NFL Sunday


Pretty much a regular
No I didn't cap myself in the head, about did. I didn't post just cuz I woke up late, and game time for my Huskers, don't like posting from my phone. People who read this thread, ya know like 2 people were probably oh man he is dead he didn't post his Saturday college. I did bet a few, and ummm lost some juice. My lock of the day of was awesome Appalachian St, was spot on with that one, boom.

Fucking Tuck can't have nothin damn it, the one damn game I really wanted to win big and drill a team was the Minnesota at Nebraska game, nope, Pelini strikes again. Man he is terrible, he has to be fired. Losing to Minnesota 2 years in a row, are you fucking kidding me, whoa, that is pathetic. Well and then we got all of our Cotton guys, the offensive line coach, Cotton, then his 2 bumfuck kids, that play tight end and OL. The offensive lineman Cotton, I remember the Michigan St game he just fell over ha, we were lined up ya know, and he just tipped over, ha, I have never seen that, just waiting for the snap, and good old Cotton standing there and just fell backwards and landed on his ass hahaha, timber!!! I mean if you are gonna false start, and your starting to fall just move your feet so you don't look retarded you idiot ha. I watched ESPN for the not top 10, cuz I was thinking that has to be #1, but it wasn't. How the hell it wasn't I don't know, our o lineman Cotton just tips over backwards in his stance and falls on his ass ha, man he is worthless, just fucking embarrassing. Yep we got a real retarded operation going now in Lincoln, I am so pissed it just boggles my mind how bad they are.

Twin Peaks was nice after the game though. Man I am not sure where they find all those hot chicks. I liked the dark black one the best, with the braids, she is bangin, oh yeah. My bro liked the half black chick better, can't argue with him they were both fucking banging. Then ya know they had some plain white chicks, which I don't care for. I prefer black chicks. Oh yeah there was a hot Asian chick too. Ya know I didn't get any though, nope. Well at least my bro took me out to the parents farm they just sold, and I got to bang my favorite goat, yeah, I gave it to her, she can't tell me no, boom ha.

The Husker hoops team lost too at Rhode Island, was a spectacular day if your a Husker fan ha, yeah pretty fucking bad. I really don't expect anything to go well though now, besides jerking off, that always goes well for me. Now watch me have a jerking injury, fuck damn it, I bent my dick, ha, yeah that's next I bet.

Well here's my picks. Got 167.80 in the account

If win bet again, so they only take place if I win

Wash at Sf under 44.5 risked 167.80 on all of these
Det at NE over 48
Stl +6 at SD
Cle +3 at Atl

I really like that under in San Fran, that is my best bet. Good thing is I get a whole day of entertainment then too. That is a late game so I can cheer for my early ones, but I am never done until the late games. I am at my bro's house now, like to stay here when I can. Do need to go in his bedroom and grope his wife haha, no not gonna do that, although I would like to. Oh my think of the problems that would cause if I got caught. Well she would probably lay my ass out, my drunk bitch ass, she is not drunk, she doesn't drink much. Yeah she is probably stronger than me ha. Maybe not there but she is sort of a bigger half black chick, I mean she works out with the weights a bit, and I don't. That would be funny I'm in there groping her and she wakes up, uh oh ha.
I had kind of a hard time drinking today. Well the bottle I brought to the game that went down okay, but then at Twin Peaks I had kind of an upset stomach. It went away later though. Probably on my way to death I suppose.
Was really hoping Deaz would show up at the game with his Dynasty Combat bumfuck Nebraska fighters, nope. Some crap Nebraska fighting league ha, oh I was pretty worried when he threatened me with that. It was funny to me cuz he just said DC fighters, and then I googled it and couldn't find anything but comic book crap. Man that Moffit guy he is a damn beast ha no, I can't believe Deaz rented out Pinnacle Bank Arena for that shit. He is gonna lose a bunch of money. Rent out Pershing retard, that crap venue, then you can come out ahead on your stupid Nebraska fight night. I should probably quit beating a dead horse here, I have talked enough about it.
That was great when Cotton just fell over in the Nebraska at Michigan St game, haha. Man I have never seen anything more pathetic. What a fucking bum, just in his stance and tips over before the snap, right on his ass.
I really don't think I have ever seen a guy just tip over like that in his stance like Jake Cotton, whoa that is how big a joke the Huskers have become, man, oh my.
Well and I have to watch it every week. I don't think I wanna watch that Iowa game the Huskers last game, it is gonna piss me off. The Cotton boys, ha, they are both terrible got one on the o line then one at tight end. Fuck he dropped an easy catch today, no surprise there. They must just be playing cuz their dad is the o line coach, fuck figures.
All the former Husker greats just talk shit about how terrible they are. I like hearing Jason Peter talk about em, our former big time DT, from the mid 90's, he just rips em always, and fucking deservedly so. Fuck he would be kicking ass in the locker room with how these guys are fucking up.
That Jason Peter he is on a couple shows sometimes talking about what is going on with the Huskers, and I just think, fuck he is right they are not playing with any damn heart and effort. They aren't, they are a bunch of fucking bitches. I listen to him talk about our team, and I think shit that is what we need, some guys that will just go all out fucking crazy like he did.

