NBA Playoff Plays (First Round)...

Hawks with a lower points differential than the Nets which would normally keep me off in a tied series but the Nets are what they are. Couldn't ignore the situation for a much better Atlanta team.
Korver killing 'em. Making white boys look bad with his sorry-ass defense on Anderson and shitty shoot-n-pray 3's.
I'll take it.

No play late, too many intangibles given the absence of Conley. Lean Blazers.
Yep. Love an improbable win to kick-start something, Aplous.

Blazers need to drop Stotts asap, dude is real bad. Surprised he made it so far. Shouldn't be allowed to hop on the plane back to Portland.
Expecting to see Danny Crawford in the Alamo tomorrow night. Not sure how that will help either team.

Los Angeles Clippers at San Antonio Spurs

The play...

Spurs -5.5 (2 units)

Numbers say the Spurs close the deal. Contemplated ML but think the Clips fold at some stage in the 2nd half and go down by a decent-sized margin. Pops has figured out how to shutdown CP3 and it will obviously serve in the defending champs best interests not to piss about with a Game 7 in Hollywood.

Essentially all those extra minutes have to catch up, especially off another 'punch in the guts' game. Will be amazed if the Clippers have the mental fortitude to take this back to LA, looking for a result similar to Game 3. This team is still bitching about the refs.
Spurs 12-5 ATS (13-4 SU) in home 'closeout' playoff games under Pop, 6-1 ATS (7-0 SU) last 7 opportunities.
Pops overthinking with the Hack-a and putting Parker and Duncan in foul trouble, smh.
Not too mention, taking his own team out of rhythm when they were rolling. Pop will give you 5 or 6 'overthink' games a season, painful.
Haralabos Voulgaris @haralabob · 9m9 minutes ago

This game had the flow of G3 where the Spurs just ran em out of the building, the hack a stuff completely took them out of their flow.
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Ken Mauer in Crooklyn tonight. In officiating playoff circles, he is known as 'The Closer'.

Contemplating a play on the Hawks. Have trust issues with this team though.

San Antonio Spurs at Los Angeles Clippers

The play...

Clippers ML -140 (3 units)

Have been partial to the Spurs in this series but all good things must come to an end. You don't lose a 'closeout' Game 6 at home to play a Game 7 on the road regardless of how big game experienced you are, teams destined to win a 'ship don't do that. Clips have continued to excel this season in noted 'fatigue' spots, so gonna put the extended minutes thing to bed. This is pretty much a career defining game for both CP3 and the Ginger, lose tonight and forever carry the mantle of being mental midgets. Looking back through all the games, the Spurs are the one's fortunate to be playing tonight. Do hate the refs though.