NBA TNT Thursday Lines/Discussion 12/19/08

pub all over the overs and suns

can get U104.5 +120 but wont

i think it has value but who knows the way ive been lately

ill stick to my FG bets

gl all
<TABLE style="CLEAR: both" cellPadding=3 width="100%" summary="Static lines content"><TBODY><TR class=Column_Headers_Odds><TD noWrap colSpan=3>Game</TD><TD noWrap>Spread</TD><TD noWrap>Money Line</TD><TD noWrap>Total Points</TD><TD>More</TD></TR><TR class=contestDescription><TD colSpan=3>Maximum Wager:</TD><TD class=wht-title noWrap>6,021.00 CAD</TD><TD class=wht-title noWrap>6,021.00 CAD</TD><TD class=wht-title noWrap>3,612.60 CAD</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR class=AlternatingData2><TD>Thu 12/18</TD><TD>601</TD><TD>Spurs at Magic and Suns at Blazers</TD><TD noWrap>Offline</TD><TD noWrap></TD><TD noWrap> </TD><TD vAlign=center noWrap rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AlternatingData2><TD noWrap>05:05 PM</TD><TD>602</TD><TD>will be available for Live betting</TD><TD noWrap>Offline </TD><TD noWrap> </TD><TD noWrap> </TD></TR><TR class=AlternatingData1><TD>Thu 12/18</TD><TD>705</TD><TD>Phoenix Suns</TD><TD noWrap></TD><TD noWrap><INPUT maxLength=15 size=6 name=M1_133964215_0> -104<INPUT type=hidden value=-104 name=selM1_133964215_0></TD><TD noWrap><INPUT maxLength=15 size=6 name=T1_133964215_0> OVER 236.5 -112<INPUT type=hidden value=" 236.5 -112" name=selT1_133964215_0> </TD><TD vAlign=center noWrap rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AlternatingData1><TD noWrap>07:35 PM</TD><TD>706</TD><TD>Portland Trail Blazers </TD><TD noWrap> </TD><TD noWrap><INPUT maxLength=15 size=6 name=M2_133964215_0> -112<INPUT type=hidden value=-112 name=selM2_133964215_0> </TD><TD noWrap><INPUT maxLength=15 size=6 name=T2_133964215_0> UNDER 236.5 -104</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Does this seem fuckedup for phoenix moneyline

<TABLE style="CLEAR: both" cellPadding=3 width="100%" summary="Static lines content"><TBODY><TR class=Column_Headers_Odds><TD noWrap>Money Line</TD><TD noWrap>Total Points</TD><TD>More</TD></TR><TR class=contestDescription><TD colSpan=3>Maximum Wager:</TD><TD class=wht-title noWrap>6,021.00 CAD</TD><TD class=wht-title noWrap>6,021.00 CAD</TD><TD class=wht-title noWrap>3,612.60 CAD</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR class=AlternatingData2><TD>Thu 12/18</TD><TD>601</TD><TD>Spurs at Magic and Suns at Blazers</TD><TD noWrap>Offline</TD><TD noWrap></TD><TD noWrap> </TD><TD vAlign=center noWrap rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AlternatingData2><TD noWrap>05:05 PM</TD><TD>602</TD><TD>will be available for Live betting</TD><TD noWrap>Offline </TD><TD noWrap> </TD><TD noWrap> </TD></TR><TR class=AlternatingData1><TD>Thu 12/18</TD><TD>705</TD><TD>Phoenix Suns</TD><TD noWrap><INPUT maxLength=15 size=6 name=S1_133964215_0> +5.5 -112<INPUT type=hidden value="+5.5 -112" name=selS1_133964215_0></TD><TD noWrap><INPUT maxLength=15 size=6 name=M1_133964215_0> o +324<INPUT type=hidden value=324 name=selM1_133964215_0> </TD><TD noWrap><INPUT maxLength=15 size=6 name=T1_133964215_0> OVER 242.5 -124<INPUT type=hidden value=" 242.5 -124" name=selT1_133964215_0> </TD><TD vAlign=center noWrap rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AlternatingData1><TD noWrap>07:35 PM</TD><TD>706</TD><TD>Portland Trail Blazers </TD><TD noWrap><INPUT maxLength=15 size=6 name=S2_133964215_0> -5.5 -104<INPUT type=hidden value="-5.5 -104" name=selS2_133964215_0> </TD><TD noWrap><INPUT maxLength=15 size=6 name=M2_133964215_0> o -380<INPUT type=hidden value=-380 name=selM2_133964215_0> </TD><TD noWrap><INPUT maxLength=15 size=6 name=T2_133964215_0> UNDER 242.5 +108<INPUT type=hidden value=" 242.5 +108" name=selT2_133964215_0> </TD></TR><TR class=Column_Date_Headers_Odds><TD colSpan=7>NBA Live, Basketball - Fri 12/19

