NFL Teams With Horrible Fans

way to stay classy Philly....heard there was video of spitter also got ass kicked in parking lot by that same saints fan

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way to stay classy Philly....heard there was video of spitter also got ass kicked in parking lot by that same saints fan

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worst fans in all of sports
worst fans in all of sports

Come on, man. Don't base all on a few assholes that can't handle their liquor. There's cunts in very fanbase. Met a ton of Yankee mother fuckers when the Phils were in the WS a few years back.
We do have a particularly annoying batch of cunts among Birds fans though.

That said, now it's really become a self-fulfilling prophesy. The media expects Birds fans to act like assholes, so some Birds fans act like assholes. And because it's a thing, everybody now wants to make sure the one or two assholes out of the 70k in the stadium that do something stupid is on film. Oakland has the exact same problem.

Percentage-wise I'm sure Birds and Raiders fans have a very small number of truly horrible people. But if you find a way to put every one of them on TV when they do something terrible, the perception is it's everybody.

For the record, Joe has never spit on an opposing fan in his life. And if he did, it would be a Cowboy fan. Obviously.
Man there are assholes at EVERY stadium. Not just Philly and Oakland. It doesn't matter if you're in Buffalo, Green Bay, Miami, Seattle, or anywhere, there's fucking assholes everywhere. Check youtube and i'm sure you'll see it.
Come on, man. Don't base all on a few assholes that can't handle their liquor. There's cunts in very fanbase. Met a ton of Yankee mother fuckers when the Phils were in the WS a few years back.

im sorry emkee, you guys are just bad. I've been to a few games in Philly. Not a welcoming crowd by any stretch. No sportsmanship whatsoever. Just feel like Philly fans think they are better than everyone else.

It is a league wide issue though. Maybe some teams are just very good when it comes to this and the rest are just all bad? Idk
im sorry emkee, you guys are just bad. I've been to a few games in Philly. Not a welcoming crowd by any stretch. No sportsmanship whatsoever. Just feel like Philly fans think they are better than everyone else.

It is a league wide issue though. Maybe some teams are just very good when it comes to this and the rest are just all bad? Idk

Sorry next time well roll out a red carpet for ya
Also, ill fucking say it... Saints fan was asking for it. If ur in an opposing stadium & their team suffers a huge loss, you leave quietly. He was hootin & hollerin & asking for a confrontation. Saints fan & her bf in my section kept their mouths shut & left & nobody harassed them.

Nba wants fans to throw a welcome party for visitor fans. LMAO. Dude were SUPPOSED to make you feel unwelcome. Thats part of being the home fans.
I have been to many opposing stadiums, including Philly multiple times as a Steelers fan, and the only place I was actually intimidated was in Oakland - sat up high and literally thought I was going to be shanked in the bathroom. Steelers were not even playing (Oak vs Dallas) so I was neutral and still pretty scary. Some places definitely seem more welcoming than others, but a lot of it depends on where you sit and who sits around you. I agree that as the road team fan you are just looking for trouble if you act like an asshole. If you are just cheering your team that's one thing but taunting drunk pissed off fans at any home stadium after a loss is going to trigger a reaction.
Also, ill fucking say it... Saints fan was asking for it. If ur in an opposing stadium & their team suffers a huge loss, you leave quietly. He was hootin & hollerin & asking for a confrontation. Saints fan & her bf in my section kept their mouths shut & left & nobody harassed them.

Nba wants fans to throw a welcome party for visitor fans. LMAO. Dude were SUPPOSED to make you feel unwelcome. Thats part of being the home fans.

Agree. You can't go into other teams homes and start preaching visiting team bullshit. Now, spitting is a dickless move but the guy deserved to get harassed.
Come on, man. Don't base all on a few assholes that can't handle their liquor. There's cunts in very fanbase. Met a ton of Yankee mother fuckers when the Phils were in the WS a few years back.

