Paging: Cruzer, Alex, Mogo, Joe Public etc


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i give it ten minutes into game 1 before gary roberts beats franzens ass....

detroit you better get ready to strap it on.

I've been listening to 96.1 kiss fm, for all those pittsburgh natives and the morning show guys are hilarious trying to come up with funny sayings for penguins players. Here we go pens.
96.1 morning show is the dumbest shit ive ever heard in my life. I wanna go to the place and shoot up the fucking place for hiring those two idiots

Big Snack, proprietor of Pittsburgh-based blog Pierogis N'at, is citing inside sources who have let him in on a little secret: the Penguins will be opening up Mellon Arena on Saturday and Monday so that fans can watch Game One and Two from the comfort of an actual arena seat and not a beach blanket. I guess this throws a little wild card into our "where to watch the Pens game" discussion from earlier this morning.

deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetroitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooockeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
this is going to be a greatt stanley cup final..i can't wait goal fest :D
Now it's on.

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