NFL Sunday, 11-15


Pretty much a regular
Man I really think Bo Pelini needs to be fired, I am tired of this shit. Every time my Huskers play a big game we just get embarrassed. I mean we are a damn joke. I just watch it, and I think how did this happen, how are we so terrible now, I say we, but ya know I'm not on the team ha, I talk like I am. I just break things now when I watch my team. Fuck me and my bro were watching, and were just like fuck, we got to shut this off, late 3rd quarter it was off, I couldn't stand it anymore. Well it is not just how terrible they are, but the damn effort isn't there, the guys aren't fucking even trying, they just give up, man it pisses me off. They need to recruit more guys from Nebraska that will just sell out ya know. If I was out there I would, I may get run the fuck over, but I'm not giving up, no way. Tuck at safety ha that would be good. Well that Gerry at safety that dumb ass, there was one play I couldn't believe. I was watching just like what are you doing? I mean he just broke down in front of Gordon when he was coming at him. Okay retard you have to run at the guy and make a play, you can't stand there flat footed and expect to tackle the guy lol. I mean fuck run at him, and dive try and make a play, don't just break down and stand there like an idiot. You think you are gonna tackle Gordon standing there flat footed with him running at you? You fucktard. Man I am so damn mad. Fucking South Dakota there with Gerry, what do you expect, fuck there's a reason nobody wanted him that bitch. Ha the Huskers set a damn record today for futility gave up the most rushing yards to one guy EVER, FUCKING EVER!!!!! Are you kidding me 408 yards rushing to one damn guy, whoa. Well I don't think I'm going to that Minnesota game next week now, oh boy, it is a disaster with my team now. I mean the whole thing is, if you woulda told me in, I don't know, 1997 that my team, the Huskers would be in the Big 10 losing to crap ass Wisconsin 59-24 in 2014, I would have been like hahahhahaha, you kiddin me mothafucka shit, no way. Fuck those guys blow, I would say, but oh no it is happening, and I don't know fire Pelini fuck him. I'm tired of the Huskers being a joke, I don't even ever wanna watch a big game now, it is always a debacle of epic proportions.

Just a little something else about the guys that were stalking me, that I was talking about the other day. I don't know who they were, no, I just said Manchester cuz the guy said you fucking bloke at the end of yelling at me. It was funny cuz they were sitting ya know down the street like they were just waiting for me. I was just taking the garbage can out to the damn street, and I hear em yelling and like wooooooooooo, and laughing ha. Then they roll by yelling at me ha, and they turned the light on in their pickup, cuz it was ya know 930 or 10 or so dark out. I just wondered who that could be cuz I don't have any enemies here now, fuck a looooong time ago maybe, but not now. So immediately I just thought, well okay these guys must have read my posts and are stalking me, hell I don't know. I mean I would never go try and track somebody down on here no, why the fuck would I, I could care less what anybody's doing on here, except ya know posting and talking on here, that's it for me. Well you could figure out where I am, and who I am, with all I share, or ya know you are a moderator or run the site, IP address. Ha I would hope nobody would be that crazy, probably not I guess, it was strange I don't know. I know they don't live here those guys, and I have never seen those guys before, I know most everybody around me. Maybe I'm being a psycho here on this, but I wondered why somebody would be waiting for me, and shit outside my house. I didn't even say shit back to em, I was just like what the hell? At least they didn't get out and try and fight me, cuz there were 2 of em, I woulda been in trouble then, oh yeah. Enough drunk rambling and craziness, which this post is deteriorating as I speak ha, onto the picks.

I did win late, good deal. I didn't post em, but I went 3-0 at night. Had Georgia, Texas, and Texas St. I didn't post cuz I was so pissed about the Huskers ha.

2 team if win bet, so if first wins get the next.

Tampa at Washington under 45.5 risk 200, got a -110 there
Eagles +6 at Green Bay, risk 200, so -110 there too

Straight bet here on SF.

San Francisco -4 at NYG, got a -103 so risked 200 to win 194.17

Fuck my vodka glass is empty, better get some more. I'm all tuned up now, oh yeah baby, fuck can't see straight at this point. Fuck I better sneak in my bro's room, and fondle his wife haha, that would be great. Just grabbing her titties oh yeah, better do that ha. Well they are both asleep now. That would be funny I'm in there groping her and she wakes up ha, yeah that would not be good no. I do like her, I would like to grab the titties yes, oh my I need to move onto the next pick.