Yeah Bama I love that bet. Love that as much as Appalachian St today. I can get one really good bet, but then my others, never know there.
I mean Washington is a debacle on offense, and then San Fran extremely tough defensively of course, no need to say either of those things ha, but ya know. San Fran their offense is not good, Kapernick, fuck he is terrible for the most part. So I doubt it will go over, guess we'll see.
I figure ya know San Fran shuts down Washington, and then they play conservative on offense, no need to get crazy there, run the ball win the game 20-10 or so.
That is a great bet there the under I think. I can't see it gettin up that high unless there are some crazy defensive scores, or special teams things going on.
Maybe I should go to bed, quit rambling to myself.

Fuck I don't know I may just not be that good anymore at this crap. Well I sort of have drank myself stupid I think. The only reason I kept drinking everyday was to thwart the loud voices in my head, drinking would stop em, would be these shouting loud voices, which I'm sure nobody here has had that, don't think it affects too many people. Of course I get it ha. Now though I don't get em ever, but I can't quit drinking, so okay.
Ha that was just awful. All day hear these loud voices in my head, man I really had a hard time even going on with that crap, but then drinking helped. Just get drunk and they go away, boom.
Damn those chicks at the Twin Peaks, oh my, I have no shot getting something like that. My nephew though he will that lucky mothafucka. I do wish I was him and 3 years old with a future, would be nice. Fuck he is gonna just bang every damn chick in this city. Good for him, hope he does. My bro's wife the other day was saying well I don't know what I'm gonna do, these girls at daycare are all over him. Man I don't know the feeling, I had to really work for it back in my day, still do, but now it is hopeless for me ha.
Best I can hope for now is a goat ha. Or paying a hooker, but here in Lincoln that isn't easy to come by a hooker no. There are the Lincoln backpages but I don't know if those are cops or not, who knows. Don't have money for that shit anyway right now.
Shit I don't probably try hard enough, maybe I could get something done if I worked at it more. But I mean 38, and ya know not in great shape, it is a bit tough. Ya never know what will happen I suppose. It was funny cuz this chick my bro's wife knows said oh ya know I think Tuck is kinda cute, but she didn't say it when she was over here, stupid bitch. I didn't push up on her, cuz I just figured, not gonna happen. Then my bro's wife tells me, 2 weeks later and she is with a dude ha, fucking figures damn it. I woulda banged her, she isn't super hot, but oh well.
Better go to bed, man these posts are retarded. Who the fuck cares about me banging goats or ya know if I am gonna get any pussy, no, ya no nobody gives a damn. Well I think if I gave it a better effort I may pull through, fuck not sure, I don't look very good now, yeah no on that.

