NYGiants25 - NFL Week 10


NY Giants fan, anyone?
NFL 2008
(31-22) +18.15 Units

<O:pWell guys its been a rough month and a half, had two deaths in the family (my grandpa, wife's grandpa - both expected) and work has been crazy. They cut a few guys at work, "due to economy", and basically increased the amount of work I have to do almost double. I'm an auditor so its not like double work that i can put off, its jobs that have deadlines and large amounts of work, basically working 60-70 hours a week. Anywaise this weekend i finally feel like im getting caught up, although im sure come monday ill be right back in the hole. Although i haven't posted in awhile, i've been reading everyones insight and thoughts and as always very impressed with the information put out here. Hope i can add my 2 cents. Just put these bets in, about to do some typing of my thoughts, be right back ... :shake:</O:p

Morning Games:<O:p</O:p
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:City alt=
</st1:City>Jacksonville -6.5 at <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pDetroit</st1:City> (3.5 units)

Jacksonville hasnt been playing to the level most people thought they would be at, at this point in th season. Unfortuntaly they are in the same division as the Titans, who should win that division, but luckily for them the AFC is all bunched up with 5,4,3 win teams. If they are going to make a run for a wild card spot now is the time to get started. I'm not going to suprise anyone with the ugly stats of detroit, just gonna say they have a new quarterback, Culpepper, who hasnt even seen the play book longer than a week, and who may be passed his playing days anywaise. We shall see what he has left, but jacksonville finally gets an easy win today in detroit.
<st1:State w:st="on"></st1:State>
<st1:State w:st="on">Tennessee</st1:State> -3(even) at <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pChicago</ST1:p</st1:City> (2.5 units)
<st1:City w:st="on">Had Orton not been hurt, i probably would have stayed away from this game and even leaned towards a great spot for Chicago to pull the upset, but not now. Due to the fact that Grossman will be playing, I expect to see alot of running in this game, both teams have been great against the run, Tennessee giving up 91.6 and Bears giving up only 81.8. This is going to be a low scoring affair, lots of running. Chicago is 30 in pass defense, giving up 247.7 yards in the air and after establishing the running game with LenDale White and Chris Johnson I think the Titans come up with a few big plays in the air and secure the win.</st1:City>
<st1:City w:st="on"></st1:City>
<st1:City w:st="on"></st1:City>
<st1:City w:st="on"></st1:City>
<st1:City w:st="on"></st1:City>
<st1:City w:st="on">Buffalo</st1:City> at <ST1:pNew England</ST1:p -3(bought) (1.5 units)
<st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:p</st1:City>
<st1:City w:st="on">St. Louis</ST1:p</st1:City> at NY Jets -8.5 (1 unit)
<st1:City w:st="on"></st1:City>
<st1:City w:st="on"></st1:City>
<st1:City w:st="on"></st1:City>
<st1:City w:st="on"></st1:City>
<st1:City w:st="on">Green Bay</st1:City> +3(bought) at <st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:pMinnesota</ST1:p</st1:State> (2 units)
Going with the better team here, IMO. Not to mention getting a gift of 3 points, i shall bite. Packers pass defense has steadily been improving, rush defense is pretty damn poor, giving up 146.4 yards a game. But i think once they figure out peterson, this shifts to an air game for the win, and I think Rodgers is going to win that battle.
New Orleans


Afternoon Games:<O:p</O:p
<st1:City w:st="on">Carolina</st1:City> -9.5 at <st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pOakland</ST1:p</st1:City> (2 units)
Lets be honest, nobody takes oakland seriously. Meaning us the fans/media, the players hopefully take every game seriously. Anywaise not going to dive to deep into this game, Carolina's defense is having a great year, the raiders cant seem to get into any type of rythem. McFadden and Russell both are beat up, defense is giving up almost 400 yards a game, just dont see how this game can be close. Carolina could easily win this by 3+ touchdowns ... gotta take the chalk.
Carolina -3 2H (1 units)
Carolina/Oakland o17 2H (1 unit)

Indy ML at Pittsburgh (1 unit)

<st1:City w:st="on"><ST1:pKansas City</ST1:p</st1:City>

NY Giants +3 at Philly (1.5 units)
Surprise, surprise ... I will say i expect this to be a great MNF game. With that being said i'm going to take the points in belief that my giants will either outright win or at least i know their defense will keep them in a close game. Statistically these teams defenses and offenses are pretty dead on. Its going to come down to who executes, doesnt turn the ball over and red zone TD conversion. Lets go GIANTS :popcorn:

49ers at Arizona o47.5 (1.5 units)
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Welp Minnesota just scored to go up 28-27 with 2:22 to go, so baring a fumble or int for a TD hopefully i can cover with Green Bay, i would love for GB to drive and drop a field goal on their ass though:popcorn:
well its official, 5-0 +10.5 units lets keep this going carolina looking good up 7, pitt in the red zone ......
I wanna play Giants but undecided. I keep seeing Philly's numbers and they win by 3. Shit. :(
ill be honest i see this one pretty much right down the line also, but maybe its a little of my favortism or the fact that im getting points, but i think thats the side you have to be on if your playing this game ... because your right, it should be a close game and may come down to who has the ball at the end :shake:
Well shouldnt have added the two in carolina and i would have been 7-0, oh well 7-2 +11.3 units ... time for SNF ...:popcorn:
so what do you think about the total on the g-men?
You got two pretty solid defenses going at it tonight, of course these offenses are going to have some good drives too ... i could see this with one team in the high teens and one team in the low to mid 20s right around the total, but i could also see both teams hitting in the mid to high twentys or low 30s... dont have a good feel for taking either side of that total ... sorry bud ... good luck tonight ... :shake:
thanks for the insight, just hit the colts and total, wondering if I should press my luck! GL tonight GO GIANTS!!
8-2 +12.8 units ... great day, not to mention i just hung out with Ray Guy and Joe West for the past few hours ... see you boys tomorrow:shake:
I know the games are over for Sunday but a belated congrats on all the wins. I am going to make a leap in logic and assume you are a big Giant fan. Not only is it a great time to be Giant fan but they have been a cash cow for a while now with one or two exceptions. Hope you are enjoying this team as much as I am. Sorry about your losses in your real life.
I gotta say it (and its gonna pain me to do so) but the Giants are by far the best team in the NFL

theyre a damn good football team and I dont see anyone that can beat them this year
Thanks everyone for the nice comments, i expect some "better luck next time" and "horrible day" comments when i go 2-8!:cheers:
Going to surprise the majority of the forum and play on the ova tonight ... this just feels like a mid 20s to low 30s for both teams type of night, which i why i cant decide on a side, prolly would take the points but im going to wait until halftime and see if a play presents itself ... best of luck tonight ... :shake:

49ers at Arizona o47.5 (1.5 units)