NFL Sunday

Yeah I totally agree there kj, sizable too, yeah nothing wrong with that maneuver. Money grows on trees in that game, just count the money now ha.

Then Jake Cotton is gonna pass out again and fall on his ass too, I hope anyway, right on his worthless ass, boom. It was funny in that Michigan St game, he looked like he was drunk or something and just passed out, just tipped over backwards. That was the most retarded shit ever there whoa, Jake buddy, just looking totally pathetic ha.
The good thing is if you bet Iowa, well the Huskers can get up 14 points early, and then you can just sit back and relax, no need to worry or panic, cuz they will blow it guaranteed.
They really need to put Ohio St in that playoff when they win the Big 10 title ha. Oh there is an ass waxing fo sho. Ohio St #4 vs Bama #1, ha, well I know who I'm betting in that one for the destruction, Bama to the house. I wonder if they would put in a Big 10 team, maybe I guess. They shouldn't though. Suppose if Florida St slips or something. A lot of teams could still lose and then they would be in there. Man I really hope we get the Ohio St vs Bama match up, great for betting there. Just be an easy runaway winner.
tuck, I hate Iowa but pretty much expect them to beat down your team. You need an overhaul in Lincoln.
Oh yeah I agree kj, completely. I despise Iowa, yet I'm betting em, that is really tough for me. I don't know how I'm gonna do it. I'm just gonna be sitting at the computer going oh man, oh man, no, no, fuck come on Tuck, gotta do it and cheer for Iowa just for one day. Then I can look at it though like it will help my team in the long run ya know.
Yup, you need a change there and a nice ass kicking should promote that

Just threw down big on my hoops team tomorrow night, it's 2-3 points light and I generally hate doing that, but if the Clones don't beat Bama by double digits I'll be shocked. Might bet on them 3-4 times this year, but seems a gift which makes me nervous to a degree.
Well I shoulda bet Minnesota vs the Huskers, and I fucking knew it going into it, but I couldn't. I wanted to win so bad in that one, and no, ya know things just don't work out for me normally. Well good things happen to good people, that's where I'm going wrong. Just heard Jerry Kill say that on BTN had it on the background. Yeah I don't know if you could call me good people, getting drunk every day and mooching off my parents with no job ha, but it's not my fault nobody will hire me.
Iowa St, maybe I should do that after my dad gives me money again ha. I don't know for sure about the NFL games, I'm kinda hemming and hawing on those, that is a Nebraska term there, yep hemming and hawing ha.
I sounded like my Grandpa there the farmer in that post. Man that farm I couldn't believe it sold for almost a damn million dollars, he bought for 50 k or so way way back in the day. Nice investment there. Well good for me, cuz now I can mooch.
Iowa St, maybe I should do that after my dad gives me money again ha. I don't know for sure about the NFL games, I'm kinda hemming and hawing on those, that is a Nebraska term there, yep hemming and hawing ha.

Two games to hem and haw about tomorrow
I need to start pulling heists again ha. Yeah I don't think I'm very good at that, no, that isn't something I'm gonna do. Yeah jail and prison are not good to say the least. No just need to get on a roll here gambling, make my money that way. That is just a fucking dream there, never know I guess could at least get hot for a while and move out to Vegas. That would be okay with me. Really though I probably need to break down and go back to school, take some classes at the community college. Start my own business, may have to clean up a little on the boozing.

Really though I was talking about Florida St, and they are overrated right now. They never play in the 1st half, then turn it on 2nd half and win, but it isn't ever impressive. Shit they do that crap against Bama or Mississippi St, they will get beat then, no ACC garbage there.
Yep hem and haw, hem and haw kj, ha. Don't know why that popped in my head, well my Grandpa would always have these country farmer sayings and crap.
Jets/Barfalo over I like, just because it got moved indoors. That's my style.

Aints -3, because I think they win by 23.

College hoops tho, that's where the money is.
Florida St, guess maybe they are just dickin around since the teams they are playing blow. Like eh, we will play when we have to, otherwise no. It's funny cuz there are just NFL guys all over the damn roster and speed to burn, I mean whoa.
I like your Saints idea. I think I may do that kj. Not sure on an over with those 2 crap outfits though. Think I will do Saints, I like them at home always if the spread is lower like 3 or less.
What sucks is I can't get in on the Saints now at -3, at -105 at 5 dimes is what they have, cuz I don't have any money until tomorrow. Saints money has to come pouring in I would assume on that -3, nobody is gonna be running to the computer or the windows wanting to take Baltimore not in that venue. Fuck I wonder what the Saints are ATS since Drew Brees came, when at home and their games are lined -3 or less, or dogged. It has to be really great. They did have one really terrible year though, but since Brees came they have been extremely tough at home.
Saints gonna be a huge public favorite, they really can't make the line high enough
Yeah I know kj, that is why I see the -3 now well that's at 5 dimes, some books have it higher already, and I know tomorrow when I hit my dad for money ha, my pathetic ass, by the time I get down it won't be -3, it will go up I'm sure. Damn it, now I'm gonna get -4 or maybe higher I don't know.
Florida St, I wonder what the deal is with them they barely beat damn BC last week ha. There is no reason they should be in these battles, well usually they pull away in the 2nd half, but last week no it was down to the wire with crappy BC. Unless they get their shit together I will bet against em I think in the playoff, if they win out. Have no idea why I'm talking about the playoff that is a long way away, been drinking since 11 am that is why.
Indiana at Ohio St got that on in the background on BTN, in a damn battle with Indiana ha. They cannot put those guys in the playoff no, I hope they do, but they shouldn't be. Man that Penn St field hockey player is pretty hot, saw her on a commercial a bit ago, damn I want some Penn St field hockey pussy, oh yeah. They always have commercials on there with all these obscure sports, and people I don't know.
Yeah I know, I am about there though kj. I have been looking at those backpage chicks here in Lincoln. I wonder if that would be jail, maybe. Well I don't have money for it anyway, unless I take money and don't gamble.
Would just be nice to be in Vegas cuz you can just get whatever you want pretty much. Well if you have money, which I don't right now, no.

