Yeah, the whole world is in on the conspiracy. How dare governments & medical professionals try to save lives, mitigate the effect of the virus & prevent the healthcare system from collapsing. If you really want to classify some employers requiring their workers to get a couple shots in the arm as medical tyranny, maybe you should look into the one-child policy China had in effect for 30 years, or some of the medical experiments the ****'s performed on the Jews. Tyranny, or maybe just an inconvenience? This whole vaccine paranoia being directly tied to a person's political affiliation is absolutely ridiculous. I personally don't know anyone who was adversely affected by the vaccine outside of a sore arm, or in a few cases, body aches & chills for a day. I do know 4 people who died from Covid over the past 2 years though & at least a half-dozen more who were hospitalized at