Nah, em...over the years Philly fan has proven they are no doubt the worst. Really no debating this fact.

Queue up the Michael Irvin tape.
Come on, man. Don't base all on a few assholes that can't handle their liquor. There's cunts in very fanbase. Met a ton of Yankee mother fuckers when the Phils were in the WS a few years back.

Case closed right here, em. Lol at "a few assholes". This pretty much throws that theory out the window.
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I've been to a few NFL stadiums, not Philly, but I think NFL fans in general are assholes. Including Browns fans. It's just an angrier brand of drunk. There's a different, darker spirit to it as opposed to say college football or MLB. I still go once in a while, but I know what I'm in for.
NFL - one of the best sports to watch on TV. One of the worst sports to go to.

Part of this is because I'm a Skins fan, and the logistics of the stadium, and the stadium itself blow. But even dismissing the venue unless you have perfect seats, you can't see well. Even if you do, the view on TV is 1000 times better. Not to mention you are sitting outside in shitty weather for at least 30% of the games. The atmosphere blows compared to NCAA games too. But I probably only do one of those every three years. Skins is probably once every five years. Plus if you go to a Giants, Ravens, or Eagles game, you have to actually try very hard to avoid getting into a fight. Dallas fans oddly, are usually very respectful.

There is nothing that touches live hockey, so I prefer hockey to just about anything because even an upper level seat beats TV. And baseball is outside in the summer where cold beer tastes even better, and you can see pretty damn well from behind the plate.

I'm amazed how many people love going to NFL games. Especially as a gambler, I'm always fixated on what's going on in the other games, etc...
I really used to love going to Browns games, but God that was a long time ago. Team's got to be good once in a while, that's part of the deal. I haven't been to a Browns tailgate since like 1994. And I like tailgating. For Browns now, it's either a young man's thing, or a dirtbag thing, or you need a camper painted like a Browns helmet.
NFL - one of the best sports to watch on TV. One of the worst sports to go to.

Part of this is because I'm a Skins fan, and the logistics of the stadium, and the stadium itself blow. But even dismissing the venue unless you have perfect seats, you can't see well. Even if you do, the view on TV is 1000 times better. Not to mention you are sitting outside in shitty weather for at least 30% of the games. The atmosphere blows compared to NCAA games too. But I probably only do one of those every three years. Skins is probably once every five years. Plus if you go to a Giants, Ravens, or Eagles game, you have to actually try very hard to avoid getting into a fight. Dallas fans oddly, are usually very respectful.

There is nothing that touches live hockey, so I prefer hockey to just about anything because even an upper level seat beats TV. And baseball is outside in the summer where cold beer tastes even better, and you can see pretty damn well from behind the plate.

I'm amazed how many people love going to NFL games. Especially as a gambler, I'm always fixated on what's going on in the other games, etc...

I've been to a few NFL stadiums, not Philly, but I think NFL fans in general are assholes. Including Browns fans. It's just an angrier brand of drunk. There's a different, darker spirit to it as opposed to say college football or MLB. I still go once in a while, but I know what I'm in for.

There's a really good point in this, and with what Doggy said too.

The last NFL game I went to was in Denver a couple of years back, but I grew up going to Donks games—and I'm the first to tell you that I think, on the whole, Bronco fans are idiots, but at the game it was different. They were angrier, and there was a much larger sense of entitlement than I ever remember from going to games. An entitlement to be drunk to be an asshole and pretty much say whatever they wanted to opposing fans.

The nicer fans tended to be of the 'head down, mouth shut' variety, accepting that they were in a stadium of assholes and that so long as they kept to themselves, they'd get out alive. Which really isn't worth the price of admission.

