***NCAA Week 4/NFL Week 3 In Game***

Alex that could be Ike's final play as a Steeler. Sad, really. He's been great for a long time.

its possible. Never been a big fan of him as a #1 corner. A lot of people love him here. But a lot of people here have disliked him for the last 8 years too. He really cant catch the ball for shit
I knew I was fucked when I saw FF was on CAR and bought the half point to 2.5 at -143. lmfao who does that?????
Mike Wallace? You used to love him but it seems you have changed favorite players like you change socks. :cigarguy:

no I faded on Wallace at the end of his days here

Guy was inconsistent and he bitched a lot

AB is willing to go down the middle and hes always pumped to do it, and hes around the city doing shit for people too
he pulled a James Jones with 2 fumbles on the same play.

will be prominently featured on the C'mon man segment tomorrow night for sure...
Cue the Benny Hill music...

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/MK6TXMsvgQg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>