Another if win bet, my broke ass, betting my dads money ha. Here we go, just gotta get on a roll.

Vikings +2.5 at Bears, got a -105, risked 200 bucks
Houston at Browns -3.5, got a -105 there too.

I guess I won't give my crappy breakdowns on all my bets here. Maybe I will, I like to talk to myself. Tampa at Washington there isn't gonna be a ton of offense I don't think, well Griffin is just coming back so the Skins should be conservative, and Tampa can't score. Green Bay is ya know a little overrated there in my opinion, Philly has a pretty solid team. Think that will be a close game. The Giants are just damn terrible, San Fran should wax that ass, man Eli is awful now I don't know what happened with him. The last 2 years he is terrible. The Bears, ummm, well I have to watch em every week on the NFL ticket cuz my bro is a big fan of em, and man they are just horrendous. I know to, he said today, well this is great, the Huskers got their ass rolled then tomorrow I get to watch the Bears suck ass and get clobbered. He is probably right. I will go for the daily double, Huskers get clocked, then my bro is pissed tomorrow too, I'm sure it will happen. We can't have nothing damn it ha. Browns I am not totally sure on it, but Houston is turning to Ryan Mallet, that guy blows. We'll see I guess, I am not a big fan of laying -3.5 with the fucking Browns, but who knows.

I wrote a damn book here. I should write a book, ya know maybe 2 people would buy it. The life story of Tuck, ha, no nobody would buy that crap. It would be a depressing biography, oh yeah.
Damn it I can't put any music on, or I will wake up my bro's wife. Fuck, I just stay in their basement sometimes. Well my bro won't wake up cuz he was hammered, but she doesn't drink much, a little from time to time, but not much. She would wake up if I start bumping some music.
Tuck at safety for the Huskers yes, think they should put my crazy ass in there ha. I have eligibility there, oh yeah. Man I couldn't be any worse than Gerry that guy sucks ass, at least I know what I'm doing if I am out there, I am gonna run at Gordon and try get a piece and take him down. Fuck I am not standing there waiting for him hahahaha, I mean a make a play baby, fuck I am running and trying to grab ankles if I'm out there on defense. No fucking way I'm standing there flat footed like a big bitch ha.
They can sign me up to a scholarship right now ha, no way I'm going to fucking school however. Oh a classroom no, that is not working. I really just watching Gerry, think, ya know I could probably do better ha, maybe not, but I watched that one play over and over, and there is no way I am out there just standing flat footed waiting for Gordon, what the fuck. I mean I am going at him at least, not that I would make the tackle who knows, but I am trying and going for it ha. That stupid bitch is just sitting back, fuck what a bitch, I really hate everybody on my team, it pisses me off to no end.
I mean I just watch the effort from my Huskers and I think this is just unacceptable. What in the fuck, you just set a record for futility giving up 408 yards to one guy, oh man, this is whoa, I am so pissed you don't even know. Why don't we recruit more Nebraska kids, ya know like we used to, I don't understand it. Those guys sell out and are just fired up for Nebraska ya know, like fuck this is my state, and ya know this is my team. Guess fuck it, we are just gonna suck forever now. I do think getting more Nebraska kids would help out big time, far be it for anybody to listen to me, oh no way, but I am right. I know it, if we get more Nebraska kids on the team it will boost the effort I just know it, and ya know those kids that love Husker football like me, will be like fuck you guys come on, fucking quit being big vaginas we need to win this crap, and these guys suck ass, come on ha, maybe I'm wrong.
Fuck I mean recruit some Nebraska kids you idiot Pelini, I mean they may not be the most talented fucking guys no, but they love the Huskers so there we go. I mean there is no way I would have put out an effort like Gerry today, fuck no, I mean it was terrible, I have no words to describe it.
That Gerry guy, man what a big bitch, I really hate him ha. Well fuck okay Mike Minter, Tony Veland, Toby Wright, Mike Brown, I mean you are not a fucking Husker to me, there what I said there are fucking Huskers, those are Husker safeties, not some bitch that fucking stands there like a retard. Shit I can't believe what we have out there. Any one of those safeties I just mentioned would have ripped Gordon's head off baby. Fuck Toby Wright I really liked him cuz he would just go for the kill shot every time, it was just fucking lay that bitch out, I like that, now he would get a penalty every time, but I liked Toby, just a hard pipe hitting nigggga.
It is really a disgrace at this point. I mean we got some stupid white boy from South Dakota at safety ha, well, that is not good, cuz he sucks ass. I just don't understand his ya know trepidation and shit, I mean fuck go lay a hit, you are playing football you bitch, I mean fuck what are you doing out there. If I am out there fuck I am gonna be aggressive, there is no way I am waiting for a guy to come to me, fuck what kind of pusssy are you, you wanna suck the Tuck dong or something you can baby ha, that Gerry guy, he needs to be fired. Well I get fired a lot, so hell fire his ass.
Yeah Gerry wants to down the tube, oh yeah they are back from Wisconsin, got this line up now ha. That fucking bitch, I wanna kick his ass, and I definitely could, oh yeah, no doubt there, that bitch ass.
I just fucking hate my team. Gerry is my focus now, ha, well he just fucks up left and right, I mean he is worthless. What are you doing out there, so come on Gordon, I'm just gonna stand here then tackle you ha. I mean you have no shot if you stand there when that guy is coming at you, well none of our good safeties here would have, they would have run up on him and laid his ass down. Yeah ya know Minter would have clocked his ass, laid the smack down. Not our safety now he is a total bitch Gerry ha. I could talk about a bunch of our sorry ass players ha, that is just one. Fuck they better sign my nephew up, he will straighten their ass up. He is a pimp, I think he will play for em, a lot of talent in that family pro players, and he will love the Huskers, he does already. That is what we need ya know more players that love the Huskers, just fucking down for Nebraska.
Well my nephew has a grandpa that played for the Huskers back when we were good ya know. Ha now we are a debacle. I wonder if he will be good, my nephew, fuck he will be a stud compared to these white kids yes. Who knows I guess. I just wonder how many white chicks he is gonna bang at Lincoln East, oh my, it is gonna be a lot. Fuck I wish I was him right now. Oh man, he is just gonna get whatever he wants. Well he looks so good, I can't imagine all the chicks won't wanna bang him, sure they will.
It is funny my bro's wife was like I don't know what to do, these girls at daycare are all over him, ha, I said well yeah he's a fucking pimp baby, ha, she was like ummm, shut up.
Ha wish I knew the feeling of being ya know good looking and wanted, don't know that feeling no, well I mean I'm not terrible looking, but not good no.
Shit I better go to bed if I wanna wake up by noon. I didn't go ya know grope my bro's wife ha, no, I want to, but I better not ha. I like them black titties oh yeah baby, ha, I can't imagine getting caught for that ha, that would be great, yeah sorry about that.
GL Today

