us bad passing is peyton manning and our starting corners were out that game-

pennington can throw prob max 40 yards, so he does have the big arm-- HE hangs onto the ball, he is dead today--

Throw out all the miami bullshit stats you want--

beating JETS- BILLS- OAKLand-9"ers- Seattle- does not impress me--

playing good teams they got beat good--

allowed 48 to pats-- 27 to ravens-- 31 to zona---

this team is not great, ravens win and cover

Ummm. they beat your great Pats too...:36_11_6:
dolphins will turn it over at least 3 times today--

Can someone please explain to me how pennington is going to stop the TORPEDOE MOVE?

WHen Ravens play a smaller qb, they intimidate them- just like ROMO was scrared shitless, he wanted to run to the locker room.

Ravens are not looking to sack PENNINGTON today, they are looking to give him a concussion bigtime. I expect a defender will launch himself vertically in the air like a missile and hit Pennington in the head. Pennington being about 6 feet and on the slender side cannot beat the ravens. THe ravens dont lose to small qb's and qb's who hang on to the ball for ever like pennington.

WHen you have a skinny qb he will throw it fast and throw a PICK 6 easily. ANyone notice how ROMO threw those 2 terrible interceptions vs ravens. That was because he saw the ravens yelling and grunting like pigs coming for him, he probably said fuck this shit i am getting paid millions, i dont need to have a major head injury, i am just going to throw this ball away-

The tall qb's stand in the pocket and can make the throws vs the ravens-

THe Ravens overpower the small qb's--

small qb's vs the RAVENS D== HELP HELP HELP HELP get me outta here

2 int;s already for the supposed overrated D--

EDDY REED :smiley_acbe::smiley_acbe::smiley_acbe::smiley_acbe:


I shoulda stuck with ya!
Here's to us Sammy now on to the EAGLES I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheers: I hope we are on the same side here too!!!!!!:smiley_acbe:
of course i like money i dont like tavaris and childress combo---

eagels are for real, road teams win in playoffs when they have a DEFENSE-------

I look for some bad Tavaris throws--

only problem is mcnabb is basically a rookie also
agree dude on both sides u are on fuck the haters .. good teams find ways to win.. people think too much when it comes to these plays.. Ravens was easy loot.. good luck on the rest of the playoffs
agree dude on both sides u are on fuck the haters .. good teams find ways to win.. people think too much when it comes to these plays.. Ravens was easy loot.. good luck on the rest of the playoffs

BINGO buddy, you got it, its not that complicated, certain things happen in playoffs--- they just happen--

over analyzing it is a joke--

eagles expect to go in and smash the vikes---

sure colts lost but in reality chargers have their number and manning other than the super bowl is a a playoff choker.

even the Vikings will find out when the eagles play that they are in trouble.

can you imagine if the Phins and vikes and cards all went to the 2nd round?

cards snuck in, but phins are out and vikes should follow suit--

exactly these games are not that complicated- phins were made out to be amazing form the things i was reading-

vikes are better than the phins but eagles are solid and should win this game- you cannot trust tavaris here- just cannot and the defense on vike is shaky also--

everyone thinks about the eagles bad road games vs cincy and washington-

believe nothing you hear and only 50% of what you see--

Erase those games, what if eagles play a good offensive game????

is anybody gonna tell me the vikes even have a shot then?:smiley_acbe:
also teams lke the vikes could not beat a team playing 3rd striners in giants last week until last play--

they dont want to be in the playoffs that badly- the players know tavaris is not taking them anywhere--

eagles got in late to the playoffs and now will do what sandieog did and win this game, they know they have a shot at the super bowl as they can beat anyone including giants--

vikes lmao with tavaris on a road game lose by 21+ without a doubt
BINGO buddy, you got it, its not that complicated, certain things happen in playoffs--- they just happen--

over analyzing it is a joke--

eagles expect to go in and smash the vikes---

sure colts lost but in reality chargers have their number and manning other than the super bowl is a a playoff choker.

even the Vikings will find out when the eagles play that they are in trouble.

can you imagine if the Phins and vikes and cards all went to the 2nd round?

cards snuck in, but phins are out and vikes should follow suit--

exactly these games are not that complicated- phins were made out to be amazing form the things i was reading-

vikes are better than the phins but eagles are solid and should win this game- you cannot trust tavaris here- just cannot and the defense on vike is shaky also--

everyone thinks about the eagles bad road games vs cincy and washington-

believe nothing you hear and only 50% of what you see--

Erase those games, what if eagles play a good offensive game????

is anybody gonna tell me the vikes even have a shot then?:smiley_acbe:

eagles game came down to what i said- believe only 50% of what you see-
eagles looked great passing the ball, waht they did in reg season meant nothing -- must bet with a clear mind- when you realize the effect the media and your own rejudices play you can win.:smiley_acbe:
good calls sammy..you turned out to be right about that ravens defense...you crack my ass up man. gl in the rest of the playoffs