NFL Overtime...


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Per Shefter... NFL overtime expected to be reduced today to 10 minutes from 15 minutes. "It's happening," said one league official.
Go on the 9 minute fg drive now to neuter the previous rule change ....

While this makes ALL OF THE SENSE IN THE WORLD...there will be 31 coaches too fuckin stupid to think like this and only 1 who is thinking non-stop how to take the rules and use them to his advantage. I'll give you 3 guesses who that 1 coach is going to be...

While the other 31 dipshits last year were all kicking the ball into the endzone on nearly every kickoff for 75-85% of the season...only the Evil Sir Hoodie realized that if I kick just shy of the EZ, I can save 5-7 yards in field position because the hangtime of the ball and my coverage team's ability to get there quicker because the kicks wouldn't be so driven, would actually be a positive.

Let me preface this by saying I am a New York Jets fan. I FUCKING HATE the New England Patriots. But I would bet anyone that Hoodie and his staff aren't already scheming on how to use this rule to their advantage in some way, some form and with some outside-the-box strategy that the other 31 fucking dingleberry douchebag head coaches are too stupid to even think of.

Christ, my head coach in a game where his team was down 21-10 in Pittsburgh last year, with 7:30 left in the game on 4th down on the road at MIDFIELD...decided to punt. There is no level to how god damn stupid 90% of these head coaches are.

This rule is idiotic. The study from last year shows that there were a grand total of 20...count them...20 plays all season, that were run after 10:00 in overtime. The NFL is changing this rule for player safety or for whatever stupid reason, so they can increase ties (most likely) and save 20 plays a year in player safety. Yet they have no problem marching out the 3-day rest Thursday games where guys' bodies generally don't recover in such a short timeframe.

This league confuses me to no end.
While this makes ALL OF THE SENSE IN THE WORLD...there will be 31 coaches too fuckin stupid to think like this and only 1 who is thinking non-stop how to take the rules and use them to his advantage. I'll give you 3 guesses who that 1 coach is going to be...

While the other 31 dipshits last year were all kicking the ball into the endzone on nearly every kickoff for 75-85% of the season...only the Evil Sir Hoodie realized that if I kick just shy of the EZ, I can save 5-7 yards in field position because the hangtime of the ball and my coverage team's ability to get there quicker because the kicks wouldn't be so driven, would actually be a positive.

Let me preface this by saying I am a New York Jets fan. I FUCKING HATE the New England Patriots. But I would bet anyone that Hoodie and his staff aren't already scheming on how to use this rule to their advantage in some way, some form and with some outside-the-box strategy that the other 31 fucking dingleberry douchebag head coaches are too stupid to even think of.

Christ, my head coach in a game where his team was down 21-10 in Pittsburgh last year, with 7:30 left in the game on 4th down on the road at MIDFIELD...decided to punt. There is no level to how god damn stupid 90% of these head coaches are.

This rule is idiotic. The study from last year shows that there were a grand total of 20...count them...20 plays all season, that were run after 10:00 in overtime. The NFL is changing this rule for player safety or for whatever stupid reason, so they can increase ties (most likely) and save 20 plays a year in player safety. Yet they have no problem marching out the 3-day rest Thursday games where guys' bodies generally don't recover in such a short timeframe.

This league confuses me to no end.

The proposed rule change would cut .6% of the plays in a game. That's right, .6%. That's just a smidgen over one half of one percent.

The one thing the NFL does is continue to prove that they make money in spite of their leadership and that sports fans are basically sheep who will keep eating up whatever shit they're serving.
This is the most pointless rule change ever. I'd love to see the stat on how many injuries occur during minutes 10-15 of overtime.
This is the most pointless rule change ever. I'd love to see the stat on how many injuries occur during minutes 10-15 of overtime.

I know a few remotes that got injured when the Cards and Seahawks both missed chip shots late in that tie game last season
Methinks this is less likely about player safety and more likely been asked for by the networks to shorten overtime game lengths and allow them to cram in more commercials.
While this makes ALL OF THE SENSE IN THE WORLD...there will be 31 coaches too fuckin stupid to think like this and only 1 who is thinking non-stop how to take the rules and use them to his advantage. I'll give you 3 guesses who that 1 coach is going to be...

While the other 31 dipshits last year were all kicking the ball into the endzone on nearly every kickoff for 75-85% of the season...only the Evil Sir Hoodie realized that if I kick just shy of the EZ, I can save 5-7 yards in field position because the hangtime of the ball and my coverage team's ability to get there quicker because the kicks wouldn't be so driven, would actually be a positive.

Let me preface this by saying I am a New York Jets fan. I FUCKING HATE the New England Patriots. But I would bet anyone that Hoodie and his staff aren't already scheming on how to use this rule to their advantage in some way, some form and with some outside-the-box strategy that the other 31 fucking dingleberry douchebag head coaches are too stupid to even think of.

Christ, my head coach in a game where his team was down 21-10 in Pittsburgh last year, with 7:30 left in the game on 4th down on the road at MIDFIELD...decided to punt. There is no level to how god damn stupid 90% of these head coaches are.

This rule is idiotic. The study from last year shows that there were a grand total of 20...count them...20 plays all season, that were run after 10:00 in overtime. The NFL is changing this rule for player safety or for whatever stupid reason, so they can increase ties (most likely) and save 20 plays a year in player safety. Yet they have no problem marching out the 3-day rest Thursday games where guys' bodies generally don't recover in such a short timeframe.

This league confuses me to no end.

Missed this post somehow the first time around. Very on point.
Yep, coaching has fucked the league. It's an idiot's game now.

Too many 'half-ass assistants and water boys' masquerading as head coaches.
I think they should do what the NHL does to open things up & play 3 on 3 in OT. A QB, a rusher who has to wait for the 5 second count, two receivers & two cover guys. Sure this will NOT reduce the injuries but fuck it, these guys make lots of money. Would be entertaining & the OT period would be pretty short I'm sure.
I think they should do what the NHL does to open things up & play 3 on 3 in OT. A QB, a rusher who has to wait for the 5 second count, two receivers & two cover guys. Sure this will NOT reduce the injuries but fuck it, these guys make lots of money. Would be entertaining & the OT period would be pretty short I'm sure.

Or you can bring a kicker on but he's got to play all downs to be eligible to kick, like a slot receiver or something
just go to the CFL/NCAA type OT

this with modifications

The old NFL OT rules were awful. I DID like them. BUT, I like the game better when the defenses were ALLOWED to compete at the same level. You cannot CHANGE the game to be one sided and expect the rule that applied THEN to be good today.

All that said, there shouldn't be any fucking ties. Period.