yes...pats & saints; its a fact imoSaints suck.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct for INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE
Are you fucking kidding me
not right to talk about a guy's MomUnsportsmanlike Conduct for INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE
Are you fucking kidding me
not right to talk about a guy's Mom
The damn guy yells out "Sammy Meatballs" and they flag him.
rayerRams need a score here...They driving again
Lions miss yet another Field Goal
lions fg kickers suck this year
like the browns of fg kickers
haha 3 posts in 1 minJason Hanson is greatly missed.....
That's at least two, teed, one more Browns crack and I'm turning the in-game into a Raiders discussion thread.
Saints game a precurser to Cincy vs NE?