NBA Injuries & Issues for TNT Thursday

Avery Johnson had this to say about this tripe about trading for Jason Kidd.

"We're not involved," Johnson said about the trade rumors. "Anybody has the right to throw out names and speculate, but we're not involved. That's all I can tell [Maverick players]. We're not involved. We like our team, we're moving forward with our team."

I think the Cavs should go for Kidd. even trading half their damned lineup would do them a world of good. Lebron, Kidd, Varejao off the bench and some role players would be a formidable team.
Chris Wilcox, who injured his elbow Tuesday, missed Wednesday's practice.

We have nothing more to go on than that, so consider him questionable for tonight's game against Cleveland.
Wally Sczerbiak is now OUT for tonight.

....big deal?

Wilkins is playing.

I think so. Wally has been scoring and shooting well off the bench for awhile. One thing SEA lacks is jump shooters is which is why they go through dry spells. Real early on Wilkins was shooting well but eventually faded. Think Wally scored 15 or more in all but 2 Jan games and is 48 % from 3 at home.

WIlcox is also HUGE IMO....This game could be quite the bore if these two and LEbron miss which I doubt happens....
maybe. but typing it out gets it into my head.


it helps me. if it helps others, that's great, but it really isn't a public service announcement at its root.

as a heads up, folks...

that useless fuck Robert Swift ought to be nearing a return to action. This can only help the sonics chances in the lottery...
this is interesting...

Durant is out...? wtf?


<map id="cavs_header_photos_615" name="cavs_header_photos_615"><area shape="rect" #cleveland="" coords="500,0,605,44" href="" title="Cleveland Clinic Sports Health " target="_blank"><area shape="default" nohref="nohref" alt=""> </map> <table id="rightTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100"> <tbody><tr><td>
<table bgcolor="#fefab6" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td>
Cavaliers Injury Report – January 31st, 2008
Cavaliers forward LeBron James experienced a right ankle sprain at the :23.3 second mark of the second quarter in last night's Cavaliers game in Portland vs. the Trail Blazers. He returned to start the second half and played the remainder of the game. He traveled with the team to Seattle following the game, was re-evaluated this morning and is currently listed as a game time decision for tonight's Cavaliers/SuperSonics game. </td></tr> </tbody></table>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="590"> <tbody><tr><td colspan="5"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="590"><tbody><tr> <td valign="top" width="270">
Cleveland Cavaliers
Record: 25-19
Streak: Won 2

Injury Report:
LeBron James - Right Ankle Sprain (GTD)
Anderson Varejao - Left Ankle Sprain (O)
Sash Pavlovic - Left Foot Sprain (O) </td> <td width="35">
</td><td valign="top" width="270">
Seattle SuperSonics
Record: 10-35
Streak: Won 1

Injury Report:
Nick Collison - Right Knee (O)
Kevin Durant - Right Thigh (O)
Kurt Thomas Right Knee Bruise (O)
Delonte West - Right Foot Plantar (O)
Robert Swift Right Knee (O) </td> </tr></tbody></table></td></tr> </tbody></table>
<table align="center"><tbody><tr><td>INJURY KEY: O = Out | D = Doubtful | P = Probable | GTD = Game-Time Decision | TBD = To Be Determined</td></tr></tbody></table> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="590"> <tbody><tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td colspan="5" align="center" height="10">
</td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#9e2328"><td colspan="5" bordercolor="black" border="1" align="center">CLEVELAND CAVALIERS</td></tr> <tr><td align="center">Forward

Gooden</td> <td align="center">Forward

James</td> <td align="center">Center

Ilgauskas</td> <td align="center">Guard

Newble</td> <td align="center">Guard

Hughes</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td colspan="5" align="center" height="10">
</td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#b00017"><td colspan="5" bordercolor="black" border="1" align="center">SEATTLE SUPERSONICS</td></tr> <tr> <td align="center">Forward

Wilcox</td> <td align="center">Forward

Green</td> <td align="center">Center

Thomas</td> <td align="center">Guard

Durant</td> <td align="center">Guard


<table><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="290">Cleveland Cavaliers at Seattle SuperSonics
Game Date: Thursday, January 31st, 2008
Game Time: 10:00 P.M. ET
Location: Key Arena
TV: FSN Ohio
Radio: WTAM 1100 AM </td><td valign="top"></td> </tr> </tbody></table>

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I understand why you do it and I read it everyday, it helps and it's funny. I was reading down the list and I started to wonder who the hell was left on each team, cause everyone seems to be hurt, that time of the year I guess. Keep up the great work and thanks.