I'm amazed at how impeccable your spelling and punctuation is when you're shitfaced.
Ha schrute I take pride in my posts, unlike the Huskers in football. I sort of read back over it before I post to make sure.

Shark I think my games are not looking the best at the moment, no not really.

But it is time for a banquet beer now, oh yeah got the Coors out let's go baby. Oh you don't know nothin about no banquet beer ha, it is a damn banquet at my bro's house now watching the damn ticket.
Ha talkin about my spelling. I remember back in grade school ya know 4th through 6th grades we would have spelling bees, and it would always come down to me vs one guy, he would always beat me, fucking Adam Dunn. That fucker, it would always piss me off. He doesn't just hit homers he can spell mothafucka ha ha.
Man that spelling bee on ESPN though, oh no way, no chance for me there. I don't know how the fuck those kids know how to spell those crazy words they have on that. They would work my ass over there.
Fucking Bears damn it. Well and niners are about to lose as well.

I like that guy though on the Bears Willie Young, with the fishing celebration after a sack ha, that cracks me up. Today he switched it up to ice fishing since it is so cold, yes, haha.
Guess at least I'm 2-1 on the day. Got lucky as hell the Giants didn't kick a FG, I was watching it, and just yelling at the TV, GO FOR IT, GO FOR IT, COME ON!!! They did fortunately for me or I woulda got boned by a point. Eagles not looking good so far.

