NBA Finals: Denver verses Miami

Denver is now officially in. Hopefully Miami follows suit later today. If that happens, Little Havana will be jumping all night!
Alright, officially can discuss.

I'll add odds etc to the first post in the morning.
it's time to give the heat their due.........maybe they just are THAT good ?? They dominated #1 see milwaukee, better than anyone nuggets beat and well new york maybe same as memphis and lakers

during the season new york was kind of same tier as lakers and t-wolves........btw i thought it was interesting we just saw lakeshow struggle to beat twolves and then people thought they would beat the nuggets

Heat have better series wins easily up to this point.......may be better team. I didn't fully buy in to this team as their regular season looked kinda trash and outside butler and adeboyo looks like guys off the street...........I am a believer now.

miami has better more efffient 3 point shooters. Not a believer in gordon shooting, porter and denver shooters in general rather streaky kinda like boston not pure sharpshooters like miami has transition d will be light years ahead of lakeshow. A better grind it out team.

I'd still take the starpower of the best player in the world prevailing but heat I think are just severely underrated and I'd only take plus money for the series here

when this braun kid for kansas is seeing meaningful minutes I don't think they are as deep as they think they are. He shouldn't see an nba floor
Denver, and rightly so, should be the favorite to win the series.

All the Heat have done is defeat each and every team in the playoffs they faced. You don't, and won't, hear or read about the injuries they have. Yet, if an opponent of theirs has a player injured many are quick to say that's why they lost. A team is greater than a star or two.

I have yet to look at this series to come up with a wagering game plan - 24 hour rule, enjoy the victory for tomorrow we begin the quest for four (wins) all over again.

Many are saying no chance/Denver in 5 and while I disagree with it, I don't have any issues with other people's opinions as long as they respect ones different than theirs. Make no mistake, I want my Florida teams to win no matter the sport and will cheer/root for them but am ultra critical of them for I am not a homer.

One thing I will share, right now, is their is zero chatter/talk about 'happy to be here' (finals) and going to rollover. The team and fans know their is still work to be done. Just like in the Nuggets camp.
Still can’t get it out of my head the Meattles were a few mins away from losing to the 10 seeded Bulls before going on this run. Everything sort of worked out for them, but they’re certainly doing what it takes to win. Primarily that zone.

That zone will die in Denver. It won’t work vs Joker. It has been the great equalizer for them this playoffs and allowed them to get away with being so poor defensively skills and athletic wise.

Jokic is must watch but other than that this has a bubble feel of an NBA finals.
ESPN has come out stating Denver has a 92%/Miami 8% to win the championship this season. That's five percent more on the Heat when they took down the Celtics.
That doesn't mean much, but I think that Denver and Jokic deserve this title way more than the Heat do. Even against the Lakers, though I rooted for the Lakers, I wasn't too disappointed Denver won. I think this is best chance for Denver to win a title.
It's hard not to respect the Heat for what they did getting to the Finals, but they just not a good team. They were mediocre at best, all season long. They won the Bucks, but besides that, Knicks and Celtics suck. Boston has good team, but not even close to being a ring. They lack second star and Brown isn't it.
Heat won due to the spirit of the organization and Butler, but it's hard to believe Strus, Martin and even Vincent will be able to repeat the series they had against Celtics, Hero's return can do more bad than good, Lowry probably their best bet, but he been bad all season and Love will get another chance to prove he can stay on the floor on both ends.
Denver appear to be hungry, focused and I think no one will argue that they are the better, more talented team...
Should be fun!
That doesn't mean much, but I think that Denver and Jokic deserve this title way more than the Heat do. Even against the Lakers, though I rooted for the Lakers, I wasn't too disappointed Denver won. I think this is best chance for Denver to win a title.
It's hard not to respect the Heat for what they did getting to the Finals, but they just not a good team. They were mediocre at best, all season long. They won the Bucks, but besides that, Knicks and Celtics suck. Boston has good team, but not even close to being a ring. They lack second star and Brown isn't it.
Heat won due to the spirit of the organization and Butler, but it's hard to believe Strus, Martin and even Vincent will be able to repeat the series they had against Celtics, Hero's return can do more bad than good, Lowry probably their best bet, but he been bad all season and Love will get another chance to prove he can stay on the floor on both ends.
Denver appear to be hungry, focused and I think no one will argue that they are the better, more talented team...
Should be fun!
You present your side well but one can also make a case for Miami winning.

