NEW 2017-18 CTG Fantasy NBA

League has been renewed. I set the draft for Monday October 16th at 9 Eastern/8 Central. we could do it earlier if we get enough people.

Also not dead set on being commish but I'll do it.
Same format as last year? Yahoo has a new, simpler, total points option, vs. the 9 category format.

Looks like 5 have signed in/renewed so far.
I'm sure at teeed will join, NBAFan, maybe Alex. Who else? Let's get at least 10 teams.
Looks like we have 5 people.

I could potentially find 1 or maybe 2 more.

But it just doesn't look like it.
renew is going to need to email those interested the link to sign up.

So post your email address here or message him it.

rambler - it's a standard 9 category head to head. $100/team.
Renew - assign me Co Commissioner status. Might be able to share the link to sign up and find another peep or two.
I gave everyone permission to share links to invite people. Need to get to a desktop to give co-commish permission.
Right now the 7 missing spots are "reserved" and therefore taking up all available spots.

So inviting people would do nothing. Need to either remove them or expand the number of teams to something like 16 or so.
done. sorry for the delay, you cant do it from a phone and havent been near a computer in a bit. sending a couple invites out
should we add 1 Injury (IL) slot for this year? that seemed to be a topic along with the waivers process unless we convert to continuous waivers so all players are always on waivers and you cant just go and pick up a guy when an injury happens.
I like the IL spot if it allows for one. And yes, continuous (daily) waivers. That way there’s no sniping real time but you need to use your FAAB accordingly.
I'm down with the IL spot and not doing all guys on waivers, just ones that were released from teams
I'm assuming this doesn't happen. Going to have to back out if we don't have atleast 10 unfortunately. Maybe next year we can try and organize it earlier.
Rambler said he has a couple Plus himself. HR? Then I can get one. There’s 10 there but yeah only showing 5 right now.
Yeah it sounded like we could get to 10. Has everyone sent out invites to their people who were interested?

What happened to guaranteeed? Does he not post here anymore?
We have 8 right now. 2 more for 10. Thinking about pushing back draft a couple of nights and start on Monday?

I'll run the Commissioner site component if someone wants to setup and run the leaguesafe piece.
I'll leave time set for 9 tonight and see if we can fill the last 2 spots.

I've transferred back Commissioner role to reNew as I've edited the settings and sent out an invite to get 1 person.

I'll check back around 630/7 EST to see where we are.

Thanks all.
Thanks for the push Spek.

I think I'll likely delete the league in about 30 minutes/hour. We could do a free league if people want but don't want to run a money league for 8 people, not having payments in before the draft, etc.
We got 9 now. The 3 I brought will pay no problem.

Then there’s just us and whoever Rambler brings.

Why don’t you push the draft back until Wednesday or Thursday night? We can start league beginning next week and ensure all payments have been received.
I pushed draft back to Thursday at 9.

I think we could have 10 paid in full by then and if not we can cancel it.
I just pushed it back to buy us a couple more days.

We could do Wednesday, too?

Just need to get that 10th and then 10 payments in. I don’t see any of us having an issue paying. I can guarantee myself, and the 3 latest ones will pay as soon as email comes out.
reNew is that good for you? 10 signed up. Setup a league safe and maybe draft tonight?

We can get everyone paid tomorrow I bet.
Well let’s try to clarify what’s going on by 8 so I can try to inform people if we are drafting tonight or not. I think we can still get times up 9 and beyond.
Ok draft set for 9. reNew I’ll get you emails for the people I brought in. Only 2 as White Chocolate was there last year.
cool. i think ill need everyones emails for leaguesafe so feel free to PM me and Ill send them out through yahoo as well.
fyi, its continuous waivers with $100 FAAB for the year. we can increase it to $150 but I dont think its that hard to manage your $100. just be smart.