Paging: Kramer, Seabass, Slug, Retburj etc

Got a few small plays...

Celts ML +190
Celts +5
Ray Allen over 14.5 points
Pierce over 25.5 Pts+Rebounds

<table style="width: 358px; height: 23px;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="bg2" align="right" height="17" valign="middle"><td align="left">R. Allen, SG</td><td align="right">39</td><td align="center">5-16</td><td align="center">3-4</td><td align="right">6</td><td align="right">6</td><td align="right">4</td><td align="right">14</td></tr></tbody></table>


Same bet tonight

I was dying when I saw this cat on TV the other night
Hey BAR, let us know if you hear Rips ok and the injury is not serious. I'm leaning Pistons with their backs against the wall but won't play them w/o Rip.

Hopefully Sheed will post up a little too. Man he's got a great inside/out game, it's ashame he doesn't post up more. He can definately play with his back to the basket and either score or draw fouls.