Also, Doggy's so right, going to NFL games is expensive and really not worth it. When you can't flip to another game during TV timeouts ... yak.
Not as many games, every game is important to a lot of creates intensity.
Agree with all who dont go to NFL games. Its pointless to me and they will never see any $$ from me. And the more dumbass people go to these games and keep more and more at home....and more people enjoy it at home with the big dont be surprised the $$$ for TV packages/sunday ticket start going up!
Funny, to me the game worth going to is a more meaningless one. Like, I'd still go to Browns vs. Broncos in Denver. Mostly because I can cheer & shit and just not care. What are you going to do, remind me that the Donks are up by three TDs? I can see the fucking scoreboard. You're winning, I don't care, because my team sucks, I'm here for the experience and fuck you if you can't be a good winner.
NFL in the Northeast and West Coast seems to be the danger zones

NFL games are fun. Yall should try a Saints game, worst someone will do to you is talk a little shit and buy you a beer LOL
NFL in the Northeast and West Coast seems to be the danger zones

NFL games are fun. Yall should try a Saints game, worst someone will do to you is talk a little shit and buy you a beer LOL

They all suck, I held Cards season tickets for 8 years and there were fights everywhere, far less sophisticated than college games

That said, the only games I refused to go to were against the Cowboys and Raiders, many more fights in the stands, just a different crowd

Honestly thought Eagles fans were alright, even at the NFC 'ship game in the '08/'09 season...and yes, I know it was home as opposed to road, but home games in AZ are a little different, there are tons of fans for the visitors (except Carolina and Atlanta, and well Jax). Every other team represents and has seemed reasonable in my experiences.
But of course there are bad apples everywhere

However a story I never forget

Went to FedX field for Skins/ problems. Anyway, the people sitting by us had been Wash tix holders for ever.....Big fans. She said that there like 35th wedding anniversary was on a Monday night for a game vs the Eagles that was big

She told her husband sell the tix because I am not dealing wiht Iggles fans at a night their OWN stadium LOLOL
I will never deal with Cowboys fans or Raiders fans in our own stadium, never seen a bigger collection of drunk pricks, sitting in great seats...and it's probably not a representation of the fan base as a whole, more those that would go into another stadium and start shit.
They all suck, I held Cards season tickets for 8 years and there were fights everywhere, far less sophisticated than college games

That said, the only games I refused to go to were against the Cowboys and Raiders, many more fights in the stands, just a different crowd

Honestly thought Eagles fans were alright, even at the NFC 'ship game in the '08/'09 season...and yes, I know it was home as opposed to road, but home games in AZ are a little different, there are tons of fans for the visitors (except Carolina and Atlanta, and well Jax). Every other team represents and has seemed reasonable in my experiences.
Ive heard Cowherd say this

This DEFINITELY depends on the game and the teams for sure bro...
not close twink unless it's way different in the $EC, rarely have I seen a fight, if ever at a college game, seems the game is still a game...maybe at a UA/ASU game I saw one a long time ago
Man there are assholes at EVERY stadium. Not just Philly and Oakland. It doesn't matter if you're in Buffalo, Green Bay, Miami, Seattle, or anywhere, there's fucking assholes everywhere. Check youtube and i'm sure you'll see it.
well, there is an abnormally high concentration of assholes here lol
They all suck, I held Cards season tickets for 8 years and there were fights everywhere, far less sophisticated than college games

That said, the only games I refused to go to were against the Cowboys and Raiders, many more fights in the stands, just a different crowd

Honestly thought Eagles fans were alright, even at the NFC 'ship game in the '08/'09 season...and yes, I know it was home as opposed to road, but home games in AZ are a little different, there are tons of fans for the visitors (except Carolina and Atlanta, and well Jax). Every other team represents and has seemed reasonable in my experiences.

what u mean KJ?
not close twink unless it's way different in the $EC, rarely have I seen a fight, if ever at a college game, seems the game is still a game...maybe at a UA/ASU game I saw one a long time ago
yea I agree on a whole for college...more teams too though