I do agree with you that this should be a fun series.

Denver played damn well on offense, like they usually do.

Bam was awesome.

Jimmy was bad.

Strus was brutal.

Miami will have a hot game at home, might steal one, but this series is essentially over already.

You need Jimmy Milwaukee series to even make this interesting. Denver should be able to slowly dissect this team.

I will say, Miami can get the shots they want, they just won't be able to execute at a high enough level to keep up.

Big Spo fan but that advantage simply isn't enough here.

GG heat.
Before I get started, let me congratulate Denver for scoring more points, 104 to 93, than Miami.

Many/most on this site are ready to bury the Heat thinking a sweep or five game series at most is in order for the Nuggets. Everyone has the right to their opinion and it's okay to have a or some differences (of opinions). Denver did what it was supposed to do, win game one. They lead the best of seven series one game to none.

Miami took everything Denver had and still made the Nuggets uncomfortable. At one point Denver was up by TWENTY-ONE, yet Miami never quit and kept coming. The Heat were still diving for loose balls, don't recall seeing the home team do that, which represents effort. It would have been very easy for them, Miami, at that point to roll over on the game but they didn't.

Another positive point is Miami out scored Denver in the second half, 51-45, and fourth quarter, 30-20. Hhhhmmnnn, halftime comes and with it adjustments and the scoreboard reflects it, rather 'interesting' isn't it?

Were the Heat haters aware, they kept Denver twelve points under their playoff points per game average? Despite them making over fifty-one percent of their field goals, Denver could not put the game out of reach ('Dagger' as I call it). Miami's defense needs to be recognized for their superb effort.

Did the haters realize the zones used caused issues for Denver's two man game in the second half? Again, a halftime adjustments. Never did you see a look of panic on any of the Heat players or coaching staff. They compete. They are mentally strong.

Seriously, only TWO free throw attempts for Miami for the game while the home team had TWENTY. Some of it was from the Heat settling for jumpshots, instead of continuing to drive to the hoop, but what was called on one team wasn't on the other. That will change for game two. I look for Miami to create more opportunities that will have them driving to the basket. It's one thing to have free throw attempts be off by a reasonable amount but eighteen is not that number.

The Heat will improve their transition game for game two and future games this series which will lead to more scoring opportunities.

Miami will come up with a plan to reduce the number of points in the paint they gave up. Denver outscored them 46-38 and a great deal was the cause and effect of one player. He is very good and tough to defend BUT every player has weaknesses and if/when the Heat do that Denver's chances will decrease significantly. I know, easier said than done, but give Coach Spoelstra time and he finds a way to make it happen/work.

Miami took a real hard punch from Denver last night but they're still standing and for anyone to think, let alone say aloud, otherwise is very, very foolish. Both teams will make adjustments for game two but given the history of success Coach Erik has, it'd be really un-smart to count the Heat out.
Denver didn’t even play their best game and had a comfortable lead since tip-off, closest they got to was 9 in the second half and quickly shot back up to 14-16. There was no real concern of a comeback except for gamblers holding a +9/9.5 ticket in Miami

Make all the adjustments you want for Miami and coach Spo, but Denver is way too good to lose a best of 7 to Miami. 2 FTs for Miami, not even a starter, is absurd though
Denver played mediocre, but Heat played bad as well, missing tons of open shots. That's maybe the pressure of the Finals + altitude of the court and the inexperience of many of the Heat players.
Adebayo was so bad in Game 7 against Boston, where he couldn't score even when White ended up guarding him after switch, but came with the right attitude. Lowry came to play as well and I do think he is the key for the Heat to have any chance in this series. Love should get some minutes though, the lack of experience in the Finals was felt if you ask me.
Denver didn't play their best game as well, but they have Jokic and with him, everything seems easier. I always was a huge fan of Centers playing the pivot, with players like Sabonis, Divac and Nikola Vujcic, but with Jokic, it seems more like with Majic Johnson, I can easily see him play pointguard...
Many like Steph and so on, but for me, Joker is truly most fun player to watch in the league. Tonight should be fun and if Denver wants to stay out of trouble, they need to secure 2 - 0 before heading to Florida...
Before I get started, let me congratulate Denver for scoring more points, 104 to 93, than Miami.

