good stuff tiger and BC

i have no fucking idea what to do. this series is killing me.

i do lean w/ lester and the sox though, and i dont think thats good for you all.... lol.
alright fellas, just gonna enjoy the game.

made some good loot in NFL and college foots this weekend, and not trying to give it back. basically if boston loses i push, because it coves my TB series wager, but if tampa wins, i lose about 50 bucks.

will probably just watch and enjoy it. i just lean boston hard, as i think the lights out lester who had not allowed a run in the postseason, is going to return. i still think he pitched decent in his last outing... still had 7 k's....just had 1 bad inning in which he left the ball up in the zone twice and paid for it both times for HR's. and left the ball over the plate one time to many leading to 8 hits for tampa.
he will have that splitter going crucally tonight to rectify those mistakes.
he will be locating his pitches a lot better as well.

garza has great numbers at home this season, and was blowing his fastball by boston in an excellent performance in game 5, and was very tough to hit, but the sox have found consistency in the lineup moving coco to leadoff, and JD drew back in the lineup, they just faced him less then a week ago i think theyll get to him tonight

sox are 7-1 when lester pitches on sundays, and 36-15 overall... even with the bad outing last game hes still 4-1 with 3.74 ERA against tampa.
i think the difference here is going to be the pen.

TB pen has been exposed, the more we see of them the more we know most of those arms dont have good secondary pitches.
balfour, straight fastball pitcher.
wheeler, straight fastball pitcher.

they could use price but that would be ballsy as fuck to bring him in in a game of this magnitude and doubt thatll happen.

lester shoudl give you 7 good innings, and i think this one comes down to the BP advantage for boston.

if i had played anything, it woulda been boston ML, and 1st 5 under.
GL.. will be rootin for the sox obviously! (series wager)
not going to count it though for record though. because 2 minutes after i submit it, pedroia HR's!

need it for sportsbook though and to save yesterday. wont count it though

GL fellas! go boston
Nice to have you on board Cap....Pedroia!!



man, was fuckin tied up in the NFL all day and just tried to get this shit in last minute. but ive been wrong on most of the games this series, need boston to make things right tonight

would have much rather had some time to look at and throw more on this game.... it should have been tomorrow night instead.

jets game took till fucking 7:45 in that crushing loss in OT so i had basically 20 minutes to decide what to play on this game, as it closed at 8:11. was close to it going off the board

good luck bro lets cash:popcorn: