NBA Wednesday...


CTG Partner
Staff member
51-36-1 +33.20 units

Well, certainly an interesting evening Tuesday. I did hedge out of New Jersey and didn't take a bad juice hit but the fact was I had the right play. I rarely pull those sort of shenanigans and next time I try you guys will remember. I for years have been leery of ML's on short dogs for the exact reason of what happened tonight in Philadelphia. Ray came through huge with the two late three-pointers. Crushing loss for the Sixers who were in control with 3 minutes left. That one didn't make me mad, Houston made me mad. Without even knowing that Tyrus Thomas jacked up that moosing three pointer I would be mad. That just makes it even worse. I was watching on my phone and they were up fourteen with two and change left. I get on the ocmputer and the lead is 6 less than ninety seconds later. Tough pill to swallow but I would say that moment there was make up for the gift by the bay Monday night. In a predictable moment Denver had no fire playing against the Spurs B-team but luckily covered on a late shot.

No one said it is easy fellas and Tuesday night was a good smack in the face to get back to reality after a great stretch. So, we move on to Wednesday. First, saw a couple of questions in the Discussion Thread and will engage in them here.

Hey BAR, your Pistons are hurting. Never seen a Det team play this bad. What's the local sports talk radio like? Are they blaming AI for the poor play? They need to quit pampering AI and put Rip back into the starting lineup. Starting AI on this team is a reputation move. Do what's right and put Rip back in.


Between the local sports radio and the local forums its pretty bad. You have AI haters, AI lovers and a sheetload of MC(Michael Curry) haters. Its the same stuff over and over again. I will say this about Hamilton; he has done his job off bench and you can tell the old guard there rallies around him when he is in the game. Iverson is lost here but playing hard. The problem is with him here and Stuckey in lineup they need to play a more uptempo style. When they have they look very good and dangerous. Its tough to get Dice, Sheed and especially Prince used to playing uptempo. They are so ingrained. This team doesn't play to strengths and in all honesty who knows what they will show each night. Nice efforts against the two best teams at home but playing 36 good minutes doesn't cut it. No clue what to think tomorrow. Was tempted to play Miami but will sit out a few Detroit games to regain a feel.

What makes you like the Knicks tomorrow? The Cavs have owned them this year and easily blew out the Raptors tonite without even getting out of 2nd gear.


It was a thought of playing the moneyline in both Knicks remaining homegames this week. The Boston one sets up nice situationally. I decided against it though and may just play Friday solo. I think LeBron puts on a show tomorrow night in all honesty. Mo may want to show up bigger too so he gets that injury replacement spot over Ray Allen in Nelson's place.


Lets move onto Wednesdays card. At this point I will have one play it looks like. Pretty busy tomorrow so I will re-evaluate when I have time in the afternoon. A few games where some movement may make me look again.

Dallas has been pretty hot as of late, winning three in a row since the debacle in Boston. This included a Sunshine state sweep which is pretty impressive. Sandwiched into there was their lone home game against the Warriors. The Blazers meanwhile have rolled off five straight wins. Now, the 5th obviously was aided by injury but they still pounded the boards and played a helluva 4th quarter offensively.

Scheduling: Portland hasn't played a B2B in three weeks. The scheduling has been pretty consistent for them. This is the middle of a interconference three game road trip then they have a nice easy schedule rolling into the all-star break. Dallas on the otherhand is in the middle of a not so favorable set-up. Four games out east and then the sunshine trip was backending the Golden State game at home. Mind you, they did have a few days off there but they travel to Utah for a game right after tonights. They basically have been living out of a bag for 7 days straight by the time they get back to Utah. The scheduling advantage here goes to Portland

Previous meeting: In Portland on Christmas night. The Mavs used a great 4th quarter to win 102-94. They outscored the Blazers by eleven in the final stanza. Roy struggled, Bayless wasn't playing back then and Oden was a non-factor.

Tonight: Portland is the better team in my opinion. I know I am not high on Dallas but they have shown me something. Oden, sans fouls the past few games was starting to round into form the previous five. Bayless is going to be an excellent player in the league. Love his game. He was instrumental in the win in New Orleans. Roy had down game in New Orleans so I expect him to bounce back.

Again, I said I personally believe Portland is better which means at best they should be getting 2 here. If they were even we are talking 3 to 3.5. Thats how I would evaluate it. I personally see in this situation, with these teams, with revenge a PK game. Gimme the 4 points. I would ML it too tomorrow if not scared off from Blazers on the court 101-96

Portland +4 -110 3 units<!-- / message --><!-- / message -->
assumed this was the ruh roe comment. pinny at -4 (-15c) so it looks like it's headed to 4.5.

