***NFL Week Four/NCAAF Week Five In-Game***

No horse collar rule in the pocket, according to the announcer. News to me.
atleast the Jets wont hear Chris Johnson complain about getting more carries.

he's probably ecstatic about the game so far.
What sense does the no horse collar in the pocket rule make? Seems like a situation you'd really, really frown on the horse collar.
yeah, the bears should have just kept McCown :cigarguy:

That was not the answer either, but the contract they gave Cutler was sick, what did he ever do to deserve it??? Not to mention he has shown he has no heart when he quit on his team 2 yrs ago. Poorly spent $$$ imo
That was not the answer either, but the contract they gave Cutler was sick, what did he ever do to deserve it??? Not to mention he has shown he has no heart when he quit on his team 2 yrs ago. Poorly spent $$$ imo

Cutler really isn't what is holding the Bears back. Seems they arent very good on the other side. You have to pay for a QB, it's not like they had a choice between signing Cutler or Payton, and chose Cutler
Cutler really isn't what is holding the Bears back. Seems they arent very good on the other side. You have to pay for a QB, it's not like they had a choice between signing Cutler or Payton, and chose Cutler

The over paid for Cutler & why ? He hes never won at any level that mattered
That was not the answer either, but the contract they gave Cutler was sick, what did he ever do to deserve it??? Not to mention he has shown he has no heart when he quit on his team 2 yrs ago. Poorly spent $$$ imo

He also didn't quit on the team. If it were up to him, and not Lovie, he would have been playing. He's one of the toughest QBs in the game, without question.
I don't care either way, but the discussion certainly calls for some of those photoshopped smoking Cutler images.
He also didn't quit on the team. If it were up to him, and not Lovie, he would have been playing. He's one of the toughest QBs in the game, without question.

He quit & you are dreaming if you think he is tough....ask Denver fans if they missed him when he left
He quit & you are dreaming if you think he is tough....ask Denver fans if they missed when he left

Wait. How do you think he's not tough? He's taken more big shots than any QB over his career....easily. He's always talked about as being one of the toughest QBs in the league.

Sorry if you ignored the story about that game where Cutler wanted to play but was held out by Lovie. I thought that was well known.
He doesn't suck. But I don't think he should be the highest paid player either

Agreed, but that's just how the game works with contracts in the NFL. He won't be highest paid w/i a year or so anyway.
Ya, I think Cutler got a bad rap when he got hurt early and they held him out. He wanted to come back in and it was a pretty serious injury IIRC. He plays hard IMO.
Y'all are tripping if you think Cutler sucks....dude is tough and always playing behind terrible O lines.

He has never won at any level that mattered! His offensive line in Denver was not bad, he is so over rated it is not funny. The Bears got duped when they gave him his current contract
I've never really considered him tough or soft, just another guy. With a big arm and a 10-cent head. He gets a little run for that diabetes thing, so I'll call him 52% tough.