Oh well no time for complaining, either ya hit it, or ya don't, quit being a big bitch Tuck, you pussy. Get it or shut up about it, true there. No I'm gonna ramble about it on here like a big d bag ha.
Get it done tuck, you should get out of your own thread and look around the site sometime
Yeah Alex I am kind of a fucking nut job. Just stay in my thread talking to myself always.

Oh man we got Black Dog on now at my bro's house this movie is terrible. It's got the Swayze in it though yes, my nephew likes it though so okay. They are running some AK 47's, maybe that's what I need to do for work, running guns ha. They do have a kick ass old Camaro in this movie that sort of looks like my old Iroc Z, oh yeah. Better have a beer.
Oh wow this movie ha, Black Dog. The 2 dudes are riding in the Camaro, and the 1 guy goes damn i shouldn't be drinking this apple juice it gives me gas. Then the other guy goes, man 1 fart and your walkin ha. Why put that in there? Good addition to the script.
No they are all beat up there P unit. It was funny cuz Kenny Bell our WR, he was on the game ticket, he was the feature player. Guess what? Gets hurt right away pretty much ha. The ticket jinx, must be like the Madden video game cover jinx that was goin for a while. Iowa is gonna kick our ass I bet, I'm sure. May bet against my team, I don't care anyway anymore.

Sucks today I had 3 out of 4 winners, but I lost money, great. Lost juice since I didn't line em up right. I called it dead on with my best bet Skins at niners, bang, said there would be 30 points and there was ha, that's funny. Wonder what kind of odds I could have got on that at 5 dimes? Yeah I wanna bet it ends on exactly 30 points, then I would be like booooooooooooom, pay me bitch!!!

Added on the late game

Dallas -4.5 at Giants, risked what I have 152.55 to win 142.57

I'm not hugely confident here, but doing it anyway.
Man that Nebraska at Iowa game is gonna be a retard fight of epic proportions, a real throw down, whoa, look out. Only people that bet the game will watch I think. Hopefully Jake Cotton has another play like at Michigan St, our O lineman that is awful. He just stands there waiting then false starts by just tipping over backwards, and lands on his ass ha.
Jake Cotton, uh oh, I am falling, timber!!! I was just watching like you gotta be kidding me dude, you just fall backwards on your ass and embarrass yourself on a big prime time feature game that everybody is watching. Guess I embarrass myself here, with a lot of my comments. Me and Jake we are boys, ya know, brothers from anotha motha ha.
Yeah I cannot talk shit about Jake Cotton for the Huskers. I am waaaaaay more pathetic. He has a life at least unlike me. He sucks ass at football, but he can get his degree and get a good job maybe.
Ha I keep talking about Jake Cotton, don't know why. Well all those Cotton guys suck. Yeah they better get their degrees those 2, and then their dad is gonna get fired I'm sure. No future in football for the Cotton boys.
Fuck I really hate the Giants. I never win when I bet their games. Guess I did have the niners against em and that won barely, but every other time no luck. Still pretty early I suppose, but not looking good.
Well this is a loser. Too bad I didn't have more money would have gone 3-2 and won today, damn it anyway. Could have bet smaller bets I guess.

Yeah saw that commercial for the Voice. That is it for me, that is what I need to do, oh yeah I can sing mothafucka. Ummm, no don't think that is one of my talents, shit do I have any talent besides drinking? Not sure I do really. Think that's a country song, I'm pretty good at drinking beer. Except for me it would be I'm pretty good at drinking vodka. I remember we had to take this stupid choir class in Junior High, it was required, and the teacher had us all sing for her just alone ya know. She goes I am gonna give you a grade on your voice. I think my grade was a C-, she goes well Tuck you need some work I will help ya out though. I was thinking umm I don't really want help, or be in this stupid class.
This isn't over yet, gave up too soon. Giants get a FG here, then we get OT, Cowboys win the flip, then get a TD winner. Boy I have to have a lot go right.
Time to beg dad for money again, come on dad, come on dad ha, man I am one pathetic loser. He will probably gimme more money, guess we'll see. Better check out this weeks games see who I wanna take, haven't done much with em yet. Too bad he won't gimme a little more like 500 or so, then I have a better chance of getting somewhere. It is tough when you are putting 100-200 bucks in there. Suppose I could just bet around 40 bucks a game try and build up slowly. Oh that will get me somewhere, oh yeah.
Really if you only have a 200 buck roll, you should probably be betting about 30 bucks a game. Nope I get 200 and throw it all down on 1 game, and then line up a string of if win bets, great strategy, brilliant.

