NBA Tuesday...


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9-7 +2.15 units

Well the Celtics have certainly taken much of the first round profit away. Thats okay though. The Cavs have made it up and more. Hopefully the close it out tomorrow night. Was suprised that Denver showed the second half heart last night. I give them credit but the Lakeshow still got us the cash. Thanks to Orlando for a big second half to make it just a bit over juiced out night. The Magic still have some flaws though and assuming Detroit makes it past Philly it will be a semi-short series I believe.

Philadelphia @ Detroit:

The Stons have played Detroit basketball for about 60 minutes o this series. I seriously hope they have their heads right for the rest of this series. The key so far in the series has been the SF matchup. Tayshaun is absolutely owning Iggy on both ends. Flip told Prince before the playoffs that he wanted him not to defer on offense in the playoffs and he has been brilliant with 17.3 ppg on 66 percent shooting. He is showing that old great defense from years ago(ask Kobe, T-Mac etc). Dice's broken nose may have been a blessing. Maxy guarded Thaddeus Young much better in my opinion and Dice still feels more comfortable coming off the bench. As for tonights game...I think its gfoing to be a slugfest. I also think that Detroit makes the plays in the 4th and pulls away unlike game one. Not a good betting spot either way here though. So pass on this. Detroit 91-82

Dallas @ New Orleans:

Can you here it? Its he countdown to the implosion of Mark Cubans Mavericks. Unbelieveable that they were so close to a Ship a few years ago before Stern handed it to Mr. Wade and company. How the mighty have fallen. Sad game by Jason Kidd the other night. Three points and three assists? Wow. The Hornets faithful will be buzzing tonight(no pun) and a team flying high with confidence will end the series. I am not worried about a "last stand" for Dallas. That was game three. Just remember, the quicker the season ends the quicker J-Ho can resume his recreational activity. New Orleans rolls 104-88

Utah @ Houston:

Trace saved some fac for the season by coming up with some huge plays at the end of Game three. No doubt in my mind that Utah wins this series but now its how far do they get extended. Houston has to look at it this way. Just one more win at Utah and they could hav a Game 7 at home. To get to that point, just win a game you should according to the oddsmakers at home. I think its doable. I got a very nice hunch here and we got Skip to my Lou to help out as well. Its going to be a dogfight, hence a small play but I think its the right side. Houston forces a game 6 95-88

Phoenix @ San Antonio:

Marlo used a term in the IN-GAME last night which was pretty comical to describe the hawks after the first quarter...premature ejaculation. Now, he Hawks did win but I totally see hat he said. I will borrow that term for the Phoenix Suns. Everyone points to Game one and this/that. No more excuses Suns. Seriously. You have to play full games to win in the playoffs usually. I seriously think the Suns blew their wad on Sunday. SA played so great on Friday this letdown was ineveitable. The Spurs are too veteran laden to let this series get back to Phoenix. They will close this out tonight. I even expect it too get a bit "snippy" at the end. BAR against the world on SA again ;) Spurs advance 108-96.

The Plays:

New Orleans -6 -110 3.5 units
Houston -2 -110 1.5 units
San Antonio -5 -110 2.5 units

I decided to bold the plays in "pretty colors". I mentioned to Yanks last night that I thought that making plays in colors would basically up the win percentage an whatnot. I har all the top cappers at Blankets use cool font and colors. Join the crowd!:tiphat:
geez bar might as well put a GOY GOM GOW or POD on it. thank goodness i'm color blind.
I like your thoughts on Det, and I think the 2nd half of game 4 no doubt set the tone for how Flip Inc. will come out in games 5-6. This series has 2 games remaining. I just can't back Det laying 9, and I thinks that Philly basically realized in the 2nd half of game 4 that Det can and will do whatever they want with them.

