Ohhhh Ivvvvvvyyyyy...


CTG Partner
Staff member
Futures are pretty close to each other.

My dime on Cavs vs your dime on Spurs for who wins ship? Neither does, we void it?

Whatcha say...ship it?
Closed a multi-million dollar deal this year already... And duds: worm was the guy who told me about this thread...

Steed, that bet isn't really my style, and it favors your side slightly...

I would take +300 for SAS to win the championship tho... $333.3 to win $1000...

Interested? Nbd either way
shocked that a different bet was suggested

waiting for total rebounds in a series or adjusted +/- bets to come up, feel we are only 2-3 pages away from it
It always gets twisted to whatever Ivy wants lol never the original
Oh damn
I didnt even realize that
Ur soft as charmin ivy
Thats a fact not ball bustin
I will drive to the hamptons and u can show me ur commission on the million dollar sale then i will drag u around town by ur ear
It always gets twisted to whatever Ivy wants lol never the original

And by now, you've probably realized that and end up getting what YOU wanted in the end, knowing how Ivy will play it. Brilliant.
Also shoot me a PM with the proposal and confirmation as well just so we have it there as this'll likely be deleted eventually and I'll reply with confirmation. Thanks and GL
Cavs get a cake walk to the finals. Spurs have to get by the dubs. But it's going to be a push for you guys cause we're repeating!
And steed, we gotta do something in the second game. We smacked you guys in Oakland on x-mas day, and we're going to do the same when we get to Cleveland. We'll side bet something if you want.
Cavs get a cake walk to the finals. Spurs have to get by the dubs. But it's going to be a push for you guys cause we're repeating!

Pretty obvious the Cavs aren't in the same league w/ the Warriors or Spurs. Both should also have HCA over the Cavs as well.
Pretty obvious the Cavs aren't in the same league w/ the Warriors or Spurs. Both should also have HCA over the Cavs as well.
Agree. The only advantage the Cavs have is a weak east where they will make it to the finals pretty easy IMO, while the Spurs and Dubs will have to battle it out. It'll probably go 7 games too where they'll beat each other up while the Cavs should be fresh, as long as they take care of business.
funny that steed bumped this about the same time i got a text from a buddy of mine from the land of cleve
I made my statement (and bet) with the knowledge that the Cavs had no shot with Blatt lol. I think he got fired a week later.

You have a legit shot at it...still think Golden State wins but i think it will be a tremendous Finals.

I put 2 bills on Cleveland at 5-1 before the playoffs just in case and what a ridiculous price that was considering they had a free pass to the finals.

Nothing better than a freeroll. Well done Steed.