Ole Miss vs Mississippi State Preview Article

So many Michigan fans here. Sometimes I wonder if BAR doesn't have an alias. Like just to fuck around a bit. Cause sometimes he holds himself back, treads the 'company line' ig and speaks politely about Sparty when he probably doesn't want to. I mean it's partly his forum, what would he do ban his own alias?
I've banned my own alias before, just as a power Trip.
I did post one write-up too soon after hitting the dab pen too hard. Ended up deleting it lol. But drugs and writing aren‘t necessarily a bad mix. When the acid wore off enough such that I was still energized but no longer insane my editor said that the article I produced that night was my best ever lol
I've banned my own alias before, just as a power Trip.

For some reason this reminds me of AIM where you could warn somebody up to 100% so that he couldn‘t log on for a period of time. Thank god we have a non-democratic system here where the power to punish is securely placed in the hands of the few
Anyone concerned that this is all Ole Miss on the side.....I read posts from a lot of different sources, including the service plays that are released, and I have not seen ONE person backing Miss State here.........so, i will probably have to take one for the gamblers' team and back the Bulldogs

. But drugs and writing aren‘t necessarily a bad mix.

In fact encouraged.........HST one of my heros.....also, have you ever read a Tom Robbins novel....can't tell me his plot ideas not drug induced...nobody that fukkin odd
Anyone concerned that this is all Ole Miss on the side.....I read posts from a lot of different sources, including the service plays that are released, and I have not seen ONE person backing Miss State here.........so, i will probably have to take one for the gamblers' team and back the Bulldogs

In fact encouraged.........HST one of my heros.....also, have you ever read a Tom Robbins novel....can't tell me his plot ideas not drug induced...nobody that fukkin odd

I saw someone on here on Miss State cause they need the win more (for bowl eligibility). But yea lots of Ole Miss love it seems

Lol I wanna look up this author now
To my knowledge it has never been the case that all drug crimes were classified as violent crimes in MS.

Not all drug crimes. Intent, trafficking, distribution, sales charges. Possession is not. Hence why I took plea bargain and not go to trial cause they dropped the intent which would be classified as violent therefore carry mandatory 85%. This was a good 12-14 years ago at this point. I know they were making a push for that to be changed so maybe it now is, once I got out I went back to thinking Mississippi was nothing more than a big chuck of land you had to drive thru to get other places. Lol
@2daBank you accidentally got a detail wrong or what‘s the deal i‘m confused now

Nope. Just misunderstanding. I don’t get much wrong. (Other than the whole getting caught in that state, that was a big boo-bo! Lol).. As I said tho there a good chance it been changed since my time there. I know there was a push for it around the time I was getting out.
I’m seeing 66% on Miss St so I’m sure there’s plenty of people on them as well

Sure haven’t heard many talk bout it and line down to pick but it whatever. I made my bed at +3 early in the week and obviously happy w that.

I try not to get real caught up in what others doing.,end of day I’ve hit very square plays and others nobody seems to like. Imo there was a time you could get a small edge against the masses but find it not much better than a coin flip these days. I could be wrong, I just prefer capping them and betting where I perceive value, right or wrong I try not to let other forces i can’t control influence me much.
Not all drug crimes. Intent, trafficking, distribution, sales charges. Possession is not. Hence why I took plea bargain and not go to trial cause they dropped the intent which would be classified as violent therefore carry mandatory 85%. This was a good 12-14 years ago at this point. I know they were making a push for that to be changed so maybe it now is, once I got out I went back to thinking Mississippi was nothing more than a big chuck of land you had to drive thru to get other places. Lol
Fuck blowin trial on that one.
I’d take the deal too

Glad I could perpetuate the thread lol
Fuck blowin trial on that one.
I’d take the deal too

Glad I could perpetuate the thread lol

Lol. I mean once they denied all the motions to suppress and whatevs else junk my lawyer tried wasn’t much point. Once the bitch crooked judge said the jerkoff cop legally opened my trunk wasn’t much denying what was in it.,
Lol. I mean once they denied all the motions to suppress and whatevs else junk my lawyer tried wasn’t much point. Once the bitch crooked judge said the jerkoff cop legally opened my trunk wasn’t much denying what was in it.,
Crazy story:

So I’m at my Dad’s wife’s Father’s home for early Turkey shit yesterday. Long long story short, my Great Aunt is 90 and my Dad pretty much tends to her and she has no family. So she has a Grand daughter that is a paralegal and basically took half of a minimal inheritance from her very unethically by anyone’s estimation....
I don’t know her, yada yada, but for some reason she is at this get together oddly and we don’t know why.....so still talking to the old man and he tells me she shot and killled her ex husband....there is so much more here but she beat the case with a like 16k attorney, which seems on the lower end I would want facing murder in LA.
It’s really really weird being in the same room as a killler.....it’s happened to me before, but never a woman lol. Super weird vibe knowing this bitch killed a motherfucker and she is at Thanksgiving.
Anyway just had to share that story
Crazy story:

So I’m at my Dad’s wife’s Father’s home for early Turkey shit yesterday. Long long story short, my Great Aunt is 90 and my Dad pretty much tends to her and she has no family. So she has a Grand daughter that is a paralegal and basically took half of a minimal inheritance from her very unethically by anyone’s estimation....
I don’t know her, yada yada, but for some reason she is at this get together oddly and we don’t know why.....so still talking to the old man and he tells me she shot and killled her ex husband....there is so much more here but she beat the case with a like 16k attorney, which seems on the lower end I would want facing murder in LA.
It’s really really weird being in the same room as a killler.....it’s happened to me before, but never a woman lol. Super weird vibe knowing this bitch killed a motherfucker and she is at Thanksgiving.
Anyway just had to share that story

Lol., I paid way more for mine and I got a “discount” cause I was friends w a chick who worked in his office. Lot of good it did me, he talked a great game about how the search was unconstitutional and Supreme Court and Yada yada. He got to this crooked Hoosier ass court in Mississippi and was like “well this fucked up”, thanks dick. Lol.

That is crazy. Guess I’ve had experience w killers locked up and knowing some pretty unsavory ppl over the years. Never had them over for thanksgiving dinner tho! Lol. Good times!!!