Pac Man's 2007-2008 NHL Thread

Wednesday's Ice Action
  • 705pm, ATL > PIT, 132/100
  • 935pm, CAL > SJ, 130/100
  • 735pm, FL > BUF, 115/100
  • 705pm, ANA > MN, 1,100/1,298
  • 735pm, PHX > DET, 100/282
  • 735pm, PHX/DET over 5.5 (+105), 200/210
  • 735pm, PHX over 2, 110/100
Good luck to those on these teams and plays as well.
^===== Belated, appreciated and noted. Thank you.


Records and stats updated asap.

705pm, WA > MON, 100/107
705pm, LA > NYI, 100/130
705pm, NYR > PHI, 200/264
735pm, TOR > CAR, 100/157
735pm, TAM > VAN, 100/103
805pm, NASH > CBUS, 426/300

BOL to those on these teams and games.
Stats and records are current through tonight's action.

Last night's action went: 2-4-1, taking $1,215 from the accounts
Tonight's action went: 5-2-0, adding $610 to the accounts

This week is: 8-6-1, +$645

The season stands at: 227-230-2, +$38,006

4-digit wagers are: 27-23-0, +$3,528

5-digit wagers are: 4-0-0, +$38,000

Last week's action went: 8-12-1, +$4,221
705pm, NJ > NYR, 151/100
735pm, VAN > FL, 200/230
735pm, ATL > BUF, 200/262
735pm, CO > DET, 300/774
835pm, ANA > STL, 3,050/2,500
905pm, EDM > DAL, 100/127

BOL to those on these teams as well.
Last night's action went 1-5-0 taking $3,539 from the accounts.

Records and stats will be updated later today.

205pm, NYI > MON, 300/525
505pm, CHI > SJ, 100/204

There is more action for today but it will have to wait (for now).

Good luck to those on these teams as well.
Here's the rest of tonight's action.
  • 705pm, TOR > OTT, 200/236
  • 705pm, ANA > PHI, 4,600/5,980
  • 705pm, WA > ATL, 190/100
  • 705pm, NJ > LA, 525/300
  • 705pm, BOS > DET, 300/399
  • 705pm, CBUS > MN, 100/121
  • 735pm, FL > TAM, 200/310
  • 735pm, PIT > CAR, 114/100
  • 805pm, PHX > NASH, 200/280
  • 835pm, CO > STL, 400/520
  • 1005pm, DAL > CAL, 100/154
Records and stats through tonight's action.

Monday's action went: 2-0-0, +$760

This week is: 2-0-0, +$760

The season is: 236-242-2, +$31,057

4-digit wagers are: 27-25-0, -$4,122

5-digit wagers are: 4-0-0, +$38,000

Last week's action went: 15-18-1, -$7,064

Tuesday's action will be listed later.
Tuesday's Ice Action
  • 705pm, PHI > ATL, 128/100
  • 705pm, CBUS > WA, 238/200
  • 705pm, ANA > NYI, 15,950/11,000
  • 705pm, LA > NYR, 100/197
  • 705pm, BOS > BUF, 103/100
  • 735pm, TOR > FL, 270/200
  • 735pm, OTT > MON, 300/363
  • 805pm, MN > DET, 500/620
  • 805pm, NASH > CAR, 134/100
  • 835pm, VAN > DAL, 500/650
  • 905pm, PHX > CAL, 100/157
Good luck to those on these teams as well.
Last night's action went 4-7-0 but added $9,286 to the accounts.

Records and stats will be updated this afternoon/evening.
Keep it up !!!

Pacman, i have seen your thread since you started and it is quite a nice job you are doing. I am not wagering as much as you do. However, winning with you is too great to ignore.

Much appreciated.
Pacman, i have seen your thread since you started and it is quite a nice job you are doing. I am not wagering as much as you do. However, winning with you is too great to ignore.

Much appreciated.


Thank you for your kind words. I post here, and other boards, so that when my time comes my grandchildren and children will be able to see that our methods work as well as to show others one need not hit "53%" to turn a profit. The amounts to not matter to me, all I hope is you keep the same ratio for the entire season. Meaning if I'm on a game risking $100 and you can do $10 without issues (no problems from me as you're risking as well) keep that ratio the whole time (season). Again thank you for your kind words.
Tuesday's action went: 4-7-0, +$9,286

This week is: 6-7-0, +$10,046

The season is: 240-249-2, +$40,343

4-digit wagers are: 27-25-0, -$4,122

5-digit wagers are: 5-0-0, +$49,000

Last week's action went: 15-18-1, -$7,064

705pm, WA > PHI, 300/480
905pm, CHI > EDM, 500/555===>50/50 on re-tap
Nice job Pacman, I have a question though...Seeing as you chase a team thats due to win, Im curious about last year when Edmonton had that massive losing streak...I mean does there come a point where you say 'no more' when a team is concerned?
Nice job Pacman, I have a question though...Seeing as you chase a team thats due to win, Im curious about last year when Edmonton had that massive losing streak...I mean does there come a point where you say 'no more' when a team is concerned?