Many/most on this site are ready to bury the Heat thinking a sweep or five game series at most is in order for the Nuggets. Everyone has the right to their opinion and it's okay to have a or some differences (of opinions). Denver did what it was supposed to do, win game one. They lead the best of seven series one game to none.

Miami took everything Denver had and still made the Nuggets uncomfortable. At one point Denver was up by TWENTY-ONE, yet Miami never quit and kept coming. The Heat were still diving for loose balls, don't recall seeing the home team do that, which represents effort. It would have been very easy for them, Miami, at that point to roll over on the game but they didn't.

Another positive point is Miami out scored Denver in the second half, 51-45, and fourth quarter, 30-20. Hhhhmmnnn, halftime comes and with it adjustments and the scoreboard reflects it, rather 'interesting' isn't it?

Were the Heat haters aware, they kept Denver twelve points under their playoff points per game average? Despite them making over fifty-one percent of their field goals, Denver could not put the game out of reach ('Dagger' as I call it). Miami's defense needs to be recognized for their superb effort.

Did the haters realize the zones used caused issues for Denver's two man game in the second half? Again, a halftime adjustments. Never did you see a look of panic on any of the Heat players or coaching staff. They compete. They are mentally strong.

Seriously, only TWO free throw attempts for Miami for the game while the home team had TWENTY. Some of it was from the Heat settling for jumpshots, instead of continuing to drive to the hoop, but what was called on one team wasn't on the other. That will change for game two. I look for Miami to create more opportunities that will have them driving to the basket. It's one thing to have free throw attempts be off by a reasonable amount but eighteen is not that number.

The Heat will improve their transition game for game two and future games this series which will lead to more scoring opportunities.

Miami will come up with a plan to reduce the number of points in the paint they gave up. Denver outscored them 46-38 and a great deal was the cause and effect of one player. He is very good and tough to defend BUT every player has weaknesses and if/when the Heat do that Denver's chances will decrease significantly. I know, easier said than done, but give Coach Spoelstra time and he finds a way to make it happen/work.

Miami took a real hard punch from Denver last night but they're still standing and for anyone to think, let alone say aloud, otherwise is very, very foolish. Both teams will make adjustments for game two but given the history of success Coach Erik has, it'd be really un-smart to count the Heat out.

Call me foolish then - but, again, this is men amongst boys. Kudos to a great season by the Heat, but this one doesn’t get past 6, and my money would be on 5. Denver just too good - in spite of the coaching advantage the Heat have.

And, while it’s great locker room chatter for a middle school hoops team, let’s not get excited about a team getting their dicks kicked in and then outperforming the other team on the scoreboard in the second half - this is the NBA.

That being said, if I am incorrect, I’ll be the first one to journey back into this thread with my foot in my mouth, with no excuses.
After two games, the NBA Finals are tied, one each. It's now the best of five with three games at home for the Heat and two for Denver.

Second game in a row, Miami kept the Nuggets under their playoff points per game scoring average.

Looks like the adjustments made by the Heat were effective. They won the first quarter of game two as well as the fourth quarter. First quarter adjustments should be attributed to the starting line-up and from game one to game two. The fourth quarter comes from in game reassessment of the situation. Coaches NEVER panicked. Players NEVER panicked.

If Denver does not win and win large in game three, they are in serious trouble.
After two games, the NBA Finals are tied, one each. It's now the best of five with three games at home for the Heat and two for Denver.

Second game in a row, Miami kept the Nuggets under their playoff points per game scoring average.

Looks like the adjustments made by the Heat were effective. They won the first quarter of game two as well as the fourth quarter. First quarter adjustments should be attributed to the starting line-up and from game one to game two. The fourth quarter comes from in game reassessment of the situation. Coaches NEVER panicked. Players NEVER panicked.

If Denver does not win and win large in game three, they are in serious trouble.
I'll say it again..

Let Jokic get 40+ and you win.
If Miami hits 17 of 35 from 3-pt land every other game, Denver is in trouble.

