Nba Preseason: Wednesday October 25th


CTG Partner
Staff member
7-2-1 +2.99 units.

Will again play all for 1/2 unit in preseason.

Toronto -2 +105
Minny -2 +103
Houston -1 +111
Seattle -2 +103

Best of luck. Back after the games tonight.:cheers:
BAR - have you been reincarnated from Good to see you are back in the forums. Good luck this season.
I dont have the time to cap games. And i dont have any money available at pinny since all is pending. But guys if you want info to cap these games. go to and read what those homers have to say.. read who they say is in and who is out. Then go to the local papers and see what the coacheshave to say. It pays off.. I am 8 - 2 non posted preseason ( only played 2 of them ). Just dont have much free time. If i do see anything though i will let yall know
TightWad said:
BAR - have you been reincarnated from Good to see you are back in the forums. Good luck this season.

good to see you here tightwad..your a solid capper, look forward to your thoughts bro..

gl bar.
Pierce and TJ ford are likely out.. take that for whatever its worth
i couldnt find any info on anything else.. but i gave it a half ass effort
abcs said:
Pierce and TJ ford are likely out.. take that for whatever its worth
i couldnt find any info on anything else.. but i gave it a half ass effort

Pierce is a bigger loss for Boston than Ford is for Toronto. THe European backups are just as fast.
TightWad said:
BAR - have you been reincarnated from Good to see you are back in the forums. Good luck this season.

There he is. Glad we could get you over here bro to check the place out.

Members and lurkers, tightwad is an excellent NBA capper. Be advised.
Back to Back nites for Kings coming off a loss. Hmm, where do you find news about how many minutes players may play
Houston crushes Miami 96-71

3-0 +1.60 units

Gonna be a night in positive for sure. Hopefully Seattle caps it off real nice...there down 28-22 currently early 2nd qtr
well, Seattle comes through easily. Hit that double play for a helluva night.

5-0 +2.61 Units

Overall: 12-2-1 +5.60 units.

Kinda hitting myself for only playing 1/2 units last two
Nice work BAR... tailed you on the first three, rushing in from work. I know when a man's in that preseason zone. Wish I woulda gotten summa dem Sonics.
Hey Grind, thanks a lot. Makes me feel good to help out. I have worked pretty hard on the last 2 days. I have never really bet preseason but I have been following it quite a bit this year and decided to put some money out there. Got maybe 1-2 tomorrow. Imam guessin Pinny lines come out at noon again.

GL buddy.

Thanks for the picks bro, kinda fucked up though, i was wanting to play some NBA cause the Series looked like a rainout, had not studied anything, so i was in a hurry, clicked on the 1st WED NBa thread, and guess what ??? Yeap it was BARs thread with 4 games; i tailed your ass on everyone of them !! I dont normally do shit like that, not saying anything about peoples picks, but it sure as hell worked out....

You Da Man:bow: :bow: :bow: