NFL Sunday, 11-15

Yeah I can't sleep worth a shit unless I'm hammered, then yeah ya know 6 or 7 hours. It is really fucked up, and if I don't drink I can't sleep at all, can even take sleeping pills, no dice. That trazadone oh that does nothing, or whatever as far as sleeping pills. My sleeping pill is ya know about 3/4 of a 1.75 of vodka, yeah then I sleep ha, cock the hammer it's time for action.
Well it is fucked up, like I'm always so wired, and I can't settle down ha. Why the fuck is that, damn it, I would like to be able to sleep easier, oh well, guess I gotta get hammered then sleep.
It just pisses me off my team is so terrible the Huskers. I mean what the hell? They are just terrible now. Well they got help on the way, my nephew will be there in 15 years haha, well fuck he will have some damn heart, and ya know be a tough mothafucka, ha, well his grandpa played and was pretty good, got hurt though. I just watch that crap and think what the hell, these guys look like they are just giving up, just oh okay, guess we lost, we better go home ha. I mean what kind of pussies just lay down like that? I mean fuck you, I wanna go to the damn stadium and whoop their ass ha. Fuck I could probably take my 3 year old nephew and he could whoop their ass, well he will fo sho when he gets to be 17 or so, no doubt, those fucking pussies, man, I could not believe that crap. Just ya know get whooped big time, I mean they didn't even put a fight, haha, whoa, fucking bitches, I fucking hate em.
The Huskers yeah, more like the bitch ass vaginas that should be our name the fighting vaginas, I mean they are just terrible, ha, I really could whoop everybody on our team I think.
Shit I deserve to lay a beating on those mothafuckas, I am a season ticket holder. I mean you gotta at least man up, and ya know give Wisconsin a fight, oh no, just get yo ass rolled. Those guys fuck I wanna kick their ass really, my whole team, fuck them in their stupid vaginas. It is just retarded they don't have a damn clue what they are doing, and they are big bitches, fuck I would kick their ass, and I'm not a big shit, big dude, but they have no heart, just big pussies.
I'm gonna break yo ass of something there Gerry you big puss, ha, man what a bitch. I fucking hate that guy, well I hate several people on the team at this point.
Oh well ya know, my nephew will save their ass in 14 years ha. It is funny cuz I am sure he will be good, well his grandpa was, and that was back when we were good, and he got hurt and had to quit. We didn't have a bunch of bitch asses on the team like now ha, man I just watch it, and am like are you fucking kidding me, you fucking bitches, damn. My nephew is gonna be ready here in 14 years, then we will at least have one good player ha, too bad the rest of the team will suck ass like always lately.
Oh yeah, any of those mothafuckas see me, I am punting them in their vag. They fucking suck ass, I'm tired of this shit, I mean come on have some heart. Fuck they all suck, I wanna punt em all in their vaginas.
Well it is just like I said, we need to recruit more Nebraska players for just the glue and ya know have guys that are just fucking fired up for the Huskers, guess who knows these morons we have from out of state I don't think they can play worth a shit. Fuck I would kick their ass all of em.
And yeah I will be there Saturday though row 43 North End Zone, behind the goal posts. I don't care man, they all suck, and if they wanna do anything go ahead, I am so pissed I don't care. Come on you big pussies, I will kick yo ass, fuck I will to, those bitches they aren't doing anything to me, fuck hell no, besides try and fuck me in the ass ha, bunch of Yag boys on me team. I can't even watch anymore. I mean if I was on the field Saturday, I would have made a damn effort, man that was terrible, no effort, fuck you suck ass, I hate you.
Fuck you guys blow, my nephew will be on the team, then we will have somebody good with some heart, fuck all those guys are just pathetic. I watch it and am just thinking okay, you are getting beat, then you just lay down ha, you big vaginas.
Fuck Pelini won't be there, wonder who will be our coach then when my nephew takes the field, who knows ha. He is pretty fast, so thinking a kick ass WR here is what I got, well he runs all day, and he is fast for being 3, and all the relatives in his family that played college and NFL, okay, we got something. Well and then get some damn guys from Nebraska on the team, I am really pissed about that, some guys that really care ya know about the team. Those guys now they don't give a fuck, and ya know I know it, but whatever I am not gonna pay for my tickets next year, if they don't wanna try and play hard, then hell I'm not paying for any tickets.
I don't understand why they don't get more guys on the team from the state. Fuck we always used to, I mean we had quite a few guys from here. Stupid fucking Pelini, I mean I am just so tired of him, he needs to go. I mean you have no idea what your doing dude, get some damn guys from Nebraska on the team you idiot, and they don't have to be great players, but they will bring shit together ya know, guess I am talking to nobody, but I am right.
What I am saying is, I could do better than Gerry, okay you put my slob ass at safety, I would ya know try and make plays. I love the Huskers, that is what I'm saying Pelini, I mean fuck you, recruit some damn Nebraska guys that will just be like fuck, I love this team, and sell out, and then talk to the other guys ya know, and tell em fuck come on guys.
Fucking Gerry that guy blows, I mean I wanna kick his ass really. Stand there and wait for Gordon ha, then he just blows by you, oh shit, well have some fight in you, you big bitch, I mean come on go after him, make a damn play. You have to go after Gordon, you just stand there Gerry, oh here we go, gonna break down, and stand flat footed ha, yeah that will work, I mean our safeties back in the day would never do that. They would be like fuck I'm going after his ass Gordon, and I'm ripping his head off. Fuck Mike Minter, Toby Wright, Mike Brown, Tony Veland, those guys would roll Gordon, that guy would get 50 yards on the day.
Yeah now we got a crappy white guy from South Dakota at safety ha, I mean why not get a white guy from Nebraska, I don't know, my team is a real debacle. I don't care anymore, guess we are just gonna blow every year. Fuck I don't even know if my nephew when he goes there that won't help, maybe he should go somewhere else, probably, I would be really upset though if he did.
Yeah I'm heading down to campus tomorrow to kick the shit out of Gerry, yes, boom. Well I want to, but I better not, that would be a problem ha. I mean what in the fuck is the deal, we have some crappy bitch from South Dakota at safety for us, are you kidding me. Fuck we had guys from Omaha at safety before, but not some fuck from South Dakota, whoa, guess that is what it has come to.
Guess there aren't a whole bunch of great players here in Nebraska. Well until my nephew comes around ha, it is funny cuz he is fast as shit at age 3, I think he will be pretty good. Just think that since his grandpa was really good for the Huskers, and then my bro's wife had uncles that were superstars too.

And I saw my bro's wife tonight oh my, she was looking hot as shit, half black chick and about 30, oh my, I was wanting to bang it so bad. Well I always am, I go over there and I always am just craving it, but no.
Man my bro though, fuck he has it made ha, damn I was looking at her today just like oh shit, I wanna tear that pussy up. No not gonna happen ha, well she isn't in perfect shape no, kind of bigger, but she is bangin to me, big titties, half black chick, oh yeah, I love it. Well it is just I have the same brain as my bro, and he likes her so I do to, I think we have the same brains ha.
Better go to bed, this thread is a debacle now. All I need is somebody to stalk me and yell at me, I wonder what happened there. Well manchester said he did it, ha, maybe, I don't know, he was probably kidding. Fuck that may be the case, I thought about it, and it made sense to me, but maybe not. I just think it had to be somebody reading my posts or a poster, cuz I don't know who else would fucking sit there wait for me and then yell at me ha, who knows I guess. But ya know if you are that big a fan then okay, if you wanna suck my dick off then come yell at me ha, whoa I'm out bitch.