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You might have figured that you were coming into see a total rant thread but no...

Just curious as 'fans' what you notice the most that has changed in 10/20/30/50 years, whatever.

For me...

-Traveling. Obviously it is rarely called. The Greek Freak routinely dunks without dribbles past 30 feet for example but he is quite long. But in general, it shouldn't even be in the rule book. For example, the Steph play this year where he took ball from inbounds to halfcourt without dribbling.

-Lane Violations. Not that anyone cares but don't call it once in awhile if your not going to call it every time. Have at some jungle ball underneath, why not? I just saw it like 5-6 times in this Clippers-Jazz game.

-Hanging on the rim.
Remember the xmas day game this year with LeBron and the outrage? I feel like they have phased it out since then. Everyone hangs now if they want. These are not 1993 breakaway rims that Shaq is pulling to the floor.

-Letting a team inbound when ready. This is not really a rule but a weird thing. Look at games in the 80's for example. An out-of-bounds occurs. The other team is tossing ball to ref getting it back and inbounding right away. That strayed away for a long time but kinda came back this year, but not consistently. I saw it tonight with a ref and Chris Paul was literally having to yell at him to get the ball. It keeps flow going and shortens your games Mr. Commish.

-Continuation. Obviously this is out of control now. Nothing more and nothing less. But, again, a guy gets bumped at half court tosses it at rim and it is side out-of-bounds when in fact that shot was attempted in a more timely manner than most continuations in a half court set.

-Rescinding technical fouls. Lets go ahead and empower these multi-millionaires more. Yes, some are terrible calls but trust your refs. Lordy, you trust them in so many other capacities.

-Palming. Nothing needs to be said here

-Double dribble. This happens a lot. It is sneaky too at times like literally 9 other players and 3 refs are not looking.

What you got?

*I won't get started on Flagrant Fouls and what a farce that is. That is just the pussification of sports in general.
I got nothing to add but was thinking why even have a lane if you aren't gonna call lane violations (tonight especially) or 3-seconds. Half of those guys line up for free throws with feet in the lane.
But what's your point BAR? Not to call double dribble? Travelling call just needs to be imposed more often. In Europe players don't get away with that BS...
Rescinding tech calls? Why not. Tech calls can cause players to miss games and it's obvious that many times, refs call them based on reputation and not something that the player actually did. If the call was wrong, what is the harm in changing it?
Continuation is out of control, I agree. But why add to that, for players milking that, trying to get a shot when they see someone trying to foul them at half court? I hate that type of BS and prefer them to get a technical, instead of continuation.
100% agree on inbounds... Don't get all the delays of game and no reason not to let the game flow... Same thing many times in soccer after a foul (and just as annoying).
Theme of the playoffs is the 3-point foul, for starters.

NBA rules aren't really rules as they're at the discretion of whichever refs/crew is officiating the game.

These assholes even get out-of-bounds calls wrong on key plays,

But can spot a guy standing alone in the corner that apparently has his foot on the line from 30 feet away.

They see the travels, lane violations and palming the majority of the time.

NBA refs just call what they wanna call and don't call what they don't wanna call.

They have that much power hence why they can attempt to 'influence' outcomes.

NBA is an entertainment business first and foremost.

Sometimes you're on the right side, sometimes the wrong.

Will have somewhat of an idea of what the officials tendencies are come the 2nd round. Too early just yet.
The call I hate is the defender against a jump shooter and the shooter rises his arms into the defender and they call a foul.

The palming has just gotten so silly that we might as well just say dribbling is optional at this point.
It's not an easy job.

The problem has nothing to do with difficulty

It's flat out not calling it

Offnthe ball being missed fine, something in the paint with bodies in the way ok

The ball carrier picking up his dribble just past half court and dunking is not
Obviously there are plenty of videos with funny evidence...but that had Jeremy Lin in it so I had to share ;)
One of the worst offenders I ever saw was Patrick Ewing, although that Harden Euro step is starting to give him a run for his money...
One of the worst offenders I ever saw was Patrick Ewing, although that Harden Euro step is starting to give him a run for his money...

Post-up shuffles.

Ewing gets a pass. Guy would be the most dominant player in the league if he was in it right now.
Traveling is prolific in this league especially these playoffs.

Step Curry is one of the worst, pun intended.
Did anyone come up for a reason for the 'hanging on the rim' rule to just disappear right in the middle of the season? I could care less but I just feel at some point one of these officials is going to accidentally call a tech which could be a huge factor in a game.