NBA Wednesday

  • Thread starter Thread starter Billivy
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07-08 Season 3-4 (-$1170)
(last night 1-0 +$500)

Boston -9 (1100 to win 1000)

yah you read that right...1000...why?...three reasons, one: b/c I see no chance for Philly to compete...two: b/c I've implimented a system in how I place wagers through my bookie each week for the past few years and I have maximized my winnings through this system (i've never shared it with anyone besides Killa, my former roomate). And three: part of my is dying to get back to even (for the most part) on a VERY slow start to the season...(point of reference, altho I'm down about 1200 in NBA on CTG...I have not had a losing week this season to my i said, Killa knows)

I don't mind playing road's too tempting here and when I was told my local had overnight lines now I jumped at this line as I expect it to hit double digits by morning...Philly's home crowd has nothing to get excited about these days....the reason the arena will be packed is to see the superstars play tommorow night for christ sake. Boston will put this one away early and I can take my 1500 week and chill until the Dallas/Det game in NFL!!!!
I'm shocked, I had you as the type of guy to battle back from a deficit with small plays.
Good shit...nice to see you on the play...time for you to get back to even and make a run...So what you got on the Det/Dallas game....oh nfl for me...:cheers:
Agreed. Nothing like getting beat by the hook. Nice to get an edge on Vegas for only 10c.

i dont see one mathmatical advantage to EVER buying .5 points per 10% additional juice in NBA...nor does Killa, he's joking
i moved to ny to take care of my mom...

ADDING Dallas/San Antonio under 190 (550 to win 500)

this looks very good to me...these teams have historically played the majority of their games under this number...with ginobli's finger (shooting!!) and harris's neck (speed!!!)..and Duncan's high field goal percentage missing tonight...scoring should be lacking. ALSO, San Antonio is the best prepared team in the NBA...they're only chance tonight is to shorten the game and grind down the tempo. Turn this into a defensive battle and the Spurs have a chance (you know this is a team that doesn't lay down due to injury)! San Antonio is deep and can handle injury, if Popovitch wants to compete, he's going to put all of his efforts in shutting down Dallas's offensive attack/fast break and Grind it out.
GL Ivy. If Manu doesn't play then that under is beyond solid. He's the catalyst for the 2nd team offense, but I'm sure you already knew that.
Philly's home crowd has nothing to get excited about these days....the reason the arena will be packed is to see the superstars play tommorow night for christ sake.

with a respect to your reasons, Bilivy, I see this only as an advantage for 66ers: double motivation
Manu must be playing, the total is moving up. You can get under 190.5 for plus money at matchbook.
i knew he was gonna play...that wasn't a was supid of me to bet it before info leaked out of him giving it a go tongiht...but the line cant move much cause everybody knew that he was going tonight...he's the one guy you can count on to at least give it a shot against team like dallas in front of his home crowd
That uncle of yours that's connected, did he make the phone call to order a foul with 12 seconds left down 8?

billy what i tell u bout that knicks over on aim told u they play better without steph Freddy Jones big game

and killa, that uncle is

shit second half in Texas...but what can ya do