SEC sections near students can get a tad wild here...and sorry to say some older fans as well
i can say philly fans are the most negative and biggest pos fans i have ever seen in person, with lions fans easily in 2nd.

just from my experiences at the particular stadiums. cowboys fans were easily the most considerate, bears fans 2nd.

i would never go back to a game in that stadium filled with miserable people who are either constantly swearing at their home team or spitting, throwing paper airlplanes, dumping beer etc on opposing fans. i think philly fans think they get a badge of honor because they are known as the worst fans to act like complete children like that loser in the video.

all in all though nfl fans at games are out of control.

its cleaned up a bit since the lions left the silverdome, cant imagine a much worse environment of complete and utter losers.
Went to the NFC Championship game in Glendale in January of 2009, Eagles vs Cardinals. Couple buddies and I decided to road trip it and make a weekend of it. Got on ebay, found us a pretty sweet deal for 3 tickets and we were on our way... One (mellow) Eagles fan and two Cowboys fans headed to the biggest game any of us had ever been to (only the Super Bowl would be bigger, right?).

Anyway, the real story here (other than how great of a time we had, including the drunk chick in the row in front of us who we became very friendly with flashing us her tits in the middle of the game, all for another thread I suppose) was the fact that, being the proud Cowboys fan that I am, I wore my #24 Marion Barber throwback (Thanksgiving) jersey. Well, I was enemy number fucking one for fans of BOTH teams. I had drunk idiot fans of BOTH teams try to start fights simply because I was wearing a Cowboys jersey. Personally, I loved it, it was funny to me, drunk fucks. One Eagles fan was so drunk, it was hilarious...all in my face, just staring at him and laughing, waiting for him to make the first move (getting arrested wasn't in my plans that weekend). Never happened... Anyway, interesting experience. All in all, like I said, had a great time.
If you could point to texas on a map you would have more integrity than 95% of the dallas fans that have ever stepped into that stadium.
Just watched that vid and the Saints fan was a major fucking douche, dude knew he was gonna start some shit why he had his phone recording and all, shit, the Philly folks are gonna be a little emotional after that. He's like the dude in the in-game playing the 'I told you so' shit to the guys that just lost. Spitting is a cowardly, disgusting act but the douche deserved a beer tipped on his ass for sure.

Go there, watch the game, your team won - now leave quietly with a smile on your face. No need to act like you won the lottery and scream like a fucking girl. Stay classy, bro.
Believe it or not, but Pittsburgh is actually a pretty friendly place for visitors to take in a game. I can remember in my younger days actually getting pissed off that our fans were too nice (especially after getting tons of shit going to Balt, Clev, etc). If you can avoid the couple drunk assholes looking for trouble, you can wear an opposing jersey and cheer for your team without a problem. You have to really look for trouble to find it. I have season tix and - althpugh I only go a few times a year - I can honestly say I haven't seen a fight in over a decade. Same thing with Pens games. I take my kids all the time and have never had a problem.
Went to the NFC Championship game in Glendale in January of 2009, Eagles vs Cardinals. Couple buddies and I decided to road trip it and make a weekend of it. Got on ebay, found us a pretty sweet deal for 3 tickets and we were on our way... One (mellow) Eagles fan and two Cowboys fans headed to the biggest game any of us had ever been to (only the Super Bowl would be bigger, right?).

Anyway, the real story here (other than how great of a time we had, including the drunk chick in the row in front of us who we became very friendly with flashing us her tits in the middle of the game, all for another thread I suppose) was the fact that, being the proud Cowboys fan that I am, I wore my #24 Marion Barber throwback (Thanksgiving) jersey. Well, I was enemy number fucking one for fans of BOTH teams. I had drunk idiot fans of BOTH teams try to start fights simply because I was wearing a Cowboys jersey. Personally, I loved it, it was funny to me, drunk fucks. One Eagles fan was so drunk, it was hilarious...all in my face, just staring at him and laughing, waiting for him to make the first move (getting arrested wasn't in my plans that weekend). Never happened... Anyway, interesting experience. All in all, like I said, had a great time.

