I'm sweeping the board this half. Even though that's not possible.
After 3rd q
Egg $100
Jdogg $100
Coolslaw $100
Jxd1945 $100
Chsgtmd $100
Pressitup $200
Takeit $100

$1700 still up for grabs
Egg $100-- payment sent
Jdogg $100- payment sent
Coolslaw $100 -payment sent
Jxd1945 $200- payment sent
Chsgtmd $100-payment sent
Pressitup $200 payment sent
Takeit $100-payment sent
BillG $100-payment sent
Laxer $1500 payment sent

Everyone please email me w your PayPal info.. Congrats Laxer and others..
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congrats everybody who won. and thanks for doing this nugzz. hopefully we can do it again next year.
Egg $100-- payment sent
Jdogg $100- payment sent
Coolslaw $100 -payment sent
Jxd1945 $200- payment sent
Chsgtmd $100-payment sent
Pressitup $200 payment sent
Takeit $100-payment sent
BillG $100-payment sent
Laxer $1500 payment sent

Everyone please email me w your PayPal info.. Congrats Laxer and others..

All payments sent... If someone else wants to take over for next year feel free Bc it's a lot of work for zero reward.... Don't forget about the cbb squares

I'm a little bitter if you can't tell
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I'm just gonna say it bc I'm drunk.. How does someone win 60% of the money pool and not tip the guy who ran it and made it convenient for all.. GTFOH.. Especially someone who is a member of a gambling forum. It just blows my mind..
I'm just gonna say it bc I'm drunk.. How does someone win 60% of the money pool and not tip the guy who ran it and made it convenient for all.. GTFOH.. Especially someone who is a member of a gambling forum. It just blows my mind..

I was hoping he would pony up and that sucks he didn't. I sent a little back yesterday - I know it was small, but it was more than the big winner.
I'm just gonna say it bc I'm drunk.. How does someone win 60% of the money pool and not tip the guy who ran it and made it convenient for all.. GTFOH.. Especially someone who is a member of a gambling forum. It just blows my mind..

You gotta remember that not everyone is here everyday or might understand that. Without looking at the big winner, I make this case.

I know years back when I won the big one smoke won...I tipped 50 I think but I also felt that I would be one of the few to do that just because of the industry I grew up in for most part.

Everyone appreciates the time you put in:shake:
Not trying to be a jerk but I wouldn't tip in this scenario either. And im a very generous tipper for the most part. Not sure why you are expecting it. There are websites you can use to make it a lot less work. If there are charges you can add the small fee to the payment from everyone. Pretty sure most are free.

The complaining is ridiculous.
Not trying to be a jerk but I wouldn't tip in this scenario either. And im a very generous tipper for the most part. Not sure why you are expecting it. There are websites you can use to make it a lot less work. If there are charges you can add the small fee to the payment from everyone. Pretty sure most are free.

The complaining is ridiculous.

If you think it is so easy, then you run it. Collecting money would be the hardest thing.
Not trying to be a jerk but I wouldn't tip in this scenario either. And im a very generous tipper for the most part. Not sure why you are expecting it. There are websites you can use to make it a lot less work. If there are charges you can add the small fee to the payment from everyone. Pretty sure most are free.

The complaining is ridiculous.

Can't use league safe for this pool.. The time lines wouldn't line up.

I'll keep complaining .. I'm good at it.. Some have different opinions than others.. Info won 1500 out of 2500 total pool I wouldn't hesitate to tip the coordinator of the pool.. But to each his own. I'm over it
If you think it is so easy, then you run it. Collecting money would be the hardest thing.

These pools were run on here before Nuggz showed up and starting running his own which took over the CTG ones (this and NCAA pool).
Can't use league safe for this pool.. The time lines wouldn't line up.

I'll keep complaining .. I'm good at it.. Some have different opinions than others.. Info won 1500 out of 2500 total pool I wouldn't hesitate to tip the coordinator of the pool.. But to each his own. I'm over it

I'm talking about a website like GameHunter used to let everyone pick their square. It's not that difficult to collect money for something there is so much interest in. If someone doesn't pay by the deadline kick em out and find a replacement.

You judging others is just plain wrong. You don't know how many other pools he participated in. You don't how much he won/lost on the game itself. That $1500 could have broke him even for the day for all we know. I really don't know why you are complaining.
If you think it is so easy, then you run it. Collecting money would be the hardest thing.

I've done it before and will gladly do it again. Collecting money for a contest with such high demand isn't difficult imo. You just need to set strict deadlines and replace people who don't pay on time. That is not even the point.

I contribute to this site because I love it, not becaise I'm looking for tips. Save those tips for those who actually need it. Like your pizza delivery guy working for minimum wage... or maybe even less.
I'm chill. You made yourself look like a complete ass. If you stop doing the pools nobody will lose sleep.
Running pools at CTG and expecting tips is insane. I've always tipped when winning pools and never anticipated a reward for running pools which I've done my whole life considering I grew up in a bar. Again these are your pools, which you now admit to running to make $ for yourself, I'm actually shocked CTG or any sports forum would allow that.
CTG partners should get a cut of your tips since you used their site to promote your pools that you run and expect to be tipped in.
Hahaha - and now you know why the Nuggz 3rd annual ncaa squares pool isnt the smokedawg 6th annual....

Its a shit ton of work and it sucks