Pinny has very good live lines, not infalted at all, they give it seems easy lines on the game, they dont adjust it too much especially the total
How did Colangelo beleive that andrea Bargagni was giong to be a better PRO than Brandon ROY?

I saw ROY play one play, one fucking play in the TOURNY and he did this wicked cross over and I thought this guy is going to be a great PRO--

Same with WADE at Marquette it was obvios he was a player--

How the fuck did he think Bargagni was going to be better than ROY--

Bargangi is proving that he just may the worst player in the NBA overall, for sure the worst big man and worst pick #1 overall in the history of the NBA
How did Colangelo beleive that andrea Bargagni was giong to be a better PRO than Brandon ROY?

I saw ROY play one play, one fucking play in the TOURNY and he did this wicked cross over and I thought this guy is going to be a great PRO--

Same with WADE at Marquette it was obvios he was a player--

How the fuck did he think Bargagni was going to be better than ROY--

Bargangi is proving that he just may the worst player in the NBA overall, for sure the worst big man and worst pick #1 overall in the history of the NBA

I don't know, tell me why dirt bag Bonnar is getting significant minutes?
I wonder if Raptors GM Colangelo is sitting in his office with a handgun just spinning it, watching brandon ROY thinking I could have drafted this young stud--

Instead I have a human Pilon Bargagni, can you believe they tried to compare bargangi to DIRK, that is the joke of the year
Be weary has been posting wrong scores regularly-

I have noticed they are wrong so many times with scores---
Brendon ROY, wow Colangelo just pull the trigger now, off yourself for missing out on this guy, he shoul dbe #1 draft pick oh my god
It is the best I have watched, back and forth all game, Bradon ROY one man machine, driving at will he is silky smooth this guy unreal
Relax, NO ONE knew Roy was going to be this good.

Shit happens during the draft. There was no consensus no.1 that year. We were just unlucky. Oden on the other hand was intentionally taken out of Toronto. Oden is what you should be pissed about, not Roy.
Relax, NO ONE knew Roy was going to be this good.

Shit happens during the draft. There was no consensus no.1 that year. We were just unlucky. Oden on the other hand was intentionally taken out of Toronto. Oden is what you should be pissed about, not Roy.

I knew ROY was good, he was doing the same moves in college, he was jsut smooth, had moves that were NBA moves in college- man is smooth,

Oden I am not pissed, Idont think he is that good--

Bosh I think needs a great point guard, even though Bosh is not a superstar, in the west he would likely not score more than 15 a game-

Colangelo needs to go, his drafting sucks, RAPS should be champs by now if they drafted properly
T Dot its not even so much about ROY , look at Millicih, that other clown they drafted Radoivich ---

DIRK was an anamoloy, for every DIRK there are 10 busts--

Bargani seriously cannot even play in the CBA or NBDL- he is one of the worst players in the history of the NBA for where he was drafted- He cant dribble, cant defend, cant jump, cant pass, cant think, cant do anything,
he probably played in some soft europe league or italian league and shot 3's and Colangleo said holy shit a 7 footer that can shoot 3 pointers-- what an idiot--

I am pisssed letting Vince and Mcgrady go, tihs Raps team sucks
You must be the best basketball mind out there because NO ONE had Roy as no.1. It was always a 3 horse race between Bargs, Aldridge and Yag.

Have you ever seen Bargs play in Italy? He was the right call at the time. Aldridge didnt want to come to Toronto and Yag was a crapshoot with his demeanor.
i lose the 4th quarter by 0.5 point! nash miss layup

are u kidding me? What fucking garbage buddy0 I fee for you that is crap, he was all alone--

I also think NASH is done-- he is seriously slow and old now and not athletic enough to play, they should start barbosa and use nash as a backup
T dot what I knew is you draft in AMerica, look at all the greats--

besides DIRK they are all americans, Magicm Jordan Lebron wade, Bird, isiah, KObe--

Europeans are soft players, bargs is very soft, you can draft a guy like Bargs in the 2nd round late, there is no way you can make a European the first pick in NBA--

Tihs is not hockey my friend, NBA is am American sport, tough sport with players from America born, look at all the greats, they all are african american studs--
wanted people opinion on this sometimes you get lines that make no sense. After watching that 1st half and knowing it could easily be replicated in 2nd half i had 2nd half capped at 115. Opened at 103. That is 24 points off a full NBA game which most of us can cap within 5-7 pts. How much would you lay? I put 5 times my normal wager but was so sure I barely even watched till end of game because to me it was the "L" word. So question is you are absolutely sure about something how much of your normal wager do you wager?
T dot what I knew is you draft in AMerica, look at all the greats--

besides DIRK they are all americans, Magicm Jordan Lebron wade, Bird, isiah, KObe--

Europeans are soft players, bargs is very soft, you can draft a guy like Bargs in the 2nd round late, there is no way you can make a European the first pick in NBA--

Tihs is not hockey my friend, NBA is am American sport, tough sport with players from America born, look at all the greats, they all are african american studs--

Huh? Basketball is an international game. For every Jordan, there are 50 Harold Minors. The failure rate in America is much higher my friend.
T Dot if they didnt know about ROY they should have at least took Aldridge, they knew he would be a good PRO, maybe not a star, but you can tell guys who have it, guards with sick moves in college, are usually good in NBA also--

Chris Paul, Brandon Roy, WADE were all sick in college and all wicked in NBA--

ITs common sense draft from within and draft studs in college that can handle and thier games are ready for the NBA-

BARGS game was not NBA ready and is getting worse--

ROY's game was NBA ready, you cuold see it with his moves, skill, dribbling--
wanted people opinion on this sometimes you get lines that make no sense. After watching that 1st half and knowing it could easily be replicated in 2nd half i had 2nd half capped at 115. Opened at 103. That is 24 points off a full NBA game which most of us can cap within 5-7 pts. How much would you lay? I put 5 times my normal wager but was so sure I barely even watched till end of game because to me it was the "L" word. So question is you are absolutely sure about something how much of your normal wager do you wager?

To be a PRO you need to remain disciplined and not let emotion into the equation. Often when you are most sure you can win the play but just as easily lose it-

That means my friend it all balances out buddy-- You will win some andlose some-

have a system where you put like $100 a play, then if yuo love a play $200---

If you really really really love a play and think its not going to lose, maybe put $300 on it--

Keep it simple this way you wont lose a few bets and be down big money-

MOney managemet is the key, dont let one play make or break your bank roll
T Dot I am disgusted, our RAPS should be champs by now--

They need a real star Guard- should have drafted one, always had second tier point guards on our team--

We need to trade BOSH, get rid of him, we are not winning with him, and he is a mental basketcase, he cannot lead us to win anywereh--

He is a PIPPEN at best, a support player- We need that star to carry the team--
T Dot if they didnt know about ROY they should have at least took Aldridge, they knew he would be a good PRO, maybe not a star, but you can tell guys who have it, guards with sick moves in college, are usually good in NBA also--

Chris Paul, Brandon Roy, WADE were all sick in college and all wicked in NBA--

ITs common sense draft from within and draft studs in college that can handle and thier games are ready for the NBA-

BARGS game was not NBA ready and is getting worse--

ROY's game was NBA ready, you cuold see it with his moves, skill, dribbling--

Aldridge publicly stated he did not want to come to Toronto. He was basically out of the running.