u may have deserved some ribbing just for wearing shit of a team that wasnt even playing in the game u are actually at. for example, we were just saying while down in dallas, why the hell is that guy wearing a denver broncos manning jersey to the packers/boys game we are at, and same with another guy in the dolphins jersey. on another note, i cant stand it when people wear red wings jerseys to the lions game.

i would never wear my suh lions jersey down in dallas unless the lions were playing.
Just watched that vid and the Saints fan was a major fucking douche, dude knew he was gonna start some shit why he had his phone recording and all, shit, the Philly folks are gonna be a little emotional after that. He's like the dude in the in-game playing the 'I told you so' shit to the guys that just lost. Spitting is a cowardly, disgusting act but the douche deserved a beer tipped on his ass for sure.

Go there, watch the game, your team won - now leave quietly with a smile on your face. No need to act like you won the lottery and scream like a fucking girl. Stay classy, bro.

agree he was def instigating like a douche fan would, as if he is on the saints sidelines like a player, so he should expect something. he had no class either, but still if someone is doing that u either walk away or simply tell him to f off and move on with your day, its just a game that has nothing to do with you. only a loser takes that shit seriously enough to possibly face criminal charges for actions of a 10 yr old.
u may have deserved some ribbing just for wearing shit of a team that wasnt even playing in the game u are actually at. for example, we were just saying while down in dallas, why the hell is that guy wearing a denver broncos manning jersey to the packers/boys game we are at, and same with another guy in the dolphins jersey. on another note, i cant stand it when people wear red wings jerseys to the lions game.

i would never wear my suh lions jersey down in dallas unless the lions were playing.

This is what is wrong.

What is the big fucking deal? Maybe the person is an NFL football fan and not just any particular team? Why the heck does it matter what he wears? I can't even believe this is a discussion.

would you like NFL stadiums to only allow diehard fans of the teams playing to attend?

Or do you just want to limit peoples freedom to express themselves?
Believe it or not, but Pittsburgh is actually a pretty friendly place for visitors to take in a game. I can remember in my younger days actually getting pissed off that our fans were too nice (especially after getting tons of shit going to Balt, Clev, etc). If you can avoid the couple drunk assholes looking for trouble, you can wear an opposing jersey and cheer for your team without a problem. You have to really look for trouble to find it. I have season tix and - althpugh I only go a few times a year - I can honestly say I haven't seen a fight in over a decade. Same thing with Pens games. I take my kids all the time and have never had a problem.

funny story about Pitt fans, and this doesn't have to do with NFL but the Bucs, was there for my annual trip to PNC Park and Stl was in town (one of the best parks on the east side) and I was wearing a red Texas hat...a group of guys behind me about 8 rows up start "heckling" "hey you! Stl sucks! BOOOOOOO" goes... I think he's talking to you. Originally I thought he was heckling the family from st.louis one row behind us, but it turns out it was me. I let it go, but he continues so without turning around I flip my hat backwards as he continues to heckle and his response is " bad, shit" and all his buddies erupt laughing at him was fun, point is I agree that I haven't had any bad experiences in Pitt for any sporting events (gone to consol, heinz and PNC)
u may have deserved some ribbing just for wearing shit of a team that wasnt even playing in the game u are actually at. for example, we were just saying while down in dallas, why the hell is that guy wearing a denver broncos manning jersey to the packers/boys game we are at, and same with another guy in the dolphins jersey. on another note, i cant stand it when people wear red wings jerseys to the lions game.

i would never wear my suh lions jersey down in dallas unless the lions were playing.

I'd have to to disagree... I was there as a football fan. I don't see why it matters what I or anybody else would wear that would qualify to deserve getting shit. It almost sounds like a gang thing now..."oh, you better not wear red or blue 'cause that's bloods or crips territory".