**NBA In Game***

I was getting upset the other night with ESPN fantasy stats popping up prior to the game cast by a good 20 seconds.

Yeah, it's even worse on CBS I think. You really are much better off just following the tweets along the side, there's almost no point to their gamecenter.
Interesting, because in NFL and CFB, gamecenter is waaaaaay behind...you can follow the tweets along the side and see what's happening about 2 minutes before gamecenter updates.
i know dude i just have it open to see stats and other games but its crazy bs the way this works
They played a terrible last 3 minutes off the timeout that they called with momentum....

Lost every 50/50 ball
em you see things exactly right.

had they led going into 4th the doors would be completely off right now
you guys should should go back and read this from the start ofpage 4, you would never know that portland won by 17...lol