Trajan Langdon, Bobby Hurley, Hoffa, Lionel Simmons, Danny Ferry were also great college guys. Whats your point. For every star American player, I can name 50 failures. Have you ever seen Bargs play? As a 19 year old took over Euroleague games. He was the go to guy on a Treviso team loaded with vets.
Aldridge publicly stated he did not want to come to Toronto. He was basically out of the running.

Trajan Langdon, Bobby Hurley, Hoffa, Lionel Simmons, Danny Ferry were also great college guys. Whats your point. For every star American player, I can name 50 failures. Have you ever seen Bargs play? As a 19 year old took over Euroleague games. He was the go to guy on a Treviso team loaded with vets.

Aldrige is a bastard for not playing in Toronto, selfish prick, go to whoever drafts you and be thankfull to make millions.

I have seen BARGS play in the NBA, and he has till end of this yaer before he is declared a BUST I think.
wanted people opinion on this sometimes you get lines that make no sense. After watching that 1st half and knowing it could easily be replicated in 2nd half i had 2nd half capped at 115. Opened at 103. That is 24 points off a full NBA game which most of us can cap within 5-7 pts. How much would you lay? I put 5 times my normal wager but was so sure I barely even watched till end of game because to me it was the "L" word. So question is you are absolutely sure about something how much of your normal wager do you wager?

I cant flat bet and dont see how anyone can . So I would say figure out what a typical big play is for you . If your roll is 10 k and a big bet is 500 then I would comfortably say play a double bet on it . After that you have to realize how many of your normal wagers its going to take to win this back if you lost . Not that your chasing the loss but of you happen to lose how significant it is to you .

So would say 2x what is your normal big bet which should be about 4 x your normal wager . After that your really have to realize what a loss what mean to you IMO....:shake:
TNT : BIG WIN Port wins by 5 pts...

Portland Blazers -4 {Level3} but really like this alot so
Portland Blazers -3.5 -120 {Level2}
Portland Blazers -4 {Level2}

Essentially 2 max plays ..

Under 204.5 {Level2} Loss

Under 100 Suns TT {Level1} Loss

2nd Quarter -1 {level1}Loss

3rd Quarter -1 {Level1}Win

No specific reason for the Quarters other then I dont like PHO when there starters are out hence the 2nd Q and hoping its close and Portland can pull away with another strong 3 rd Q....

Under because Portlands defense at home has been sick when it wasnt in the hectic schedule portion. Portland has always struggled to get to 100 vs Pho and think they are right around it probably tad higher . So for Portland to win and cash ATS then I believe Suns have to be less then 100....

Its now or never for PORT they are already 0-2 vs Pho and lost 11 straight meetings and just 3-17 L20 meetings....I had this more like -6 so getting nice value imo when its 33% lower then I feel it should be....

GL all !! :cheers:
2nd H Blazers -4 {level3} Win
Parlay {Level1} Loss

Level 3: 2-1
Level 2: 2-3
Level 1: 1-3

Unfortunately besides Portland nothing did well ....
Aldrige is a bastard for not playing in Toronto, selfish prick, go to whoever drafts you and be thankfull to make millions.

I have seen BARGS play in the NBA, and he has till end of this yaer before he is declared a BUST I think.

I hear you, but it's nice to have input in where you get to live, but I hear you.

Funny thing is Bosh really wanted to play with Aldridge.