17 of 35 from 3
21 of 43 from 2

Basically the same shooting %.

Denver made a basket with 1:00 left in the 3rd and didn't score another hoop from the field until the 7:23 mark ... half a quarter without a made shot. If that type of scoring drought occurs every other game, Denver is in trouble.

15 point lead blown. Miami never quits, Down 50-35 with 5 to go in the first half and cut it to 6 by halftime (before halftime adjustments). Denver could not step on their throat.

Denver won Pts in the paint

I dunno, still looks like Denver is much the best to me but this Miami team sure does find ways to win games right now. Winning in Denver is no easy task.

Anything can happen in a best 0f 5 from here, especially with the better coach.

Also, Jokic is the best player in the league but he is the Lebron kind in that I don't think you can count on him to just do it himself at the end. He is a Lebron type, not a Jordan, Kobe or Laimbeer type.

Denver in 7 from here seems about right.
If Miami hits 17 of 35 from 3-pt land every other game, Denver is in trouble.

17 of 35 from 3
21 of 43 from 2

Basically the same shooting %.

Denver made a basket with 1:00 left in the 3rd and didn't score another hoop from the field until the 7:23 mark ... half a quarter without a made shot. If that type of scoring drought occurs every other game, Denver is in trouble.

15 point lead blown. Miami never quits, Down 50-35 with 5 to go in the first half and cut it to 6 by halftime (before halftime adjustments). Denver could not step on their throat.

Denver won Pts in the paint

I dunno, still looks like Denver is much the best to me but this Miami team sure does find ways to win games right now. Winning in Denver is no easy task.

Anything can happen in a best 0f 5 from here, especially with the better coach.

Also, Jokic is the best player in the league but he is the Lebron kind in that I don't think you can count on him to just do it himself at the end. He is a Lebron type, not a Jordan, Kobe or Laimbeer type.

Denver in 7 from here seems about right.
Totally agree with this total post until the little shot at Joker at the end.
I'll say it again..

Let Jokic get 40+ and you win.
Both teams will have new adjustments for game three.

Game three is way more important for Denver. If they go down one game to two, the series will be won by Miami, it's just a matter of when (how many games). If the Heat lose, they are still in the series because as another poster in this thread accurately pointed out, they don't quit. With already winning out West, they are capable of doing it again (and again) if needed.

In game adjustments by Coach E.S. are a part of the reasons why Miami continues to have success.
Both teams will have new adjustments for game three.

Game three is way more important for Denver. If they go down one game to two, the series will be won by Miami, it's just a matter of when (how many games). If the Heat lose, they are still in the series because as another poster in this thread accurately pointed out, they don't quit. With already winning out West, they are capable of doing it again (and again) if needed.

In game adjustments by Coach E.S. are a part of the reasons why Miami continues to have success.

The Meat almost blew a 3-0 lead. Think Denver would be fine as long as they split. Whether it’s 3 or 4.
If Miami hits 17 of 35 from 3-pt land every other game, Denver is in trouble.

17 of 35 from 3
21 of 43 from 2

Basically the same shooting %.

Denver made a basket with 1:00 left in the 3rd and didn't score another hoop from the field until the 7:23 mark ... half a quarter without a made shot. If that type of scoring drought occurs every other game, Denver is in trouble.

15 point lead blown. Miami never quits, Down 50-35 with 5 to go in the first half and cut it to 6 by halftime (before halftime adjustments). Denver could not step on their throat.

Denver won Pts in the paint

I dunno, still looks like Denver is much the best to me but this Miami team sure does find ways to win games right now. Winning in Denver is no easy task.

Anything can happen in a best 0f 5 from here, especially with the better coach.

Also, Jokic is the best player in the league but he is the Lebron kind in that I don't think you can count on him to just do it himself at the end. He is a Lebron type, not a Jordan, Kobe or Laimbeer type.

Denver in 7 from here seems about right.
Shooters shoot and don't get flack from their teammates and coaches when the shots don't go down. Miami making more three's is not the lone reason they won game two.

Any team going on a scoring draught that long, is in trouble.