I was talking to a Jazz homer in the office today. He asked me whats the side tonight in the Jazz/Rockets game. I told him Rockets. We can bring up Utah's regular season woes on the road, and then you can throw it out the way they played in game 1-2 in Houston. I just can't fathom Houston not winning one home game in this series. Also Alston is back at home, which should greatly impact his performance. Houston's crowd should be rocking tonight, key to this game is a full 48 from T-Mac...he has quietly died in the 4th quarter of some of these games. Anyone hear the chants the Jazz fans were yelling during Game 4? T-Mac, Battier have huge games tonight and send this one back to ultimately seel there fate.


Congrats PHX you played well in game 4, you avoided the sweep. Everything about game 4 played into Phx hands. I'm not comfortable laying the points here, but I do believe SA takes it. Pop Inc. like Phil J, knows the west is stacked and after this 1st round most of these series should see 6-7 games. He takes care of business tonight, and sends Phx to the thinktank.

No opinion on that Dal/NO game. I really believe Dallas has a last stand, and Kidd comes back...but then again it may be me not giving enough respect to this young NO crew that just amazes me everytime they step on the floor. Alot of peoples jobs are on the line in Dallas tonight.

Playing Det Under and Houston. GL Bar
i love webber's comments on flip and detroit...they need that kind of bulletin board material...sadly they just do...way too nonchalant.
Like the plays...

western conference playoffs have been a HUGE letdown so far

we're staring at maybe one series that might go more than 5 games...

As for THE game tonight...if Im Mo Cheeks, im benching Willie Greens pathetic ass and running out there with a starting lineup of Sammy, Reggie, Thad, Iggy and Miller...need to get Iggy as far away from Gayshaun Princess as possible


Agree with you on the Rockets, but Dallas and especially Suns with the line are too good bets for me to get by :)
i love webber's comments on flip and detroit...they need that kind of bulletin board material...sadly they just do...way too nonchalant.
Missed them Hunt. Was it on inside NBA last night? I didn't see anything at any boards today.

back with oher comments in a bit..great thoughts Marlo
Chris Webber took a shot at Pistons coach Flip Saunders' credibility on the TNT telecast Sunday night.

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The Pistons were down 10 points at the half of Sunday's Game 4.

When asked about the the feeling in the locker room during halftime: “No disrespect to Flip (Saunders), but it doesn’t matter what Flip says," Webber said.

The Pistons "take on the personality of Joe Dumars. Rip (Hamilton), Chauncey (Billups), Tayshaun Prince, Rasheed (Wallace) and (Antonio) McDyess are very mad right now, they probably aren’t even talking and they are probably just saying, ‘OK we’re going to go win this game.”

Webber also attacked the intensity of the Pistons.

The Pistons "are really nonchalant and that’s why I felt we lost last year (in the Eastern Conference Finals)," Webber said.

"It sounds crazy, but they could care less. That locker room is crazy, disciplined and unruly. Disciplined because they police themselves, they are all veterans, they know they’ve got to be in bed, they know they’ve got to work hard, I’m not talking about on the court. They come from a coach like Larry Brown, they look at him like the epitome of basketball, and they feel they can wait until the last game or the championship and they won’t lose. I’m not saying it’s right, but that’s how it is.”

TNT analyst Charles Barkley disagreed with Webber about the Pistons taking on the personality of Dumars, the Pistons president of basketball operations.

“I don’t know about that," Barkley said. "Joe Dumars was a stud, played hard the whole time, and that team coasts. They’ve had the best record in the East for the last four or five years because they were much better than everybody in the East, but now these other teams have gotten better and they haven’t been back to the Finals. Joe Dumars (has) got to be rolling over in his grave.”

Said Webber: “Joe will come down to the locker room and tell everybody I don’t know what you think you’re doing, I’ll trade everybody.”

Another analyst for the playoffs, coach Mike Dunleavy defended Saunders.

“Flip (Saunders) is a terrific coach," Dunleavy said. "They got behind in this series but he’s getting ready to even this up and get home and have the home court back in their favor.”

Webber, the former Piston and Wolverine, retired this year after a brief stint with the Golden State Warriors.
FWIW, as a MFFL, the Mavs players may be getting up for one last stand. They practiced without Avery yesterday after he cancelled practice. Avery is none too pleased about it but its clear Avery has lost the team and the players are going with an us against the world mentality. They're playing for themselves tonight, midget control freak egomaniac (Avery) be damned. Heres the article if you want to read about it:
Thanks Alby.

I think that could work either way in all honesty. Either way, and I know you Dallas guys will love this, Avery is done there.
Quotes from Stack about the players only practice.

"It was just a day when we had to come together and talk among ourselves,'' he said. "It's just about bringing it to the table once the game starts. All the X's and O's are good, but sometimes it's the guys coming together and figuring out what works better. We're the ones in the game. We broke a sweat and talked about some things as a group without the coaches. Hopefully, what happened yesterday can turn into some positives tonight in the game.

"It's got to be hard for a coaching staff to try to figure out what buttons to push, whether to come in and practice or take a day off, whether to come in and be a hard-ass or put your arm around a guy,'' he said. "In his mind, when it seems like it's time to press, press, press, he wanted to back off a little. And we decided to press it a little.''

Its interesting when he says X's and O's are great but sometimes the players just need to get together and figure out works better. To me that shows a lack of confidence in what Avery is gameplanning.
No doubt about it. Over the years Player only meetings and practic es have had differing results. Def. something to chew on. You know me, I am set with the play but glad you brought this to the thread. I somehow missed that in my reading this morning. If its not going good we could see a second half implosion
Reno, I know Hustle posted something about elimination games the UD is 16-6 in the 1st half over the last couple of years. I believe that stat was also based on the first elimination game.

So a DAllas 1st half might be a good play?

Stacks 2nd set of comments just piss me off? Do the coaches really need to push your buttons? You make how much a year to do what? Your a professional right? Your still playing professional ball because for some reason you have a competitive edge right? Well the way you win is trying just a little harder than the next guy, pushing it when your tired, fixing what isnt working.
Interesting about the first half under.

If the team responds from this they are going to come right out of the gates. Me thinks N.O. controls the second half though. Tyson, West and CP are all just bad matchups for Dallas.
Stack is one of my all-time favorites. The guy is driven and plays hard and wants to win. That being said, I agree with you on those comments.
Don't you know what a dog is anymore?

Maybe I need to return to the board to counter-balance this new chalk-obsessed BAR style.

BAR wtf is race for calvin? <== might be a dumb question.
We were making up funny titles a long time ago...i.e. "FondyStyle"...well the poster "Calvin" has like the most posts in Blankets history. Nicest internet poster ever. So, its like the Race to catch Calvin in internet posts.

We can always modify if you have your own catchy one.
Why is Jim Rome talking about the wizards season ending in six hours? Does this fuckbag not know when this game is being played?

Holy fuck do I hate that dipshit...I'd almost rather listen to Killa' talk about religion...
since my new title says I am a "BAR follower only" there is no way to say you are not alone and expect anyone to believe i am not a homer by supporting your picks :), however, I really do believe SA puts the suns away tonite. I loved the SA play once game 4 went the way it did. also, i just doesnt seem possible dallas can muster the athletic effort needed to keep NOH from winning the series tonight. one question, if avery is gone who can come in and replace him to get the mavs back on the right track? avery does not play and the current roster does not look very good for the next few yeas..from what i hear dal is salary cap strapped (basically screwed)...just wonderin your thoughts.
NOH/SA ride !!!
GL Big Alimony - I can't figure the Pistons out at all in this series. Game 3 was just an enigma to me as I loved Det and got 3.5 for a big play. Rasheed just didn't show up at all in that game and it seemed like the only guys playing with any heart were Rip and Tayshaun. They were physically man handled on the inside in that game. Yet despite it all and another lackluster performance for most of G4, they seem to be able to turn it on when they want too. I just don't know if they show up and exert themselves. Really does seem like they are coasting and doing just enough to get by to the next series.