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Jason Kidd talks about joining Cavs, LeBron
Posted: March 30, 2009
Sporting News staff reports

Mavericks point guard Jason Kidd seems open to the idea of signing with the Cavaliers as a free agent this summer and said he could "sit and watch from the bench" next season if it meant joining the team and LeBron James, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

"[LeBron] is so talented, he's going to get guys wide open shots. So we'll look at free agency and what happens for me next year," Kidd told the paper.

Kidd and James were teammates during the 2008 Olympics and were rumored to be fast friends, talking about the possibility of playing together some day.

An unrestricted free agent this summer, Kidd would likely take on a reserve role if he joined the Cavaliers. Cleveland also has All-Star point guard Mo Williams to go with Delonte West and Daniel Gibson.

The Cavaliers defeated the Mavericks, 102-74, on Sunday for their 12th consecutive win and 60th win overall this season.
delonte and mo are good enough, cavs should focus on bringing a legit 4 to the squad
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Cavs An Option For Kidd?

Jason Kidd | Mavericks
This summer Jason Kidd will become an unrestricted free agent and there's a good chance that the Cavs will again look into his availability. He has said he wants to remain a Maverick, but Sunday he certainly made it seem like playing alongside James in Cleveland was a viable option. "I could sit and watch from the bench," Kidd said. "[LeBron James] is so talented, he's going to get guys wide open shots. So we'll look at free agency and what happens for me next year." -- The Plain Dealer

After Sunday's loss to James and the Cleveland Cavaliers, Kidd said he tries not to think about James calling him and suggesting a reunion next season. The two became friends when they played together for the U.S. Olympic team.
"Yeah, that's a hard call," Kidd said. "You don't want to answer the phone. I just have to explore my different options I'm going to have this summer." -- The Dallas Morning News
nevermind..thought they were talking about some crazy idea this year..but thanks guys
Iggy's not a 4, I still think 3 suits him best. Too streaky of a shooter to be a 2. I don't think Clev is a good fit for him.
i think he can play the 4 for the cavs style though. you don't? u pry right about him not begin a good fit for the cavs -- i was half joking, i just love the kids game
i think he can play the 4 for the cavs style though. you don't? u pry right about him not begin a good fit for the cavs -- i was half joking, i just love the kids game

All the Cavs need out of their 4 is somebody who can rebound the ball and play defense. Dennis Rodman would be the perfect fit. Iggy is talented as hell, but wouldn't be a great fit. A Troy Murphy or Reggie Evans would fit into the mix better than Iggy imo.
ya andy does seem to be working out ok so far.

how jacked are u jimbof. not as much as me . i might go to every home playoff game
i think he can play the 4 for the cavs style though. you don't? u pry right about him not begin a good fit for the cavs -- i was half joking, i just love the kids game

I like his game as well I just think he is more of a role player and the sixers are trying to make him the face of the franchise. He is not that kind of superstar ie Wade, Bron & Kobe. He needs a superstar on that team and then I think he would really shine.
Why in god's name would they go for the disaster that is Jason Kidd?

He's the last thing they need.
im fine with andy

think andy is as good as gone. i wouldn't pay him the kind of absurd money he's likely going to demand either. he's playing awesome this year, but he's in a contract year. i just don't think wild thing is committed to the cavs, which is sad, because if he does get a fat contract he should really send 20% to lebron because he has made andy look a lot better than he actually is.
think andy is as good as gone. i wouldn't pay him the kind of absurd money he's likely going to demand either. he's playing awesome this year, but he's in a contract year. i just don't think wild thing is committed to the cavs, which is sad, because if he does get a fat contract he should really send 20% to lebron because he has made andy look a lot better than he actually is.

they all play harder during contract year. nash should get 20% of about half the NBA players salary as well then. Andy is a great player at what he does and I'm sure alot of teams would love to have his emotion and energy off the bench or even start. He does a lot of dirty work down low that no one looks at. He was never drafted in the ability that he was a scorer. If the cavs dont want to pay him the money, I'm sure another NBA team will. Its business on both ends. Remember what Boozer did to them in contract year also? he went for the money. If for some reason Cavs dont give LeBron a max contract, which I doubt, he would be outta there as well, without question. Bottom line is about "show me the money". The only players who care less about that are the old ass vets who couldnt get a ring by themselves for 15 years and took a huge paycut to try and get one.

Malone (loved how this bit** signed with Lakers!!, hahahah)
Drexler (yea Houston won with him, but he belongs in the list)

oh, Jason Kidd..

He would make the cavs worse. That guy is done, he needs to get his GF, Hope D (who is fine as hell), pregnate again or something!! Dallas gave up a great PG, who was young and could dish the ball just as well, up for this old ass wife beater!! To me it was a great move, cause I'm from houston and Harris and Terry always killed the rockets. But Cavs have great role players and gettin Kidd would fuk things up there. Kidd needs to be done or go to LA, where all vets sign hoping for a ring.
In other news, The Cavs have signed Brad Daugherty for the stretch run.

This is gonna be soemthing if/when Cleveland wins 69 games and doesn't win a ship. Great year by them. East is as weakk as ever but they have stayed the course.
In other news, The Cavs have signed Brad Daugherty for the stretch run.

This is gonna be soemthing if/when Cleveland wins 69 games and doesn't win a ship. Great year by them. East is as weakk as ever but they have stayed the course.



11 conference finals in 22 years

3 ships

5 finals appearances

No whining here, just pure excellence. No other team can claim such an era the past two decades.

The Drive
The Fumble
The Shot
The Mistake by the Lake

Long ways away, but just don't think they have enough inside toughess to get it done. Lakers speed and agility inside already showed in previous matchups.
In other news, The Cavs have signed Brad Daugherty for the stretch run.

This is gonna be soemthing if/when Cleveland wins 69 games and doesn't win a ship. Great year by them. East is as weakk as ever but they have stayed the course.

east has 3 of the top 4 teams in the nba...dont call that weak..sure from top to bottom,west is probably better..but imo only 1 team in the west has a chance of beating us in a 7 game series
as far as andy goes...if you watched tonight,he is the reason we won down the stretch..i think you guys will miss..there isnt a 4 id want more in the league need someone like that..he is clevelands rodman, only can play offense 10x better