*** NFL Championship Week/All Sports In-Game ***


This fucker must have beaten a few unknowing drunks half to death at the pubs in Dublin.
that shot that knocked down Siver wasn't flush by any means. He was ready to quit after that first round.
Those elbows to the side of the head at the end, lol … what ISN'T allowed, anything against the rules?
Those elbows to the side of the head at the end, lol … what ISN'T allowed, anything against the rules?
perfectly within the rules in MMA. only thing not allowed is knees and kicks to head when fighter is on the ground, eye gouges, and biting. most everything else goes.
looking at the schedule I am guessing July 11th

thats the next one in Las Vegas, and Dana said he wants the fight to happen in Vegas not Brazil or Ireland
Yeah no way that fight takes place in Brazil, could be the most anticipated fight of the year