The Heat do not and will not quit. It's just the culture (of the team, be it from the owner to the "lowest" person in/on the organization).
Denver may, or not, have more talent than Miami but the said that about the Bucks, Knicks and Celtics yet here Miami is, in game three of the NBA Finals. The Heat play as a team, not individual players and it shows.

I sure hope you're not bringing up Bill Laimbeer.

Time will tell on what team wins and in what game.
Still not sure this Braun kid is gonna last in nba. Like brown...he's a one trick pony. Run and gun transition athlete and defense with major deficiencies everywhere else.

But the kid makes great cuts and quick passes. Winning but not in traditional nba. Actually beautiful basketball which kind of makes jokic redefining the way offenses will be run in future possible which is something you don't see talked about.

Porter is the most overrated guy in this series. Jumper is very erratic who also only can play in a up and down style volume shooting.

Overall I'm still taking miamis role players. Denver role players I don't think are as good as the gary Harris will Barton days. It's just
amazing how good jokic and murray are. Aaron Gordon is nothing without jokic but a good fit in the dunkers interesting to see if they can upgrade with role guys more in offseason
Still not sure this Braun kid is gonna last in nba. Like brown...he's a one trick pony. Run and gun transition athlete and defense with major deficiencies everywhere else.

But the kid makes great cuts and quick passes. Winning but not in traditional nba. Actually beautiful basketball which kind of makes jokic redefining the way offenses will be run in future possible which is something you don't see talked about.

Porter is the most overrated guy in this series. Jumper is very erratic who also only can play in a up and down style volume shooting.

Overall I'm still taking miamis role players. Denver role players I don't think are as good as the gary Harris will Barton days. It's just
amazing how good jokic and murray are. Aaron Gordon is nothing without jokic but a good fit in the dunkers interesting to see if they can upgrade with role guys more in offseason
This is a wild opinion with all due respect. I think the greater point that you're overlooking is that Denver doesn't need All NBA role players with Jokic/Murray. They just need strong two way players...wings who can defend, hit open threes, and know their roles within the offense.

MPJ was excellent up until this point as well. The big thing with him is that he became a decent defender this season but he's made a ton of mental mistakes this series with Miami's action, with the shot not falling at all it's tough. Braun is a rookie, pretty sure Denver is ecstatic with getting decent minutes out of a rookie in the finals
This is a wild opinion with all due respect. I think the greater point that you're overlooking is that Denver doesn't need All NBA role players with Jokic/Murray. They just need strong two way players...wings who can defend, hit open threes, and know their roles within the offense.

MPJ was excellent up until this point as well. The big thing with him is that he became a decent defender this season but he's made a ton of mental mistakes this series with Miami's action, with the shot not falling at all it's tough. Braun is a rookie, pretty sure Denver is ecstatic with getting decent minutes out of a rookie in the finals

Lol yeah the take is wild like the kid won’t warrant minutes. He’s a decent shooter, an insane athlete, and 21 years old. He’s not some bum they got off the street who is only getting minutes because he’s playing hard. The better question would be if he can become a starter for a championship level team in the next couple of seasons. But Braun isn’t going anywhere lol. What a weird take for a first round pick out of Kansas.
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This is a wild opinion with all due respect. I think the greater point that you're overlooking is that Denver doesn't need All NBA role players with Jokic/Murray. They just need strong two way players...wings who can defend, hit open threes, and know their roles within the offense.

MPJ was excellent up until this point as well. The big thing with him is that he became a decent defender this season but he's made a ton of mental mistakes this series with Miami's action, with the shot not falling at all it's tough. Braun is a rookie, pretty sure Denver is ecstatic with getting decent minutes out of a rookie in the finals
Actually that's the entire point I was making is joker and murray is so good it doesn't matter they overcome the role players....Braun literally had 1 good game where he made easy transition dunks. If it's not a ball movement system like Denver he's gonna struggle in the half court on offense.

That's what makes joker a must on any all time starting 5 imo.....he's not as good as Shaq maybe wilt Hakeem etc but he makes the offense flow better then anyone. Curry isn't a top 5 player either but he and joker would both be on my all time starting 5 just due to fit and flow.
People credit curry for revolutionizing the 3 ball.....maybe joker will revolutionize a passing point forward big ball movement offense