Opening Week into Christmas Weekend Discussion

I watched last night 1H and was wondering about Smith too. So odd.

Nice win tonight.
Smith likely headed out. Someone prob takes a flyer on him bc of his athletic ability and maybe he’s just broken and can be fixed like fultz was, plus Payton and Frank playing well tonight and rivers and quickley returning soon doesn’t bode well for him to get minutes. I still think he can play, but he’s not the kind of guy who can play 10-15 min a night and show you something. You gotta put him out there, let him know he’s getting 25-30 min consistently so he’s not afraid of a missed shot or turnover and being yanked. I think Knox is the same way, but they won’t get that chance w this team.

tonight’s win was unexpected but it’s amazing how simple this game is when you make shots. Last night their guards were like 2-10000 and tonight lights out. Go figure.