NFL Rigged for Pats

Hmm your statement ignores why they won 24-20.

The refs gave NE a touchdown at the end of the first half. They prevented Jax from making it 27-10. thats 14 points. yea the Jags shoulda been good enough to beat NE by double digits in order to win. But dont blame the refs
My statement looks at results and at the end the day despite your fairy tale world, that's all that matters
My statement looks at results and at the end the day despite your fairy tale world, that's all that matters

Lmao. I‘m the moron because I look past the box score? Fairy tale world...blatantly missed calls. Yea ok, keep ignoring whatever you don‘t want to see buddy. Whatever makes you happy.
Well technically, if they change the td the pats were gifted, you can’t say that the fumble would have occurred in the 2nd half or any other plays for that matter #butterflyeffect

Therefore only 7 “free points” and who knows what would have happened after that

Ball is not even in the screen yet...

If that’s not Pi not sure what is. First half Pi call I’ll agree wasn’t the best call
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The one ref was definitely very happy the Patriots won, no doubt. Or maybe it was two. It was all smiles though.

Reminded me of this college game a few years ago where the refs were opening celebrating a win for one team and slapping that teams players on the ass.


how about this one?

The only call I can say is in the TEN game. Game was 14-7, NE punting in their own 15. Flag thrown for false start on NE. Not only was the flagged picked up it was changed to neutral zone infraction. Never seen that before. Drive continues, NE get another 4th down penalty in the drive and score to make it 21-7.

Instead of TEN getting the ball around their own 40 down 7, they are down 14.
Exactly cat's parody that has made the league so successful financially

I think you accidentally made a valid point. I believe you meant to say parity but said something much more accurate. I don't hate the NFL, I love it its by far my favorite sport and favorite time of year. But there really isn't much parity. This year there kind of was because a few guys got hurt so teams who never would have had a chance got into the playoffs.

VC you are getting a little bit too much crap here bc if some of that stuff happens in the SB to the Eagles I will be complaining about it as much as you. That PI was the right call, but there certainly were some questionable calls. Let Jack run the ball back and then use replay to decide if he was touched. And I don't buy that the Pats are so disciplined that they commited only 1 penalty all game.

Having said all that, you have to acknowledge that the Jags shit the bed. Even with those calls, they were in position to win and they blew it. Conservative play calling and inability to convert in the biggest spots in the game. You can't blame the refs 100% when you gave up a 3rd & 18. And gave up on a half with 50 seconds left and 2 times. And continued to snap the ball with 11 seconds left on the play clock up 10 in the fourth quarter. Was the game officiated completely fair? Probably not. But there is no excuse for this.

Here is a thread you should read:
Lots of refs have action on the games.

Donahue wasn’t the only one.

The refs are at the games, they are involved in the games. Betting on the games is only logical .

I think it would be totally illogical to think that refs don’t wager on games.
Everyone craps on me. Somehow i‘m always that one guy who thinks differently than everyone else. No matter what issue. It‘s like this in college with me, too.

I get that the Jags could have done a few things differently, Dan. My problem is the double standard. The Pats could have too. You can go back into any game and criticize. Both teams. The Pats dropped a wide open deep pass. That fumble was stupid, reckless ballcarrying. No team should have to pitch a perfect game just to win. Because the supposedly neutral refs are their opponent, too.
Everyone craps on me. Somehow i‘m always that one guy who thinks differently than everyone else. No matter what issue. It‘s like this in college with me, too.

I get that the Jags could have done a few things differently, Dan. My problem is the double standard. The Pats could have too. You can go back into any game and criticize. Both teams. The Pats dropped a wide open deep pass. That fumble was stupid, reckless ballcarrying. No team should have to pitch a perfect game just to win. Because the supposedly neutral refs are their opponent, too.

The pats are a brilliant outfit. They do what they need to do to win. They make the clutch plays and deserve their success.

Referees are neutral? Referees are humans first, there is always behavioural bias with humans. Refs are not always neutral.

Slapping brady on the ass and congratulating him is not neutral.

Ex- There is a contest like a beauty patent and the most popular chick will get the benefit from the judges

Life isn’t fair. There is so much nepotism favouritism and other inequalities that FAIR REFFING IS JUST A FAIRY TALE.

Refs have opinions judgements biases prejudices and they work for a huge organization.

I think the reality is that the Top dogs, the Kobe’s the lebrons the Jordan’s, the trust fund kids, Society is set up to favour these ppl. They earn their success but they do get the benefit of the doubt and they do receive preferential treatment.

I believe the pats though win with their own play. I don’t believe the refs are the reason they are winning. Calls are made against the patriots also in games. Other teams just don’t capitalize.

The me too movement is an example of this bias. So since your famous and earned millions and have the privilege of being a celebrity we should only care about you people? What about all the poor regular pppl getting harassed and getting nothing out of it.

Ppl listen to the me too movement because of the people involved.
The refs are the same. They favour the more popular players.

But that’s human nature. If any of us were reffing you instinctively JUST WANT TO HELP THE TOP DOGS OUT.
Celebrate the refs winning you the game, Pats fans.