Crushing loss for the Sixers who were in control with 3 minutes left. That one didn't make me mad<!-- / message --><!-- / message -->

Well, that makes one of us....

we need to hire a fucking coach who knows what the fuck hes doing

Smoke, I am mad about it, no doubt but what can you do. I gave up taking the points and paid for it myself.
yeah no i hear you from the gambling standpoint...i did the same thing and thats my fault...funny thing is I always get screwed by that shit and i always swear im taking the points next time and i never do!!! eventually Ill learn...

Im just saying as a sixers fan, tony dileo is costing them games. hes way over his head
I leaned this way as well.

Need to double check some numbers, but I think teams had trouble covering their first game after leaving a road trip in Florida. Something about Miami and Orlando with their night life.

Havent really been keeping track of it this year, but ill look into it.
No one said it is easy fellas and Tuesday night was a good smack in the face to get back to reality after a great stretch. So, we move on to Wednesday.<!-- / message --><!-- / message -->

You want to try the Yag guy out for one night, he gives you false hope, and now look at what you've done. I told you not to remove Aaron Neville. "Don't take away my heaven."
You want to try the Yag guy out for one night, he gives you false hope, and now look at what you've done. I told you not to remove Aaron Neville. "Don't take away my heaven."

You knows what funny, this chotch went 3-0 on regular sides Monday night. So I let him stick arund today and for awhile it looked like he may get to stay another
Crap - was leaning the other way...........
This has been largely a home series.............with the only wins on the road last 10 being the ones that DALL has won in PORT. PORT must be thanking their lucky stars for the victory the other night when they were down 20 with a quarter to go.............
Now they go to DALL where they haven't won a game in - how many YEARS????
Someone mentioned Detroit is very good at home on Wednesday. They were right. Have not made a bet yet. GL
Was leaning Dallas but need to rethink this one.

Tough one on Philly BAR... you would think they would defend the 3 ball and at worse, go to OT. But i can't blame the philly coach too much, it was a well designed play. When Pierce was driving, I thought for sure he was going to shoot it. But a well placed screen gave Allen the wide open look where he's been money his whole career. Oh well, new day. GL man.
As always, good insight BAR. I saw this line, and thought it's about right. Dallas has been streaking and playing better of late. BUT, Portland matches up very well with Dallas. With that said, I'd begrudgingly lean with the points too. My concern is that the line is a little soft after Portland won last night against New Orleans, so maybe we see some 4.5s or 5s before tipoff Wednesday.
Great job BAR, you got some tough breaks, I ended up getting Houst +7 so that was a push and I took Philly and the points. Nice call on Denver as well. Keep up the good have been unbelievable! Your the Man!!
BAR, head to head in Dallas, but it's good to know that at least one of us will see $ for sure tonight.
Pistons if lose tonight, it will be their 5th home loss in a row!!! A quick check over Pistons games left me wondering, when was the last time Pistons lost 5 home games in a row. I read that you think of backing Heat here and would love to read your thoughts on the game...
Teams are 3-6 ATS after a Florida road trip, so far this year.

1-6 if you dont include Boston.
They beat Dallas with 3 days rest.
GSW beat Boston (played the lakers the day before, bad spot)

I am not sure that last time they lost 5 in a row at home. I do know before the Cleveland game it had been 8 years since they lost 4 in a row at home. Interesting stretch where they have had 2 days off and get another 2 off after this. Finally some practice time. Miami is only team we haven't played this year. I see a lot of people on forums backing Miami. I am not touching it. A bit leery now for some reason. Shall see.


Atlanta has been a weird team. No Horford was big for awhile as was Smith before that. Especially Horford though his numbers do not do him justice. His presence and rebounding was missed for a bit. No JJ tonight is obviously pretty big. Nice win for Minnesota last night. I wouldn't touch this game in all honesty. I will be careful around Hawk games for a bit. Grumblings about Woodson again who is on his 9th life down in Atlanta. Feel they may make a change if things stay heading south like they started with the injuries.


I assume you mean a ML parlay? If the payout comes at good odds, then maybe but I think your safer picking one or the other if you like those teams.

Big Wave,

Trends are made to be broken ;)

GL all.
Thanks for the response BAR. I love the Pistons here. Hope not to get disappointed...
sham wow will be replaced before tipoff...

tough breaks last night, a bad play tonight and I left that freakin ORL game i was eyeing sitting out there...

not too happy right now