Thank you. Is a very good question you ask. Here is the best answer that can be given. Yes, there is a limit (just like for bases) which is why it has been repeatedly mentioned to those that follow to back load their wagers to at least 12. Because lines vary by as much as 15 getting a better line helps tremendously. For many who have been gaming for less than a decade it might might seem possible to start at $100 and be able to go deep/long. I have been gaming for a very, very long time and started with wagers at/under $10 a game (various sports). In short, everything "at risk" is now all profits so even if I lose, still haven't touched the initial bank roll. I understand the points you/others make about this way of gaming but there are safe guards in the systems. Thanks for visiting, stop by again. Continued success to you this season.
Wednesday's action went: 1-1-0, -$20

This week is: 7-8-0, +$10,026

The season is: 241-250-2, +$40,323

4-digit wagers are: 27-25-0, -$4,122

5-digit wagers are: 5-0-0, +$49,000

Last week's action went: 15-18-1, -$7,064
Thursday's Ice Action
  • 735pm, NYI > PIT, 400/588
  • 735pm, LA > DET, 200/550
  • 805pm, TAM > NASH, 100/145
  • 905pm, CBUS > PHX, 400/500
  • 905pm, CHI > CAL, 400/824
  • 705pm, VAN > ATL, 900/900
  • 705pm, TOR > MON, 300/519
  • 735pm, OTT > FL, 900/500
  • 805pm, MN > DAL, 900/600
Good luck to those on these teams as well.
Thursday's action went: 7-2-0, +$2,638

This week is: 14-10-0, +$12,664

The season is: 248-252-2, +$42,981

4-digit wagers are: 27-25-0, -$4,122

5-digit wagers are: 5-0-0, +$49,000

Last week's action went: 15-18-1, -$7,064

LOB: $2,500
Friday's action went: 1-0-0, +$480

This week is: 15-10-0, +$13,144

The season is: 249-252-2, +$43,461

4-digit wagers are: 27-25-0, -$4,122

5-digit wagers are: 5-0-0, +$49,000

Last week's action went: 15-18-1, -$7,064

Saturday's Ice Action
  • 305pm, DET > TOR, 1,750/1,000
  • 605pm, NYI > MN, 1,000/1,940
  • 805pm, STL > DAL, 1,000/1,550
Good luck to those on these teams as well.
Saturday's action went: 0-5-0, -$6,750

This week is: 15-15-0, +$6,394

The season is: 249-257-2, +$36,711

4-digit wagers are: 27-28-0, -$10,872

5-digit wagers are: 5-0-0, +$49,000

Last week's action went: 15-18-1, -$7,064


For those of you who have been following, you’ll have taken note that we incorporate many facets when making selections and amounts. One of the items we’ve been tracking is a team’s record post All-Star break. For us, there is no such thing a “tie”, teams win/lose in either overtime or shoot out. Here are the teams records, as we keep them, from the break forward through Saturday February 9, 2008's action.

PHI 3-2
NJ 3-3
PIT 3-2
NYI 0-6
NYR 4-3

OTT 2-3
MON 3-3
BOS 2-3
BUF 5-2
TOR 3-3

CAR 3-2
WA 3-3
ATL 4-2
FL 4-2
TB 3-3

DET 4-2
CBUS 1-5
NASH 3-3
STL 2-3
CHI 1-3

MN 3-2
CAL 3-3
VAN 1-5
CO 4-2
EDM 2-2

SJ 4-2
DAL 5-0
ANA 3-3
PHX 2-4
LA 3-3


Sunday's Ice Action
  • 335pm, DET > ANA, 6,000/4,000
  • 605pm, STL > MN, 4,000/4,000
  • 805pm, PHX > NASH, 130/100
Fade or follow, the choice is yours. There is a write-up on/for the DET/ANA game on the geo page for those wanting to know the particulars. Good luck to those on these teams as well.
Saturday's Ice Action
  • 305pm, DET > TOR, 1,750/1,000
  • 605pm, NYI > MN, 1,000/1,940
  • 805pm, STL > DAL, 1,000/1,550
result 0-3

Sunday's Ice Action
  • 335pm, DET > ANA, 6,000/4,000
  • 605pm, STL > MN, 4,000/4,000
  • 805pm, PHX > NASH, 130/100
result 0-3

and monday's fucking game is ...
705pm, PHX > DAL, 3,000/5,100
result 0-1
It looks like progress game.

