New to forum. Who are top cappers ?

CTG is a great place for discussing games. Lots of smart fellows here who know their stuff. Gwarner is a Texas fan, BAR knows Michigan, etc etc and lots of knowledgable guys in general who come up with great plays every week.
I’m the best!!

Not really, lol.

Guess it depends on the sport. As already been mentioned tho this is the place to be if you serious about learning, discussing, and finding some good plays in the process. No other forum has so many guys with so much knowledge they willing to share with next to none of the worthless garbage and chest thumping you get at the other forums...

Welcome aboard.
everyone is worth a shot

The SEC thread is really good here and the B10 one.....SEC is bets tho lol @BAR hahahaha

Crimson K is very very good....VK....Br@ssknuxxx(come out come out wherever you are!!!)

MOT too.....lotta good info
everyone is worth a shot

The SEC thread is really good here and the B10 one.....SEC is bets tho lol @BAR hahahaha

Crimson K is very very good....VK....Br@ssknuxxx(come out come out wherever you are!!!)

MOT too.....lotta good info

Oh if we talking ncaa foots im totally worthless for at least the 1st month. Lol. I count on all the other great guys that dedicate a lot of time to knowing so much about these programs I don’t even feel worthy to say anything other than occasional question to learn!!! I always go back and read the threads where they been discussing programs all off season, can’t get enough of that stuff!!! Then there so many threads like the few you mentioned with just great discussions I learn so much just by reading!!! I went 3-1 last night by doing what I always do in ncaa, read all ya’ll thoughts discussions then cherry picking the plays I felt the best cases were made for!!! Lol
Haven't been on the board that long myself, but there are lots of good handicappers on the board and most are a lot better than the average bettor out there. They definitely know a lot more than the average bettor

My advice is pay attention to the ones who post their season scores when they post their weekly picks. Just because someone has a bad week doesn't mean they are a bad handicapper and a good week doesn't mean someone is good. The record over time is the only measure you can rely on.

I still read the information from those who don't post a season score and from those from a losing record for the season. Even very good handicappers can have a losing season. In fact, I doubt if there is anyone who has bet for a long time who hasn't had one.

But I like to see the season record when I read a picker's picks. I don't know of a single good handicapper who doesn't keep an up-to-date season count. That's an essential part of handicapping.
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My cookie-cutter standard answer to this question is always the same.

Look at the threads with the most views...voila.

Best of luck and welcome to the forum.
Meh i'd like to disagree Scarf. People get more views also simply for being here for longer time. I'd advocate just taking a look around at the different pick threads that people start and see what their record is. Many established winners here like CrimsonK But plenty of great cappers here whose breakdown you'll find in discussion threads like the one for ML dogs who don't post a record. Everything is documented here anways, nobody is going to make the effort to delete a post that contained a losing pick, so you can look at posters' past activity to see what they've said in-games. You'll quickly learn who consistently provide in-depth breakdowns...guys like s--k for the smaller schools, vk, Hunt and BAR in the Big 10 threads, gps3 and Crimson about SEC/Bama. I do in-depth articles on individual games :)
if you are interested in learning how to fish to feed yourself, look at crimsonk approach. Instead of lamenting not being able to get his number, copy his process and attack the bad numbers at open, GOY mistakes (he schedule hawks those too - knowing results will effect the line), prop mistakes etc.

Will still win just tailing his steam but if you want to be able to do it yourself and win, see how he does it. If you arent sure, send him.a pm or ask in hisbthread. He usually answers. To others point ... plenty of good cappers Touchdowncapper (sp?) MOT Timh bull etc also some guys like canes and inspekdeh and such offer great insight. Tahoelegend has unique views .... lots and lots of good infoband/or picks around here
Meh i'd like to disagree Scarf. People get more views also simply for being here for longer time. I'd advocate just taking a look around at the different pick threads that people start and see what their record is. Many established winners here like CrimsonK But plenty of great cappers here whose breakdown you'll find in discussion threads like the one for ML dogs who don't post a record. Everything is documented here anways, nobody is going to make the effort to delete a post that contained a losing pick, so you can look at posters' past activity to see what they've said in-games. You'll quickly learn who consistently provide in-depth breakdowns...guys like s--k for the smaller schools, vk, Hunt and BAR in the Big 10 threads, gps3 and Crimson about SEC/Bama. I do in-depth articles on individual games :)

He asked a question which is impossible to answer without great detail everyone is giving. My assumption is that he just wants to find guys who show a pick and win or lose. Maybe I’m wrong.

But if he wants to see who is popular (which generally equates to winners but not always), I tried to give him a simple answer.

His question is like someone asking “tell me how to get good at poker”. It’s not something you can give a black-and-white answer to.

So in thinking the originally poster just wants to find a basic way to follow someone’s picks. I gave him a simple answer.

Just doesn’t seem he’s interested in discussion and in-depth analysis and just wants winners or losers. So I gave a basic answer. Let me also state that I don’t have a problem with anyone who gambles asking that question. But I personally can’t answer
It with as much detail as a lot of you guys are doing.

It’s all good. Hopefully there is something the OP gets from the differing points in this thread.
My favorite threads are the discussion threads. Whether it is an individual game, a conference, or the "What did we learn" threads. I don't have time to do as much as research as I once did, so I like to use the collective wisdom of the folks here as much as possible. The lack of research is why I no longer post a comprehensive list of my picks or a record. Too time consuming for something that is just a hobby for me now. I'll echo everyone that said to spend some time reading many different threads and using it as you see fit. There's no magic bullet to this. Also, some of the posters in this forum are specialists in other sports, so make sure to check those other forums out too.
Best site for any advice, life, sports, shopping, yourself a favor and check the general discussion forum out.enjoy, I've learned over the years that if u can't swim your bound to drizzzzzzound....words from tru best caper on the planet
I am unequivocally not....used to be decent, but kids, wife, career development have fukked my capping time all to shit......but do not think I am bad enough to be a profitable, I guess I am saying I bring absolute shit to this board these it is
I am unequivocally not....used to be decent, but kids, wife, career development have fukked my capping time all to shit......but do not think I am bad enough to be a profitable, I guess I am saying I bring absolute shit to this board these it is

Self awareness is a beautiful thing haha