Just sucks ass cuz today I should have won, went 3-2, but oh no, didn't line up the if win bets in the right order so I lost.
Nebraska at Iowa -1.5 hmmmm, the wheels seem to have totally fallen off for the Huskers now. Reminds me of last year kind of. I have to imagine Iowa is gonna win at home. Kenny Bell may not play which would really hurt cuz he is our big guy for the quick bubble screens which our o coordinator Beck loves to call, over, and over ha. That play you can do it on occasion, but he calls that every damn play it seems. Always gotta run trips too, yep trips. Just take out a guy playin outside then, hell why wouldn't we wanna go 10 guys vs 11, makes sense to me.

Abdullah isn't healthy either, I am sure there on that.
Ha even if the Huskers were at home I don't even think they would have a very good chance either. Yeah unless somehow Pelini can rally the troops for this last game. It doesn't seem to possible to me, but then Iowa isn't great or anything no, but this just totally reminds me of last year for the Huskers vs Iowa, people calling for Pelini to be fired and the team is in turmoil and then Iowa kicks our ass.
Why the hell too, can't the Huskers ever stay healthy, at least ya know somewhat. Their strength and conditioning program, I don't know about it, seems to me they get hurt way too much, why is that? Why can't we find somebody capable there. Well it is just like they ummm, they get hurt more than any other team, and then 2nd half, oh my, always a debacle. Man I could bitch about my Huskers all night haha.
Bo's gone Puck

And I actually played along with you on the SF/Washington under, I liked that one quite a bit. It was a grind today, but you nailed that one.
Yeah your probably right there kj. People are pretty pissed right now about this, I mean losing to bumfuck Minnesota 2 years in a row ha, whoa, oh my my.

Yeah it sucks I didn't have more money in the account kj, I woulda won then, 3-2 damn it. Instead a string of if win bets, so I lost. Sounds like you won.
You should probably hop on Iowa kj, the Huskers are probably gonna get their ass waxed about 38-20 or so I bet, not sure what the exact score will be. Probably around there I assume. A win by the Huskers would reaaaaaaallly shock me at this point. The wheels have completely fallen off. Fuck I'm betting against my team, I don't ever do that.
I'm sure the old Bo Pelini 2nd half meltdown is coming again at Iowa. Well that Minnesota game it happened again. Up 21-7 on Minnesota at home at half I'm thinking okay we may hold on, nope, everybody gets tired and bitches out and we lose again. It must just be our conditioning isn't what it needs to be, like the strength and conditioning program or something I guess, I don't know. Well I always say we and our about the Huskers like I'm on the staff or the team haha, no, and this week I'm betting against em, so we for me is gone.
Never thought I'd see the day where my Huskers are going 4-4 in the crappy Big 10 league play ha, no no. Well never thought we would be in the Big 10 back in the day. Guess back quite a while the Big 10 was somewhat decent. Now they are completely terrible, it is a real disgrace going 4-4 ha, whoa, fuck are you kidding me? We can't even have a winning record in the Big 10, oh no way there. Cuz it will be 4-4 after Iowa strokes us.
Man what is our o coordinator Beck gonna do now if Kenny Bell isn't playing for his bread and butter play the ol bubble screen pass, quick to the outside. We are really screwed then if Kenny Bell is out cuz he doesn't know any other plays ha, stupid Beck.