OK St and the SI Article


In transit, arriving late.
Supposedly 5 parts. Some have been killing the sources and the writer.

My thing is, we have become so numb to it that something from 10 years ago does nothing.

What will they do to them?

And 5 parts?
we've all read this story before.....

school named by a media outlet for committing infractions
story breaks
ncaa visits
school gets a slap on the wrist

also, in this case, something from 10 years ago will land OKST a 30 for 30 way before they lose any scholarships
What's the solution?
Go back to old school days? Can't play as a frosh?
4 year commit?
The cars etc...given in the 60's isn't what they are throwing around today, but it was a good ole boy system. Now it's a machine.
The NCAA has made it suffocating for these athletes with the restrictions. Adds to the problem.

They did create jobs. Wonder how large are the university compliance offices ?
Heard on Cowherd's show today that there is a 4 year statute of limitations that the NCAA usually goes by so they probably won't do anything about it. Don't know how true that is.
How deep does it go?
From what I heard

Pay for play
The hostesses banging recruits(or hookers maybe), no one knows yet
Kids encouraged to take on line classes and not worry about school

The usual jump. The other side says that everyone doing the talking are the disgruntled losers who got kicked off the team, left the team, or did the drugs

who knows really
First off, for those of you unfamiliar with the guy who did the investigating on this article, his name is Thayer Evans. A complete and total OU homer. In 2008, Evans wrote an article about the recruiting battle between OU and UT of a 5 star recruit named jamarcus mcfarland.


In the article, it's pretty damn obvious that the piece was written with little to no involvement from jamarcus, but was heavily based on jamarcus's mama, who barred all UT coaches from entering her house. There's a whole lot of hearsay and bullshit, and as a horns fan, this dude evans has been on the radar down here for a long time. The dude is a well-known hack and jason whitlock, as crazy as he is, pretty much laid him out as a total schmuck on the radio in oklahoma today.

When i heard about the article i wasn't really interested, as i think most big time programs are doing things like this, and even if this article is 100%, the shit doesn't matter to me because of evans. I was flat-out shocked that evans had anything to do with this article. If sports illustrated really wanted people to take this article seriously, why in the fuck would they attach this dude to it? doesn't make any goddamn sense.
First off, for those of you unfamiliar with the guy who did the investigating on this article, his name is Thayer Evans. A complete and total OU homer. In 2008, Evans wrote an article about the recruiting battle between OU and UT of a 5 star recruit named jamarcus mcfarland.


In the article, it's pretty damn obvious that the piece was written with little to no involvement from jamarcus, but was heavily based on jamarcus's mama, who barred all UT coaches from entering her house. There's a whole lot of hearsay and bullshit, and as a horns fan, this dude evans has been on the radar down here for a long time. The dude is a well-known hack and jason whitlock, as crazy as he is, pretty much laid him out as a total schmuck on the radio in oklahoma today.

When i heard about the article i wasn't really interested, as i think most big time programs are doing things like this, and even if this article is 100%, the shit doesn't matter to me because of evans. I was flat-out shocked that evans had anything to do with this article. If sports illustrated really wanted people to take this article seriously, why in the fuck would they attach this dude to it? doesn't make any goddamn sense.

Whitlock doesn't understand irony?
I for one am shocked and appalled to hear that star football players get to bang hot chicks. I've never heard of that happening anywhere, ever, before this article
you mean agents dont pay players?? you mean alumni dont pay players and get sluts to fuck em for cash?? my michigan does it too, saw it first hand in high school, but sec gets most shit for it generally, because the players are of higher demand and quality. truth

whats the difference of giving some kid cash anyway or having a phil knight give the athletes everything at oregon, oh he went there and "donated" it....ok
I for one am shocked and appalled to hear that star football players get to bang hot chicks. I've never heard of that happening anywhere, ever, before this article

I have eligibility left and I am ready for a recruiting trip
The guy at SI is an Oklahoma homer and appears to be a writing hack. The sources he used (that aren't dead) are all pretty much saying he made shit up. As for some of the other things....drugs at college? Sex? booster handshakes.....oh the humanity!