I was talking obscure sports, and I remember when I worked at this screen printing place, and I would always do the deliveries, and we made shirts for all the teams. But what always amazed me was how huge the volleyball chicks were for Nebraska, I was just like whoa, some big bitches, they would get so fired up when I came there with their shirts. I always felt like a little pussy when I delivered there all the chicks would tower over me. It was really crazy, when I would see those big bitches I would be thinking oh wouldn't that be crazy banging this chick that is like twice my size ha. I always wondered where they found those chicks, I don't ever see any huge 6 foot 7 bitches anywhere ever. Guess there are somewhere.
Gotta get cracking on these games, fucking around too much. I will put up some opinions on a few I suppose here later. The Nebraska volleyball chicks ha, that was so fucking strange making those deliveries and I'm standing there at 5 foot 9 and this chick is almost a foot taller me, yeah that was odd, ha.
I like Texas a little bit vs TCU. I am not sure though about it, but +6.5 at home I mean, I think that is pretty decent there. Texas has a better defense at least, those guys fly around. Swopes though is so damn erratic, I know he should be able to do something vs TCU cuz they do give up some yards through the air, but I don't know if I should trust his ass. Overall I just like it cuz Texas is +6.5 at home, and it will go up people will bet TCU, so then you get +7 or more, not a bad take I don't think. Texas still has overall the better talent on the field than TCU does, but you know, QB edge is not good if you take Texas, hmmmm, well will decide later on that one.
I like LSU -3 quite a bit at Texas A@M. It seems like a perfect match up for them. Well LSU has been playing teams that are really tough up front, tough to run on, now they get Texas A@M, which they are soft up front big time, fuck they don't stop the run at all. So then LSU can get their run game going and kinda pound em up front, should anyway. Then Texas A@M they can throw it yeah, but LSU is one of the best defending the pass, good secondary, and Texas A@M can't run it, so all in all just seems like a time for LSU to bounce back and get ya know a 7 point or 10 point win something like that.
Oh whoa, looked at that Virginia at Virginia Tech game a while, and no opinion there. Fuck no idea, I was trying to find something, nope, will not be betting that.
Yeah took a look at Ball St at Bowling Green no opinion, seems about right at -8 I think, tough call. I'm just going game by game here.
No line yet on Buffalo at U Mass, it is cuz Frohnapfel the QB for Umass is a ?, so they don't wanna go yet with that one.
LSU I will tell ya I'm on that mothafucka, oh yeah, that just sets up perfect for em that match up. That is the one other than Iowa, I am on so far, or will be. Man LSU could not have a more perfect match up to bounce back there.
I have a lean to Marshall -21, I just look at how bad Western Kentucky is on defense and think Marshall will run up a bunch of points probably, I don't know if I'm into laying 21 though, ha well maybe. Just was thinking Western Kentucky their passing game may not work cuz Marshall has a real good secondary. They can't run it much Western Kentucky, so if Marshall fucks up their passing game, trouble for them. Which I think Marshall is gonna.
Damn it we need Brendan Stai back on our o line for my Huskers, just saw his Papa Johns commercial again on BTN, just have it on the background. Man he is still a beast at fucking 40 or whatever he is my age or more. Fuck he would be way better than Jake Cotton's dumb ass ha, oh yeah fo sho.
Well you either gotta lay the -22.5 with Toledo or get to steppin there, fuck no way I am putting money on Eastern Michigan ha, no no no, they cover a spread every now and then. I think I may pass on that one. It actually though doesn't look terrible to take Toledo, but you can't do that in the MAC, all those teams suck there is never a good reason to lay -22.5 on the road. Eastern Michigan ha, they are the supreme retard, you have a retard fight you have to invite Eastern Michigan, that is the king retard I think, yes, they are undisputed in that category.
If I was being recruited by Eastern Michigan, and that was my only FBS offer, I would be thinking well maybe I wanna go to this FCS school instead. Could play at the highest level of football with a terrible team or could go down and be competitive, and not get my ass beat 50-0 every game.
Oh hey, Nebraska at Iowa is the next game on the lineup. Already talked about that enough, fuck if you wanna bet Nebraska your fucking nuts I will tell ya that. I mean anything can happen I can't ever call out anybody for betting anything no. The spread is there for a reason, and anything can happen, but I have a real hard time seeing Nebraska winning, I usually know when my team is gonna get killed and this is it. Well I knew the Minnesota and I shoulda bet it, but I was hoping the Huskers would win, and I didn't bet the Gophers.
Yeah the train has derailed for Nebraska again, it is just like last year. Oh noooooooooo, time to get destroyed by Iowa just like last year. I already know the outcome there.
Well at least Pelini is gonna be gone. Although I am not sure who we could attract a guy that would ya know get my program back on track, damn that is tough. Well nobody will wanna come here now I don't think that is ya know big time. We would have to get some small time guy, who knows. Oh we could get the sweater vest ha, Jim Tressel wonder what he is doing, he could stick it to his former team Ohio St.
I think the damn moderators are fucking with my posts ha, they must be I don't know. Oh well I don't give a fuck, they can do what they want.
They probably don't want me posting until damn 6 am, they have to keep an eye on me then make sure I don't go nutso which happens sometimes. That could be the deal.
No bed, will listen to some Primus, get off here, little Pork Soda album, my name is mud. Go to bed about 6 or so.