*** NFL Championship Week/All Sports In-Game ***

owned time of possession. Moved the ball at will. Scored on two of three drives. What else do you want to see?

two third and longs turn into third and shorts with penalties on the first drive or it could be completely different

Rodgers throwing short passes, he doesn't look good to me but playing within himself
its likely that Seattle will end the 1Q with like 3 yards for the game , if thats not domination then idk

need a TD here from GB tho
ya is this weather weird to people? it was insane rain, now its sunny, and it will probably hail at some point later

thats normal here
tonights card is really good, I am surprised they are doing it on a sunday

actually, it's brilliant marketing. They can run all the ads they want during the football game and figure your target audience will all be watching football. Nothing else to do after the games, but sit and watch UFC. Very smart scheduling, IMO
actually, it's brilliant marketing. They can run all the ads they want during the football game and figure your target audience will all be watching football. Nothing else to do after the games, but sit and watch UFC. Very smart scheduling, IMO

its a 3 hour wait though, I can definitely see what you are saying

think it makes a lot of sense if they had the late game
its a 3 hour wait though, I can definitely see what you are saying

think it makes a lot of sense if they had the late game

They know everyone will turn to the other game after this then can go right back to the fights after that, already settled in from both games