On to the Playoffs...

HR...you honestly think Wash has a better chance of winning 1 game vs clev and lakers wont take one vs phx? I think those series switch... phx in 5 and clev in 4. rest are nice.

Dallas in 6
Houston in 5

Phoenix in 4
San Antonio in 6

Detroit in 5
Miami in 6

Cleveland in 5
New Jersey in 7

Dallas I can see in anything from 5-7 (7 is the Stern conspiracy number, where GDS get tons of FTs a la MIA/Wade, but they're so shit at shooting those it'll mean they won't win the series even with such help).

Houston will have a meltdown at home (they always do) that'll pad the pockets of Vegas, so (also giving Utah a home win), I'll say Rocks in 6.

Phoenix in 5, the Fake show will pad the book's pockets with the solitary home win (prob when they're down 0-3 and it'll feel impossible to take them).

San Antonio in 5 as well.

The East is more a muddle, but I'd be suprised if any of the top Favs need more than 5 games (there's bound to be a 6 gamer, prob MIA).

NJY & TOR I expect to go the distance, but who wins Game 7, who knows. Jersey maybe the better team, but to me they're the same version of the Nets who have made all their recent post seasons, and who have done nothing in them since blowing it vs DET in 03-04. Tired veterens (Jefferson, Collins, Kidd, Carter) who know they arent winning it all, who have justified their paychecks by simply making the post season. Toronto's freshness & enthusiasm for ps basketball may get them over the inexperience hump. Can see the unfavoured, ugly options dominating this series.
Spurs, Stones, and Heat all have value in winning it all. Dallas at +175 or whatever is dog shit.

Even though the West has been dominant, East has won some titles.

Also, I think San An puts it on Phoenix in round 2.