How bout some creativity? This is brutal (trey and Chauncey)
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Thoughts so far? Obviously can't control every variable, and honestly, I'll take anything that remotely resembles sports at this point. However, some of the differences in "courts" and shots that are NOT the same, makes this somewhat hard to digest. At least Levie tried to be sonewhat creative. Last match was most entertaining. I'm guessing Levine v Billups in final...
I get that we are dying for sports, but this shit was brutal. I’ve had better HORSE games in my driveway. Half these guys couldn’t care less, much less try. Pierce shooting in a vest in the rain? Like why? Can’t tell me these guys couldn’t at least get into a gym or facility, and the video quality was absolute shit. Looked like it was filmed in 1940. Quigley gonna win as she’s a pure shooter and is making shots on an unsteady ghetto ass run unless Lavine pulls that crap again using his lift and hangtime to do reverse layups.
I get that we are dying for sports, but this shit was brutal. I’ve had better HORSE games in my driveway. Half these guys couldn’t care less, much less try. Pierce shooting in a vest in the rain? Like why? Can’t tell me these guys couldn’t at least get into a gym or facility, and the video quality was absolute shit. Looked like it was filmed in 1940. Quigley gonna win as she’s a pure shooter and is making shots on an unsteady ghetto ass run unless Lavine pulls that crap again using his lift and hangtime to do reverse layups.

Yeah, it was a great thought in theory, but the production quality absolutely destroyed the whole concept.
To be fair, this has more meaning than the nba regular season and they appear to be trying harder on offense (though taking bad shots) while the defense seems about the same.