I do think the Huskers need to sign me up, put me on scholarship. I can play safety replace Gerry's stupid ass. Fuck I don't have anything else to do I can sign up for some dumb classes. I really don't wanna be in a damn classroom though, that sounds really terrible ha. Guess I could just take some real easy classes. Well I would not just stand there like Gerry and do nothing when Gordon is running at me, I'm gonna try and make a play at least.
Why am I just picking on Gerry our crappy white safety ha, he is just one of many atrocious players. Really we could bring back Mike Minter at age 40 right now, and it would be a huge improvement unless he got in terrible shape now, even then I don't care, fuck get somebody on my Huskers with some damn heart. Somebody that has fucking balls, not these big vagina's out there that just lay down.
The Huskers better not lose to Minnesota this week. Oh I want that win bad, even though it doesn't matter anymore. That is personal mothafucka I want a beat down. Fuck if we lose that I'm gonna be so pissed.
Added on a game, fuck Philly is done, so 2-2 today. I should have known better than to bet against Green Bay at home, you just can't, they are a destroyer. Oh well, numbers wise it made sense, but it didn't work out, ummm, no. Damn my bro's wife is just looking hot tonight, oh baby, ha I wish I could bang her, nope, ain't happenin, fuck a 30 year old half black chick with big ol titties, oh yeah, I am down. I get none ever, and I gotta accept it, fuck it is just jerking it 2 times a day. I just wanna get in the warmth and wetness, oh yes, no no, better keep whacking it. Good news is the Huskers rolled by 19 in hoops booooooooooom, ha, Northern Kentucky, stiff opposition there. Well I don't really bet much hoops til January, so don't care now. Here is my addition.

Tom Brady +3 vs Andrew Luck, risked 200, I got a -105 I believe, so wins 194.68 I think it was

Going with the old man yeah. Fuck I'm old school, fuck these younger guys gettin all the pussy, suck my dick ha. Well but Tom is a pimp that is my age so he can still can get some, my fat ugly ass no. There is my breakdown of the game ha, whoa, I am drunk and tuned up already.
Fuck I better put on some Jingle Bell Rock, ha, some stupid christmas music, my d bag square ass neighbors lol. I went out for a walk and heard it when they opened the door for their d bag dinner party. A bunch of square ass late 20's dorks ha. I was just thinking oh man, if my chick wanted to put that crap on I would shoot myself in the head. Na na, better put on some Primus, Pork Soda album, there we go. Need some pre game music. Fuck I really can't imagine me being with a chick that liked christmas music hahaha, no way, I mean we would not get along at all if she likes that crap, no way.
Boom, winna winna, where you goin city folk ha. Think I need a post game celebration concert, I love fucking Rage Against The Machine live in London 2010, I mean you can't beat it on youtube it is really great. I love the story behind it, and then the video and shit is the bomb baby. I have watched it about 15 times ha. Watch it again, no doubt, the shit bitch, you can step if you don't like it. I like at one point there are little kids jumping around on stage just way in the background. Cuz I think my nephew would be doing that, he loves rage, cuz my bro puts that on in the pickup, and he just starts bobbing his head, and like turn it up ha, fuck he is the shit bitch, at least Nebraska will have one good player in football when he turns 18, long way to go, he is only 3. Well I mean his grandpa isn't some stupid bitch like we have now, he actually kicked ass and was good ha. I don't know what we are doing now, it is just a total debacle. All those guys blow, I mean what in the fuck is Pelini doing. He needs to be fired, I am still pissed about that game.
I like Tom Morello's guitar in that concert, arm the homeless, ha. Well I would be homeless if my dad wasn't loaded and supporting me, oh yeah.
Just a little something else about the guys that were stalking me, that I was talking about the other day. I don't know who they were, no, I just said Manchester cuz the guy said you fucking bloke at the end of yelling at me. It was funny cuz they were sitting ya know down the street like they were just waiting for me. I was just taking the garbage can out to the damn street, and I hear em yelling and like wooooooooooo, and laughing ha.
It was me,I was just saying hello.
Ha that is funny manchester. I wonder if your actually serious, probably not. Well I am a huge loser, and whatever if you did.
Ha yeah probably not there. My dumb ass, I just wondered why anybody would be waiting for me and shit, then yell at me, ha, I don't know I guess. Well I am a big loser, so hell who knows.