Dude focus more on pussy & less on shooting more holes into the greatest football franchise ever & maybe you wouldn't be so angry.. The Pats must be going to the SB again because someone started another fucking thread about cheating, the refs of a fix.

Your team made a great run but no way in hell is it their time to make it to the super bowl. That would've been the biggest fluke ever.

As for your complaining about the PI call on Cooks right after the helmet to helmet with Gronk; the defender rode him out of bounds. At that point Cooks can't come back in the field & be the first to touch the ball. How is that not PI?
I had wagers on game, was pulling for Pats on a personal level. The Myles Jack play is the reason a ref should NEVER blow his whistle unless they KNOW. Cause you can always go back. Nobody touched Jack, that beast was gone. It was a bad whistle, if it didnt happen Jags win, its not debatable. Ultimately they lost for many reasons.
Dude focus more on pussy & less on shooting more holes into the greatest football franchise ever & maybe you wouldn't be so angry.. The Pats must be going to the SB again because someone started another fucking thread about cheating, the refs of a fix.

Your team made a great run but no way in hell is it their time to make it to the super bowl. That would've been the biggest fluke ever.

As for your complaining about the PI call on Cooks right after the helmet to helmet with Gronk; the defender rode him out of bounds. At that point Cooks can't come back in the field & be the first to touch the ball. How is that not PI?

Zeke cracks me up, but I seriously doubt VC wants to hit the New Hampshire skanks that you pay.
I had wagers on game, was pulling for Pats on a personal level. The Myles Jack play is the reason a ref should NEVER blow his whistle unless they KNOW. Cause you can always go back. Nobody touched Jack, that beast was gone. It was a bad whistle, if it didnt happen Jags win, its not debatable. Ultimately they lost for many reasons.

Jack was on the ground with the ball. He got to the ground through contact with Lewis.

Do we know for sure that possession and down by contact are sequentially linked by the completion of obtaining possession?

I'll give you an example: WR going over the middle gets hit from safety coming up as the pass arrives. Ball is juggled, while the hit causes WR to lose his balance. While stumbling he finally possesses the ball and as he falls maintains control through the ground. Is he down? I think he is. I don't recall any instances of where the player was allowed to get back up. And before anyone says the Robert Brooks catch on MNF, replays show Brooks went to the ground because he was making a dive for the ball, no contact.

So if the WR is down, then Jack was down as well, as he was securing possession while going to the ground via contact. Down by contact can occur in the process of obtaining possession.
Gandolf, I think your explanation is valid and sharp.. I guess my shorthand response is that hell I dont even know what a catch is anymore, so i have no idea about replay zebra thinking, in my football mind he was never touched after ripped and def not on ground, in real time i didnt even see it happen, not saying call was easy, just dont blow whistle
this pats hate is just crying over spilled milk. haters gonna hate

TB and hoodie put the xtra work in, it's their life to play football and be the best.
Fortune favors the prepared mind

get over it, hoodie and TB12 are in a class all by themselves. its chess v checkers and it's not even close....accept it and move on

when this dynasty is over, u will get your chance, until then just accept the inevitable....death, taxes and another TB ring
As I noted above, completion of possession does not start the clock on being down by contact.

Ben Austro from

13:53 | 4th qtr. Looking back to the fumble recovery by the Jaguars early in the 4th quarter, there is a question as to whether Myles Jack is down by contact.

Whenever a ball is stripped from a player in possession on the ground, it is down by contact and no fumble. In this case, the ball was not in possession but taken from an opponent’s hands, so this is deemed as “contact” by the Patriots as Jack begins to take control.

Is it possible that there was no hand-to-hand contact? Yes, but there is no way that can be perceived, so the officials are instructed to treat this as down by contact.

The contact, by the way, only has to occur when a player is beginning to secure the ball. It is held until the player finishes establishing control, and is dead at that point.

This was correctly ruled as down by contact on the recovery.
NFL is all about 'bad whistles'.

Have lost games and won games because of it.

It is standard practice unfortunately.

League giveth, league taketh away.

Wear it and move on.
Zeke cracks me up, but I seriously doubt VC wants to hit the New Hampshire skanks that you pay.

Nah only paid once & that was in Tijuana. Been paid a couple times but different story for different thread. NH is no different than any other state plenty of skanks but plenty of hotties.
You know I had jags spread and ml and while I certainly agree refs didn't help jags lost that game the officials didn't steal it.

pats made winning plays while jags shrunk in the moment, their play and play calling both. Beginning of end when they took a knee with 52 seconds left before half, from that moment on they played not to lose instead of playing to win. That delay of game was one of biggest plays of game, that on them not the refs, after a timeout none the less!! Granted it made no sense refs didn't blow that play dead essentially giving pats defense a free play, I saw the clock expire before snap so still confused why they didn't blow it dead like they do 90% of the time? But still you simply have to be better than make that mistake at that crucial time in game!!