Last three days balance is about -$17000.
May I ask how many $ is your bank?
I'm tailing you, of course it's my decision, but ...

Do you play any type of progress game, Pacman?
If You do, I need know it, because my bank is not unlimited.
Last edited:
result 0-3

result 0-3

and monday's ******* game is ...
result 0-1
It looks like progress game.

Last three days balance is about -$17000.
May I ask how many $ is your bank?
I'm tailing you, of course it's my decision, but ...

Do you play any type of progress game, Pacman?
If You do, I need know it, because my bank is not unlimited.


Thank you for visiting my NHL thread - with your FIRST POST. Please keep your language in check while in my thread as I have little ones who read this with me at times. Thank you.

The last few days have provided $0. It happens over the course of a season. Do you really expect to win every single day? If you've been tailing the listings here since the start of the season, despite this current downward spiral you'd still be cash positive. Think big picture - not snap shot.

Have a wonderful day.
Last night's action lost making it a season high of nine straight non-wins. The season is still in the black but has taken a beating during this stretch.

Records/stats updated asap.

...Please keep your language in check while in my thread as I have little ones who read this with me at times. Thank you.
I'm sorry.

Do you really expect to win every single day?
No, I don't expect. I know, there are bad days and good days.
But I didn't expect three days KO, one after another.
In addition, there was quite high amounts play, you know -17000 in total.

Four, five days ago was this season: 248-252-2, +$42,981.
During last three days -17000, it's +/- 40 percent of all profit.

If you've been tailing the listings here since the start of the season, despite this current downward spiral you'd still be cash positive.
I have been tailing from 2007 december.

Think big picture - not snap shot.
Nice phrase (sentence). I will remember it :)

I noticed this:
saturday: DET > TOR, 1,750/1,000
sunday: DET > ANA, 6,000/4,000
sunday: PHX > NASH, 130/100
monday: PHX > DAL, 3,000/5,100

It's martingale system?

keep it up Pacman, those power pellets will be coming soon and you will be able to chomp those pesky ghosts!!!


Well said and thank you. Amazes myself that a person, all of a sudden/out of no where, pops up when things are on a downward spiral. You should already know the other four games in play for tonight, plus the early one listed below. Continued success to you this season.
Im on the Islanders as well Pacman. Good luck to us!


Good luck to you as well on the Islanders. First period is complete. Two more to go. Continued success to you this season.
I'm sorry.

No, I don't expect. I know, there are bad days and good days.
But I didn't expect three days KO, one after another.
In addition, there was quite high amounts play, you know -17000 in total.

Four, five days ago was this season: 248-252-2, +$42,981.
During last three days -17000, it's +/- 40 percent of all profit.

I have been tailing from 2007 december.

Nice phrase (sentence). I will remember it :)

I noticed this:
saturday: DET > TOR, 1,750/1,000
sunday: DET > ANA, 6,000/4,000
sunday: PHX > NASH, 130/100
monday: PHX > DAL, 3,000/5,100

It's martingale system?



Apology accepted. Very much family orientated on this end and don't need issue from the grandchildren's parents. Mine have heard me use them but I try very hard not to around them.

Yes, the three days in a row have taken from the profits of this season but the accounts are still solidly in the black. If you've keep your wager ratio the same from day one, your account is still further ahead than at day one.

Just something my dad past to me very late in his life. Made sense then, makes sense now.

The system used is like no other you will ever see. It is our family's and has been past down from generation to generation. There are several components to this. It's not for everyone, nor can it be posted/sent to others etc but willingly post the action for all.

Have a good night.
905pm, MN > EDM, played to win 18 units

DET down 3-0 after first, Ozzy was pulled before the halfway mark, going to be a l-o-n-g game to watch.
Records are current through last night's action.

This week is: 2-4-0, -$5,966.

The season is: 251-264-2, +$20,615.

4-digit wagers are: 28-32-0, -$25,006.

5-digit wagers are: 6-1-0, +$45,400.

Last week's action went: 15-18-0, -$3,736.

Wednesday's action will be posted here later today.
Yesterday's action went: 2-0-0, +$274

This week is: 4-4-0, -$5,692.

The season is: 253-264-2, +$20,889.

4-digit wagers are: 28-32-0, -$25,006.

5-digit wagers are: 6-1-0, +$45,400.

Last week's action went: 15-18-0, -$3,736.

Thursday's action will be posted here later today.
Yesterday's action went: 1-1-0, +$5,230

This week is: 5-5-0, -$462.

The season is: 254-265-2, +$19,506.

4-digit wagers are: 29-32-0, -$25,006.

5-digit wagers are: 6-1-0, +$45,400.

Last week's action went: 15-18-0, -$3,736.

Friday's action will be posted here later today.