So sick of complacence now, the time has come to rage, oh shit.
Man I love this concert, it is #1 on my list, oh yeah, this Rage Against The Machine 2010 in London, oh yeah, fuck yeah, GET UP!!!!!!!!!
Talking to myself, but this is the shit, if you don't like this Rage Against The Machine concert in 2010 in London, then well you can fucking get out my thread, get a d in your b.
Fucking we need some real players on the Huskers. Fuck my nephew that is 14 years away, well or 15 I guess. Fuck he will be good, but that is a long way off, fuck everybody there is terrible now. I mean he isn't some bitch ass like we have now, he will be good I think, if he is like his grandpa. It just pisses me off how they don't recruit any Nebraska kids anymore, I mean why not? You need some guys that will just sell out for the team cuz they love the Huskers ya know. I mean fuck I would be pissed on the sideline with that debacle Saturday, oh oh, I would be yelling at all those guys. I mean fuck I am 38 and not in great shape, but it would be better if I was out there, well I would be trying hard at least, fuck I love my team, I am not gonna lay down, just give up, fuck those bitches.
Ha Al burna. It is funny cuz I have trazadone, my doctor prescribed it for me, and it does nothing ha. I mean I take it sometimes, but if I'm not drunk, well forget about it working. Any sleeping pills, they don't work well, they can work if I'm hammered I guess.
Well my doctor told me I was schizo and had multiple personalities, which he is probably right. I mean I hear loud voices in my head, oh yeah, you better believe it. Not though so much anymore, I used to, and it sucked ass, just hearing voices in my head, and they were really loud ha.
Yeah trazadone don't calm Tuck down no, I can take that shit and still be up all night. Only thing that tames the beast is getting drunk as shit and passing out ha.

Gonna put on some Tha Dogg Pound, Dogg Food, yes, are you mothafuckas ready, yeah. It is funny on youtube they have 2 albums on there, and the one with fewer views is the right one.
Damn it my bro is gonna hit that pussy tonight, oh, I wanted to so bad. I mean she is a heavier chick, kinda bigger, but she is brown and has big ol titties I likey, oh yeah. Well she is cute in the face, so hey okay it is on baby, she can be a little heavy I'm down for it, big black titties oh oh oh yeah, gimme that shit baby.
Man I suck, I don't get anything ever ha. Fuck my bro does, he gets to bang that black chick his wife, I don't ever ha. Oh well, ya know some of that g funk, some of that ghetto funk, call it what you want mothafucka just don't forget the g, got that song on now.
It was funny, my bro was talking to his bitch, like come on, can't you hook up my bro just bang his sorry ass, come on just do it for me, help his sorry ass out ha. Yeah she didn't take to that, no, ha.
Talking to myself, the usual. I can't talk about my groping session I had, well it did happen when we shared a room in KC ha, great why did I post that, doesn't matter anyway. Well shit I don't pass out or sleep much, no, if some chick is sleeping in front of me that I like that is hot to me oh yeah I will grope mothafucka haha.
So smooth Lincoln is on the move, now I'm a bonafide microphone technician with styles. I storm on these mc's like electrical clouds.
How long until I get banned? Well nobody reads it, probably not even the moderators or site running guys so I am fine.
Fucking got Tha Dogg Pound on Dogg Food, I mean yeah, you can't beat that shit. I read the comments on youtube talking about crips or something ha, I don't know about that. Well maybe I guess. Man I know some guys in Vegas that are more gangsta I bet, who knows I guess.
I don't know really any true gangstas except my buddies from Vegas. Well anybody here in Lincoln that claims to be bangin I laugh at em ha, you can say whatever you aren't.
Wonder if Manchester is gonna roll by in his pickup and yell at me ha. Sure it wasn't him no, that was funny, well hell maybe it was, he said it was earlier ha. I would never search anybody out on here no, whoa, that is not something I would think about even.

Who you tryin to get crazy with ese don't you know I'm loco?
It is funny cuz you can give me any sleeping pills, I have taken a bunch, and they don't make me sleep, oh hell no. The only thing that works is getting wasted, yes then okay, I can sleep. Trazadone ha, that shit I have taken it, no way that knocks me out, fuck it doesn't do shit, well I have a big tolerance ya know. That is probably the deal why no sleeping pills work for me, just all the drinking and drugging I have done. I can't think of why else no sleeping pills work ha, that must be it, fuck trazadone, no way there.