I didn't like the pi call before half at all, especially considering how much they were allowing pats corners to play, didn't like them not blowing that play dead on the delay, didn't love them blowing the jack play dead but that happens all the time didn't have huge issue with it, jags should have took adv of turnover instead of running more conservative garbage than punt right back, that on them not refs.

Ultimately was this game called fairly or well? Not really. Did it change the outcome? I really don't believe so. The game was decided by one team making great adjustments and winning plays when it mattered, while the other shriveled up in so many ways from play calling to execution.
When you were talking of other instances where refs helped pats out this season you left out what I feel was most egregious. That jets game in New York when the tight end scored a td and that was somehow inexplicably ruled a touchback, guy never lost the ball and it was ruled a fumble out of endzone!! Maybe it moved a little but that would be 1st time I've ever seen a "fumble" called when player never once lost the ball!!
Still trying to figure out how Jack could rip the ball out of Lewis's arm while both are rolling on the ground without either a) being considered down by contact, or b) Lewis being considered down and maintain possession. Blowing that one dead was fairly easy since both teams thought both guys were down.

I agree, I thought there were far worse calls made or not made in that game than that one, didn't really have any problem with them blowing it dead. With way possession of the ball rules being interpretated these days (as in nobody even knows) I don't think once that ball initially got ripped they could ever say he regained control but they got that right and awarded jags the ball so don't see anything wrong with how that all transpired.

What a great play that was by jack btw! That play was set up beautifully and Lewis still had a convoy of blockers out in front of him, could have went for a td or at least a even bigger gain at least had Jack not ran that play down from the backside and stripped the ball.. Maybe if jags hadn't already went into their conservative scared shell and they attacked on offense that play could have potentially been the difference!! Unfortunately they played scared and punted it right back essentially killing any momentum gained by that incredible play.
You all are saying things that the Jags could have done to win in a blowout!!! Lets not seriously say that a team should have to blow out another just to win...

Bro, to beat champions like the pats in the playoffs at their house you have to make big plays in big moments. Your squad simply didn't do that and the pats did. I'm not any happier about it than you, fact remains while refs didn't do jags any favors that isn't what decided the game.

The Jack play gets blown dead at least 80% of the time and honestly in real time seemed like right call and I'm still not sure he should have been allowed to get up and run, as mentioned by others there was certainly contact that caused both to be on ground, maybe when he actually got possession he wasn't touched after but there was nothing egregious about that call.

My only real beef was with 2 plays, the bouye pi before the half, there was lot of hand fighting by both and where that ball was thrown it not as if bouye was interfering cause he was beat which to me is what pass interference is, he had good coverage and cooks had no chance in hell of catching that ball where it was thrown. Unfortunately the way the shit game is officiated these days with the spirit of these rules being ripped apart it easy to say it was PI, where my issue lies if they gonna call that than there simply no way they can tell me with a straight face pats didn't commit one pi all game! So they let one side play while calling ticky tack pi on the other which isn't right.

My other major gripe was something nobody talking about and that was not blowing the delay of game dead pre-snap. Maybe most don't view it as a big deal but to me that gave pats a incredible tactical advantage on the next 3rd down attempt after jags called best play possible when the delay occurred, not to mention it simply gave pats defense a free play to have success and decline the penalty. Reason that bothered me so much is because it was very clear he didn't get the snap off, I don't recall many times a delay was so obvious from my couch and wasn't blown dead pre-snap. Ultimately tho it was inexcusable on jags part to have a delay in that situation coming off a timeout no less. One of biggest moments in game and jags can't snap ball in time? For me there just no way you can blame refs for a loss when the losing team made losing plays down the stretch..

Were refs either biased or incompetent at best? Absolutely. Did the better more deserving team lose because of refs? Absolutely not.
Im playing. My best friend lives around exeter works in Manchester. A while back your avatar was a stripper from nh that he recognized. Haha


No shit, I work two towns from Exeter, grew up next town over. Must be talking about Valerie Cormier, think she was my avatar once. She's a local girl, takes her clothes off for the camera, love her.
The only call I can say is in the TEN game. Game was 14-7, NE punting in their own 15. Flag thrown for false start on NE. Not only was the flagged picked up it was changed to neutral zone infraction. Never seen that before. Drive continues, NE get another 4th down penalty in the drive and score to make it 21-7.

Instead of TEN getting the ball around their own 40 down 7, they are down 14.

Was at this game, what they don't show on tv is the official who threw the flag for the neutral zone in fraction trying to get the refs attention, the ref immediately makes the call to the audience, then 2 other officials tell him the defense caused it, hence the call changed. The replay clearly shows the defender across the los, when the ball is snapped..
No shit, I work two towns from Exeter, grew up next town over. Must be talking about Valerie Cormier, think she was my avatar once. She's a local girl, takes her clothes off for the camera, love her.

This little nugget made reading this silly thread worth it...
damn guys, I looked up Valerie Cormier, and woof. that's a worse call than anything the refs did for the pats. tits way too fake and face is nasty
and im not at all one of those dudes who finds something wrong with every girl, although we do have lots of those here where we only date supermodels haha